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近年來觀光產業興起,尤其因為原住民地區豐富的自然資源及特殊的人文環境,成為觀光發展的新趨勢。隨著社會的變遷,工業化後對大自然掠奪性破壞後的反思,全球觀光發展的趨勢逐步由大眾旅遊走向充分體驗大自然的生態旅遊。 新光鎮西堡是新竹縣最偏遠的部落之一,過去生活從自給自足到政府政策性的輔導種植各項蔬果維生。也因為對外交通極度不便,自然風光與原住民文化都獲得保存。在媒體的批露下,神木/檜木群公諸於世,也因此開啟了觀光的風潮。 早期當地原住民的生活與當地自然緊密結合,發展出獨特的生態知識,與萬物達到生生不息、共存的型態。這樣的永續經營的生活態度亦符合生態旅遊的要素:是立基於自然,重視環境教育與生態保育,並且對當地居民福祉有所貢獻。 本研究目的在瞭解新光、鎮西堡部落原住民對自身文化中生態智慧的認知,及對觀光發展衝擊的認知與態度、探討生態知識是否能夠應用於生態旅遊中,落實生態旅遊的內涵及精神,在發展觀光旅遊的同時,延續與傳承了傳統生態知識中,對於環境抱持永續發展的部分,達到相輔相成的效果,作為部落未來持續發展觀光重要的目標。 研究方法以量化為主,質性訪談為輔,以問卷調查方式了解當地觀光業者的背景及其對於自身文化中傳統生態知識認同與了解的程度;對於新光、鎮西堡發展生態旅遊之看法;另外以深度訪談的方式,訪問部落裡的重點耆老業者,了解其以傳統知識融入生態旅遊的經營現況,藉以發掘目前多數業者面臨之問題及需要加強改進之處,期能發展未來傳統生態知識與生態旅遊結合的觀光走向。
Abstract In recent years, with the rising of the tourism industry , especially the region is rich in natural resources , aboriginal and special cultural environment has become a new trend of tourism development. As the society changes ,and the reflection of predatory destruction of nature , trends in global tourism move gradually towards eco-tourism from mass tourism. Smangus and Cinsbu are the most remote tribes in Hsinchu County, in the past, people lived on self-sufficient agriculture, now they accept the planting guidance of government’s policy. Owing to the inconvenience of traffic , natural scenery and aboriginal culture are persevered. The Media makes public the giant trees and the cypress group, therefore, it starts the tourist. Early the local aborigine worked closely with the nature, developing the unique ecological wisdom, and all things reach the circle patterns, and coexistence. Such a sustainable approach to life is also consistent with the elements of the eco-tourism: It based on the nature, and had an emphasis on environment education and conservation, having contribution to the well-being of local residents. This study aims to understand the Smangus and Cinsbu aboriginal tribes in their own cultural awareness of ecological wisdom, and knowledge and attitudes towards the impact of tourism development, ecological wisdom can be applied to explore the eco-tourism ,the implementation of the connotation and the spirit of eco-tourism, at the same time, in the development of tourism, continuing with the heritage of traditional ecological knowledge in sustainable development for the environment hold parts complement each other, as an important goal of developing tourism in tribe in the future. The research is based on quantitative method, supplemented with qualitative interviews to understand the background of local tourism and to know the degree of their own identity. Besides, visiting the tribe's influential elders to understand its operating current situation and eco-tourism, in order to explore the needs to strengthen the improvement, and execute the tourism combined aboriginal traditional ecological knowledge and eco-tourism in the future.



原住民, 觀光, 原住民傳統生態知識, 生態旅遊, Aboriginal, Tourism, Aboriginal Traditional ecological knowledge, Eco-tourism





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