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Item Large-Scale Catalytic Synthesis of Crystalline Gallium Nitride Nanowires(Wiley-VCH Verlag, 2000-05-01) Chia-Chun Chen; Chun-Chia YehGaN nanowires for high-efficiency optoelectronic devices? The simple method for the large-scale production of GaN nanowires presented here may bring us one step closer. Gallium and ammonia are reacted, using polycrystalline indium powder as a catalyst, to produce wire-like structures (see Figure) that show strong photoluminescence of the nanowires in the UV region.Item Simple Solution-Phase Synthesis of Soluble CdS and CdSe Nanorods(American Chemical Society, 2000-06-19) Chia-Chun Chen; Chi-Yau Chao; Zon-Huan LangItem Controlled Growth of Cubic Cadmium Sulfide Nanoparticles Using Patterned Self-Assembled Monolayers as a Template(Wiley-VCH Verlag, 2001-01-01) Chia-Chun Chen; J.-J. LinSpheres, rods, and wires are the most usual morphologies of semiconductor nanoparticles. Here, in contrast, cube-shaped crystals of cadmium sulfide (e.g., see Figure) are reported. The “nanocubes” are produced on self-assembled monolayers of alkanethiolates on gold, and the size of the cubes can be controlled through the use of different solvents during the synthesis.Item Catalytic Growth and Characterization of Gallium Nitride Nanowires(American Chemical Society, 2001-03-28) Chia-Chun Chen; C.-C. Yeh; C.-H. Chen; M.-Y. Yu; H.-L. Liu; J.-J. Wu; K.-H. Chen; L.-C. Chen; J.-Y. Peng; Y.-F. ChenThe preparation of high-purity and -quality gallium nitride nanowires is accomplished by a catalytic growth using gallium and ammonium. A series of catalysts and different reaction parameters were applied to systematically optimize and control the vapor−liquid−solid (VLS) growth of the nanowires. The resulting nanowires show predominantly wurtzite phase; they were up to several micrometers in length, typically with diameters of 10−50 nm. A minimum nanowire diameter of 6 nm has been achieved. Temperature dependence of photoluminescence spectra of the nanowires revealed that the emission mainly comes from wurtzite GaN with little contribution from the cubic phase. Moreover, the thermal quenching of photoluminescence was much reduced in the GaN nanowires. The Raman spectra showed five first-order phonon modes. The frequencies of these peaks were close to those of the bulk GaN, but the modes were significantly broadened, which is indicative of the phonon confinement effects associated with the nanoscale dimensions of the system. Additional Raman modes, not observed in the bulk GaN, were found in the nanowires. The field emission study showing notable emission current with low turn-on field suggests potential of the GaN nanowires in field emission applications. This work opens a wide route toward detailed studies of the fundamental properties and potential applications of semiconductor nanowires.Item 半導體奈米材料的製備、鑑定及應用(新竹市 : 財團法人國家實驗研究院儀器科技研究中心, 2001-06-01) 楊正義; 陳俊和; 陳家俊Item 半導體奈米物質在發光元件上的應用及高排列性之半導體奈米線的製作(行政院國家科學委員會, 2001-07-31) 陳家俊Item Preparation and Characterization of Carbon Nanotubes Encapsulated GaN Nanowires(Elsevier, 2001-09-10) Chia-Chun Chen; C.-C. Yeh; C.-H. Lang; C.-C. Lee; C.-H. Chen; M.-Y. Yu; H.-L. Liu; L.-C. Chen; Y.-S. Lin; K.-J. Ma; K.-H. ChenA novel two-step catalytic reaction is developed to synthesize gallium nitride nanowires encapsulated inside carbon nanotubes (GaN@CNT). The nanowires are prepared from the reaction of gallium metal and ammonium using metals or metal alloys as a catalyst. After the formation of the nanowires, carbon nanotubes are subsequently grown along the nanowires by chemical vapor deposition of methane. The structural and optical properties of pure GaN nanowires and GaN@CNT are characterized using scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy. The results show that GaN nanowires are indeed encapsulated inside carbon nanotubes. The field emission studies show that the turn-on field of GaN@CNT is higher than that of carbon nanotubes, but substantially lower than that of pure GaN nanowires. This work provides a wide route toward the preparation and applications of new one-dimensional semiconductor nanostructures.Item Infrared and Raman-Scattering Studies in Single-Crystalline GaN Nanowires(Elsevier, 2001-09-14) H.-L. Liu; Chia-Chun Chen; C.-T. Chia; C.-C. Yeh; C.-H. Chen; M.-Y. Yu; S. Keller; S. P. DenBaarsInfrared and Raman-scattering studies of high-purity and -quality GaN nanowires are presented. The nanosize dependences of the peak shift and the broadening of the four first-order Raman modes agree with those calculated on the basis of the phonon confinement model. Additionally, the appearance of one Raman mode at ∼View the MathML source is attributed to zone-boundary phonon activated by surface disorders and finite-size effects. Moreover, the Raman-scattering intensities of certain phonons show a different resonantly enhanced behavior, which can be used to verify the information on the electronic structures and the electron–phonon interaction in GaN nanowires.Item Optical Characterization of Wurtzite Gallium Nitride Nanowires(American Institute of Physics(AIP) Publishing, 2001-11-26) M.-W. Lee; H.-Z. Twu; Chia-Chun Chen; C.-H. ChenThe optical properties of the gallium nitride(GaN)nanowires are examined by the transmission method in the ultraviolet-visible range (1–5 eV) and by the reflection method in the infrared range (500–4000 cm−1). The absorption edge of the GaNnanowires is blueshifted by 0.2 eV from the bulk edge. The temperature dependence of the energy gap is expressed by, Eg(T)=3.724−9.97×10−4/(861+T) eV. The plasma frequency and the free-carrier density of the GaNnanowires, deduced from the infrared reflectance minima, are estimated to be ωp=1100±120 cm−1 and nf=3.73×1017 cm−3, respectively. Obtaining the free-carrier density from the infrared reflectance spectra is especially useful in research on nanostructured semiconductors.Item 金屬、半導體奈米晶體在生物檢測及分析上的應用(臺北市 : 中華民國物理學會, 2001-12-01) 楊正義; 陳吉峰; 葉怡均; 陳正龍; 陳家俊奈米科技(Nanotechnology)的發展使得一些新的物理及化學性質陸續被發現,對於材料的研發也開啟了一個新的方向。本文將概要地介紹金屬及半導體奈米材料與生物分子結合,分別介紹應用上的實例。最後將簡單地敘述奈米晶體未來在生物科技上的發展趨勢及潛力。Item Selective Binding of Mannose-Encapsulated Gold Nanoparticles to Type I Pili in Escherichia Coli(American Chemical Society, 2002-04-10) C.-C. Lin; Y.-C. Yeh; C.-Y. Yang; C.-L. Chen; G.-F. Chen; Chia-Chun Chen; Y.-C. WuThe synthesis, characterization and biological application of mannose encapsulated gold nanoparticles (m-AuNP) are reported. m-AuNP is well dispersed and very stable without aggregation in the media of broad ion strength and pH ranges. The selective binding of m-AuNP to the mannose adhesin FimH of bacterial type 1 pili is demonstrated using transmission electron microscopy. The competition assay with free mannose suggests that m-AuNP binds FimH better than free mannose does. This work demonstrates that carbohydrate attached nanoparticles can be used as an efficient affinity label and a multi-ligand carrier in a biological system.Item 光子晶體的製作與應用(臺北市 : 行政院國家科學委員會自然科學發展處, 2002-05-01) 李奕成; 陳家俊Item Fabrication of 2D Arrays of CdSe Pillars for Optics Applications(2002-05-26) Su, Y. W.; Wu, C. S.; Chen, C. D.; Chen, C. C.; Liu, H. L.Item 非等方性半導體奈米粒子的製備、性質探討及其在生化與光電上之應用(I)光子晶體的化學製備與應用(II)(行政院國家科學委員會, 2002-07-31) 陳家俊Close packed 3-dimensional (3D) arrays of silica spheres assembled on an indium tin oxide (ITO) substrate surface have been prepared using sedimentation in the solution. Both galvanostatical and potentiostatical electrochemical depositions have been tested to infiltrate six different semiconductors, ZnSe, PbSe, CdSe, CdS, CdTe and GaAs, onto the 3D silica arrays. The detailed studies of deposition parameters such as current density, deposition time, concentrations of electrolytes, solvents and temperatures were performed to ensure the quality of resulting semiconductor films on the arrays. Following by the removal of the silica arrays, 3D macroporous structures made from those semiconductors were obtained and the structures exhibited 3D periodicity and uniformity. Clear diffraction peaks at ~1350 nm of CdSe and CdS macroporous films were observed.Item 奈米晶體在生物檢測上的應用(臺北市 : 科學月刊雜誌社, 2002-10-01) 楊正義; 吳佳璇; 陳家俊Item Fabrication of 3D Macroporous Structures of II?VI and III?V Semiconductors Using Electrochemical Deposition(American Chemical Society, 2002-12-10) Y.-C. Lee; T.-J. Kuo; C.-J. Hsu; Y.-W. Su; Chia-Chun ChenClose-packed three-dimensional (3D) arrays of silica spheres assembled on an indium tin oxide (ITO) substrate surface have been prepared using sedimentation in the solution. Both galvanostatic and potentiostatic electrochemical depositions have been tested to infiltrate six different semiconductors, ZnSe, PbSe, CdSe, CdS, CdTe, and GaAs, onto the 3D silica arrays. The detailed studies of deposition parameters such as current density, deposition time, concentrations of electrolytes, solvents, and temperatures were performed to ensure the quality of resulting semiconductor films on the arrays. Followed by the removal of the silica arrays, 3D macroporous structures made from those semiconductors were obtained, and the structures exhibited 3D periodicity and uniformity. Clear diffraction peaks at 1350 nm of CdSe and CdS macroporous films were observed.Item Fabrication of Two-Dimensional Arrays of CdSe Pillars Using e-Beam Lithography and Electrochemical Deposition(Wiley-VCH Verlag, 2003-01-01) Y.-W. Su; C.-S. Wu; Chia-Chun Chen; C.-D. ChenTwo-dimensional arrays of high refractive index structures can be fabricated using a combination of e-beam lithography for pattern definition and electrochemical deposition for structure formation. The potential of this method is demonstrated for CdSe, where nanopillars, mushrooms (see Figure), walls, and crosses are prepared. Such arrays have potential in optical device applications such as photonic crystals and waveguides.Item Ⅲ-N氮化物奈米線的研究(上)(臺北市 : 越吟出版社, 2003-01-01) 陳貴賢; 藍榮煌; 林麗瓊; 陳家俊; 許志偉Item Quantitative Analysis of Multivalent Interactions of Carbohydrate-Encapsulated Gold Nanoparticles with Concanavalin A(Royal Society of Chemistry, 2003-01-01) C.-C. Lin; Y.-C. Yeh; C.-Y. Yang; G.-F. Chen; Y.-C. Chen; Y.-C. Wu; Chia-Chun ChenMultivalent interactions between carbohydrate-encapsulated gold nanoparticles and Con A are found with high affinity and specificity.Item Enhanced Dynamic Annealing in Ga+ ion-implanted GaN Nanowires(American Institute of Physics(AIP) Publishing, 2003-01-20) S. Dhara; A. Datta; C.-T. Wu; Z.-H. Lan; K.-H. Chen; Y.-L. Wang; L.-C. Chen; C.-W. Hsu; H.-M. Lin; Chia-Chun ChenGa+ion implantation of chemical-vapor-deposited GaNnanowires (NWs) is studied using a 50-keV Ga+focused ion beam. The role of dynamic annealing (defect-annihilation) is discussed with an emphasis on the fluence-dependent defect structure. Unlike heavy-ion-irradiated epitaxialGaN film, large-scale amorphization is suppressed until a very high fluence of 2×1016 ions cm−2. In contrast to extended-defects as reported for heavy-ion-irradiated epitaxialGaN film, point-defect clusters are identified as major component in irradiated NWs. Enhanced dynamic annealing induced by high diffusivity of mobile point-defects in the confined geometry of NWs is identified as the probable reason for observed differences.