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Item Large-Scale Catalytic Synthesis of Crystalline Gallium Nitride Nanowires(Wiley-VCH Verlag, 2000-05-01) Chia-Chun Chen; Chun-Chia YehGaN nanowires for high-efficiency optoelectronic devices? The simple method for the large-scale production of GaN nanowires presented here may bring us one step closer. Gallium and ammonia are reacted, using polycrystalline indium powder as a catalyst, to produce wire-like structures (see Figure) that show strong photoluminescence of the nanowires in the UV region.Item Simple Solution-Phase Synthesis of Soluble CdS and CdSe Nanorods(American Chemical Society, 2000-06-19) Chia-Chun Chen; Chi-Yau Chao; Zon-Huan LangItem Controlled Growth of Cubic Cadmium Sulfide Nanoparticles Using Patterned Self-Assembled Monolayers as a Template(Wiley-VCH Verlag, 2001-01-01) Chia-Chun Chen; J.-J. LinSpheres, rods, and wires are the most usual morphologies of semiconductor nanoparticles. Here, in contrast, cube-shaped crystals of cadmium sulfide (e.g., see Figure) are reported. The “nanocubes” are produced on self-assembled monolayers of alkanethiolates on gold, and the size of the cubes can be controlled through the use of different solvents during the synthesis.Item Catalytic Growth and Characterization of Gallium Nitride Nanowires(American Chemical Society, 2001-03-28) Chia-Chun Chen; C.-C. Yeh; C.-H. Chen; M.-Y. Yu; H.-L. Liu; J.-J. Wu; K.-H. Chen; L.-C. Chen; J.-Y. Peng; Y.-F. ChenThe preparation of high-purity and -quality gallium nitride nanowires is accomplished by a catalytic growth using gallium and ammonium. A series of catalysts and different reaction parameters were applied to systematically optimize and control the vapor−liquid−solid (VLS) growth of the nanowires. The resulting nanowires show predominantly wurtzite phase; they were up to several micrometers in length, typically with diameters of 10−50 nm. A minimum nanowire diameter of 6 nm has been achieved. Temperature dependence of photoluminescence spectra of the nanowires revealed that the emission mainly comes from wurtzite GaN with little contribution from the cubic phase. Moreover, the thermal quenching of photoluminescence was much reduced in the GaN nanowires. The Raman spectra showed five first-order phonon modes. The frequencies of these peaks were close to those of the bulk GaN, but the modes were significantly broadened, which is indicative of the phonon confinement effects associated with the nanoscale dimensions of the system. Additional Raman modes, not observed in the bulk GaN, were found in the nanowires. The field emission study showing notable emission current with low turn-on field suggests potential of the GaN nanowires in field emission applications. This work opens a wide route toward detailed studies of the fundamental properties and potential applications of semiconductor nanowires.Item 半導體奈米材料的製備、鑑定及應用(新竹市 : 財團法人國家實驗研究院儀器科技研究中心, 2001-06-01) 楊正義; 陳俊和; 陳家俊Item 半導體奈米物質在發光元件上的應用及高排列性之半導體奈米線的製作(行政院國家科學委員會, 2001-07-31) 陳家俊Item Preparation and Characterization of Carbon Nanotubes Encapsulated GaN Nanowires(Elsevier, 2001-09-10) Chia-Chun Chen; C.-C. Yeh; C.-H. Lang; C.-C. Lee; C.-H. Chen; M.-Y. Yu; H.-L. Liu; L.-C. Chen; Y.-S. Lin; K.-J. Ma; K.-H. ChenA novel two-step catalytic reaction is developed to synthesize gallium nitride nanowires encapsulated inside carbon nanotubes (GaN@CNT). The nanowires are prepared from the reaction of gallium metal and ammonium using metals or metal alloys as a catalyst. After the formation of the nanowires, carbon nanotubes are subsequently grown along the nanowires by chemical vapor deposition of methane. The structural and optical properties of pure GaN nanowires and GaN@CNT are characterized using scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy. The results show that GaN nanowires are indeed encapsulated inside carbon nanotubes. The field emission studies show that the turn-on field of GaN@CNT is higher than that of carbon nanotubes, but substantially lower than that of pure GaN nanowires. This work provides a wide route toward the preparation and applications of new one-dimensional semiconductor nanostructures.Item Infrared and Raman-Scattering Studies in Single-Crystalline GaN Nanowires(Elsevier, 2001-09-14) H.-L. Liu; Chia-Chun Chen; C.-T. Chia; C.-C. Yeh; C.-H. Chen; M.-Y. Yu; S. Keller; S. P. DenBaarsInfrared and Raman-scattering studies of high-purity and -quality GaN nanowires are presented. The nanosize dependences of the peak shift and the broadening of the four first-order Raman modes agree with those calculated on the basis of the phonon confinement model. Additionally, the appearance of one Raman mode at ∼View the MathML source is attributed to zone-boundary phonon activated by surface disorders and finite-size effects. Moreover, the Raman-scattering intensities of certain phonons show a different resonantly enhanced behavior, which can be used to verify the information on the electronic structures and the electron–phonon interaction in GaN nanowires.Item Optical Characterization of Wurtzite Gallium Nitride Nanowires(American Institute of Physics(AIP) Publishing, 2001-11-26) M.-W. Lee; H.-Z. Twu; Chia-Chun Chen; C.-H. ChenThe optical properties of the gallium nitride(GaN)nanowires are examined by the transmission method in the ultraviolet-visible range (1–5 eV) and by the reflection method in the infrared range (500–4000 cm−1). The absorption edge of the GaNnanowires is blueshifted by 0.2 eV from the bulk edge. The temperature dependence of the energy gap is expressed by, Eg(T)=3.724−9.97×10−4/(861+T) eV. The plasma frequency and the free-carrier density of the GaNnanowires, deduced from the infrared reflectance minima, are estimated to be ωp=1100±120 cm−1 and nf=3.73×1017 cm−3, respectively. Obtaining the free-carrier density from the infrared reflectance spectra is especially useful in research on nanostructured semiconductors.Item 金屬、半導體奈米晶體在生物檢測及分析上的應用(臺北市 : 中華民國物理學會, 2001-12-01) 楊正義; 陳吉峰; 葉怡均; 陳正龍; 陳家俊奈米科技(Nanotechnology)的發展使得一些新的物理及化學性質陸續被發現,對於材料的研發也開啟了一個新的方向。本文將概要地介紹金屬及半導體奈米材料與生物分子結合,分別介紹應用上的實例。最後將簡單地敘述奈米晶體未來在生物科技上的發展趨勢及潛力。Item 實習教師在不同學校社群文化與不同實習輔導理念下之專業成長研究(2002) 唐韶玲我國自民國八十三年頒佈「師資培育法」後,揭示了往後師資來源管道多元化的政策,同時,依據民國八十四年「高級中學以下學校及幼稚園教師資格檢定及教育實習辦法」,實習教師必須在教育實習機構進行為期一年的教育實習,據此,確立了往後新制實習制度的執行。新制教育實習的特色之一是採取學校導向的師徒制,實習教師在實習期間除了要與實習輔導教師發展互動關係之外,也要對實習學校的社群文化有一充分掌握。因此,本研究旨在探討新制實習制度下,實習學校社群文化與實習輔導教師的實習輔導理念對實習教師專業成長表現的影響。研究採質性個案研究法,以文獻分析、學校社群文化、師資培育願景、實習輔導理念以及教師專業成長等理論為基礎,再配合教室觀察、現場記錄、訪談以及教師反省日誌等所蒐集到的資料,來分析實習輔導教師的實習輔導理念與實習教師的專業成長表現。研究將實習輔導教師分成結構、支持與專業三個面向,將實習教師專業成長分成專業知識、教學特性、人際關係與個人價值觀四個面向,並輔以雙方特質及互動情形,以及師資培育願景與實習學校社群文化等影響因子,來綜合探討實習教師的專業成長表現。研究結果發現:一、在實習場所方面:1.實習學校不同的社群文化將影響到實習教師的對實習場所的向心力。2.實習學校的實習規劃越周詳,實習教師的專業成長也更趨全面向。二、在實習輔導教師方面:1.實習輔導教師有完整的實習輔導理念時,實習教師將會受其影響,而獲得較佳的專業成長。2.實習輔導教師與實習教師互動良好者,實習過程將更加順利,實習成果也更好。3.實習場所的選擇是否適當,對實習教師成長將有顯著性的影響。三、在實習教師方面:1.實習教師對各領域的涉獵程度越廣,在教學上的表現也越豐富。2.實習教師的個人價值觀將影響到實習教師的專業成長表現。3.實習教師的個人特質將影響到實習教師的專業成長表現。4.實習教師對實習場所的融入程度越高,實習教師的專業成長表現也越圓滿。5.實習教師越能理解教師角色的複雜度時,越能獲得較佳的專業成長。6.實習教師若能掌握住未來教育政策走向,對實習的熱忱度也會相對提高。Item 碳六十固定化抗體感測器的研製與應用(2002) 潘乃瑜; Nai-Yu Pan本研究在研製一抗體的壓電晶體感測器,將塗佈碳六十的石英晶片作為研究碳六十與Anti-IgG抗體間的反應,以及運用此固定化之石英晶體感測器,偵測溶液中IgG抗體分子存在。結果顯示,碳六十能和Anti-IgG抗體結合,呈現出不可逆的化學吸附現象;碳六十與Anti-IgG抗體置於反應瓶反應,反應一天之後,發現有褐色的生成物,將此生成物經IR光譜的鑑定。並將其圖譜與碳六十光譜及抗體光譜做比較,得知產物是由碳六十及Anti-IgG抗體結合而成。 Anti-IgG抗體與碳六十的反應的濃度及碳六十的塗佈量亦做探討。而接上碳六十的抗體石英晶片,亦能偵測出IgG抗體分子,證實碳六十與抗體結合後依然有活性。碳六十及Anti-IgG抗體石英晶片於4℃的保存條件下,可以達到七天的保存期限。碳六十的塗佈飽和量為1.3mg。而Anti-IgG抗體與IgG抗體的反應條件受到pH值、溫度、濃度的影響。研究顯示其最適pH值於6.7,最適溫度為30℃。而此探針的偵測極限可到達3.25×10-4mg/mL。此碳六十/Anti-IgG抗體石英晶體感測器經過重複使用七次,仍然不錯的再現性。 本研究並對有機物質存在下,以石英晶體感測器感測Anti-IgG抗體和IgG抗體的反應,觀察有機物質對反應的影響。甲醇、乙醇、丙醇都做探討,發現其對本實驗有干擾。而苯甲酸、氨、丙酮、丙醛、苯甲醛的干擾也做探討。溶液中的鉛離子及銅離子的影響比較,銅離子影響本實驗較大。對於血液中的干擾物質如尿素(urea)、尿酸(uric acid)、維他命C(ascorbic acid)、半胱胺酸(cystein)、酪胺酸(tyrosine)亦做探討,發現其對於本實驗的影響並不大。鈉離子、鉀離子、鈣離子在10-3M濃度時,亦不會對本實驗造成干擾。 本研究亦利用石英壓電晶體感測器探討麥麩蛋白抗體及麥麩蛋白的作用。結果顯示固定上碳六十石英晶片的麥麩蛋白依然有活性。血紅蛋白及血紅蛋白抗體的亦做探討,結果顯示固定上碳六十石英晶片的血紅蛋白依然有活性,可以偵測到血紅蛋白抗體。Item 毛細管電泳螢光光譜法對尿液中低濃度毒品3,4-亞甲雙氧甲基安非他命(3,4-MDMA)與麥角二乙胺(LSD)之分析研究(2002) 方晴; Ching Fang3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine(3,4-MDMA)是一種強烈中樞神經興奮劑。本研究發現使用非水相毛細管泳層析/螢光分析法,可提供一種快速、有效的分離條件。利用加入3,4-MDMA-D5為內標物,依照分析物個別的電泳遷移時間與譜峰高度,直接對吸毒者尿液中代謝出的3,4-MDMA濃度做定量分析,每次偵測的時間僅約5分鐘,偵測極限可到1 ppm(5.2 ×10-6 M),輔以簡單的液-液萃取法可使偵測極限降至50 ppb(S/N = 3)。 Lysergic acid diethylamide(LSD)對人體大腦和神經中樞系統具有強大的危害性,受此藥物刺激會產生幻覺及脫離現實感。本研究針對LSD、iso-Lysergic acid diethylamide(iso-LSD)與Lysergic acid N,N-methylpropylamide(LAMPA)建立標準的分析方法。由實驗結果顯示,使用最佳化分離條件為100 mM SDS、50 mM磷酸溶液及3 mM Brij-30並加入Acetonitrile-Methanol-Water(5:35:60, v/v)緩衝溶液組成。此外,本實驗應用毛細管電泳掃集法(sweeping)與陽離子選擇性完全注射掃集MEKC法(CSEI-sweep-MEKC),可使偵測極限(S/N = 3)降至~20 ppb和~60 ppt。最後,本研究以水相毛細管電泳/低溫(77 K)螢光光譜偵測法與GC/MS偵測法應用於檢測嗑藥者尿液與一粒砂毒品中LSD的定性與定量分析。Item 氣相層析質譜法測定不同代謝性壓力狀態下老鼠血液中皮質固酮的濃度(2002) 蘇品源; Pin-Yen Shu本研究以氣相層析質譜儀(GC-MS),配合離子選擇偵測法(SIM)提供了一個簡單、高靈敏度的方法來偵測老鼠血液中皮質固酮的含量。老鼠的血液經過乙酸乙酯的萃取後,利用pentafluorobenzyloxime -trimethylsilyl (PFBO-TMS)為衍生試劑將皮質固酮衍生進行測量,並根據質譜譜峰選取m/z = 316, 648, 663, 678作為選擇性離子偵測法的主要譜峰來進行定性定量的工作。利用此法可將皮質固酮的偵測極限降至0.1 pg。實驗中並發現,當正常老鼠經接受類葡萄糖的藥物2-DG注射後,其血液中皮質固酮的濃度,隨著注射藥物量增加,而有明顯增加的趨勢。且在投予中藥柏子仁後,亦觀察到老鼠血液中皮質固酮濃度有增加的趨勢。Item 桂皮、牡丹皮單寧之分析方法開發及牡丹皮基原鑑定研究(2002) 吳雅婷; YaTingWu高效液相層析(HPLC)及毛細管電泳(CE)是目前最常用來測定中藥成分含量的分析方法。綜合兩者的優點,合併運用,可以拓展中藥化學評價的範疇。本研究以這兩種儀器開發桂皮、牡丹皮單寧酚的分析方法,並比較HPLC和CE兩分析方法的適用性及用為基原判別的工具。 單寧(tannins)為植物體內具收斂作用的物質,屬於多酚類化合物,一般指分子量500以上的類黃酮酚類化合物(flavonoid phenolic compounds)以網狀結構或氫鍵與蛋白質結合的物質,主要可分為縮合單寧(condensed tannins)與水解性單寧(hydrolysable tannins)二類。 本研究分二部分,第一部分為開發桂皮單寧的HPLC及CE分析方法。桂皮(Cinnamomum cassia Blume)為樟科植物的乾燥根皮,含1. (+) – catechin, 2. (-) – epicatechin, 3. Procyanidin B-1, 4. Procyanidin B-2,5. Arecatannin A1 ,6. Cinnantannin B2 ,7. Cinnantannin C2等七個桂皮縮合單寧成分。實驗結果顯示這七個成分可利用磷酸鹽沖提液、5C18-MS分離管柱及210nm偵測波長下,HPLC能於60分鐘內成功地分析這7個成分;用硼酸鹽、SC及異丙醇配製成緩衝溶液,在波長210nm條件下,利用MEKC分析模式,亦可在40分鐘內分析完成。在HPLC分析中,若要得到良好的基線,藥材萃取液須經適當的前處理;用CE分析時,則須加界面活性劑(SC)才有較好的解析度。 第二部分為開發牡丹皮單寧之HPLC及CE分析方法。牡丹皮是毛莨科植物(Paeonia suffruticosa Andrew)的乾燥根皮,以8個水解性丹皮單寧成分(1. 4,6-di-GG,2. 1,2,3,6-tetra -GG, 3. 1,2,3,4,6-pentra-GG, 4. 1,3,4,6-tetra-GG,5. 3,4,6-tri-GG ,6. 1,3,6-tri-GG ,7. 3,6-di-GG,8. 1,2,6-tri-GG)為指標,在磷酸鹽沖提液、5C18-MS分離管柱及以280nm為偵測波長,可在60分鐘內分析出8個成分;用硼酸鹽、SDS及異丙醇配製成緩衝溶液,在波長280nm條件下,利用MEKC分析模式,可在50min內分析完成。在HPLC分析中,樣品須經過前處理(Sep-Pak)才可得到良好的基線;用CE分析時,則須加界面活性劑(SDS)才有較好的解析度。 此外,本論文收集13批川丹皮(Paeonia suffruticosa)及10批西昌丹皮(P. delavayi),進行牡丹皮基原之化學辨識研究。結果發現西昌丹皮有八個明顯吸收峰,川丹皮的3,4,6-tri-GG(5)無法偵測;川丹皮單寧總含量為0.561 ± 0.065 mg/g,西昌丹皮則為1.390 ± 0.476 mg/g;川丹皮中PN/Pf的含量比為> 1,西昌丹皮則為< 1;川丹皮中3/2的含量比值小於11.4,西昌丹皮則大於15.2。根據以上數據,可做為辨識牡丹皮基原時的參考依據。Item Selective Binding of Mannose-Encapsulated Gold Nanoparticles to Type I Pili in Escherichia Coli(American Chemical Society, 2002-04-10) C.-C. Lin; Y.-C. Yeh; C.-Y. Yang; C.-L. Chen; G.-F. Chen; Chia-Chun Chen; Y.-C. WuThe synthesis, characterization and biological application of mannose encapsulated gold nanoparticles (m-AuNP) are reported. m-AuNP is well dispersed and very stable without aggregation in the media of broad ion strength and pH ranges. The selective binding of m-AuNP to the mannose adhesin FimH of bacterial type 1 pili is demonstrated using transmission electron microscopy. The competition assay with free mannose suggests that m-AuNP binds FimH better than free mannose does. This work demonstrates that carbohydrate attached nanoparticles can be used as an efficient affinity label and a multi-ligand carrier in a biological system.Item 光子晶體的製作與應用(臺北市 : 行政院國家科學委員會自然科學發展處, 2002-05-01) 李奕成; 陳家俊Item Fabrication of 2D Arrays of CdSe Pillars for Optics Applications(2002-05-26) Su, Y. W.; Wu, C. S.; Chen, C. D.; Chen, C. C.; Liu, H. L.Item 非等方性半導體奈米粒子的製備、性質探討及其在生化與光電上之應用(I)光子晶體的化學製備與應用(II)(行政院國家科學委員會, 2002-07-31) 陳家俊Close packed 3-dimensional (3D) arrays of silica spheres assembled on an indium tin oxide (ITO) substrate surface have been prepared using sedimentation in the solution. Both galvanostatical and potentiostatical electrochemical depositions have been tested to infiltrate six different semiconductors, ZnSe, PbSe, CdSe, CdS, CdTe and GaAs, onto the 3D silica arrays. The detailed studies of deposition parameters such as current density, deposition time, concentrations of electrolytes, solvents and temperatures were performed to ensure the quality of resulting semiconductor films on the arrays. Following by the removal of the silica arrays, 3D macroporous structures made from those semiconductors were obtained and the structures exhibited 3D periodicity and uniformity. Clear diffraction peaks at ~1350 nm of CdSe and CdS macroporous films were observed.Item 奈米晶體在生物檢測上的應用(臺北市 : 科學月刊雜誌社, 2002-10-01) 楊正義; 吳佳璇; 陳家俊