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Item 國際數學與科學教育成就趨勢調查2003(3/4)B(行政院國家科學委員會, 2003-12-31) 張秋男; 張永達; 蔡文煥; 謝豐瑞; 洪有情; 羅珮華; 楊文金; 張俊彥; 曹博盛; 洪志明繼TIMSS 1995與TIMSS 1999 (TIMSS-R)之後,IEA計畫再辦理國際數學與科學教育成就趨勢調查(Trends in international mathematics and science study 2003,簡稱TIMSS 2003)。我國在國科會和教育部共同支持補助參與TIMSS 2003調查,希望經由積極參與國際性研究計畫,可以進一步了解我國學生數學及科學學習成就與國際間之比較情形,其結果可作為我國科學教育研究與實施參考之使用。目前已知有27個國家/地區參加國小四年級實測調查,50個國家/地區參加國中二年級實測調查,總計有51個國家/地區參加此一國際性計畫。我國參加國小四年級和國中二年級的調查,國二於92年5月19-30日完成實測(Main survey),小四於92年5月26日-6月6日完成。分別各抽測150班,國二共有5380位學生和小四共有4661位學生完成測驗(不含被排除學生),每位學生必須填寫一份問卷和試題,受測班級之數學與科學課程教師需分別填寫一份問卷,校長或由校長指定專人填寫一份學校問卷。Item 國際數學與科學教育成就趨勢調查2003A(II)(行政院國家科學委員會, 2002-12-31) 張秋男; 李田英; 楊文金; 謝豐瑞; 張俊彥; 洪志明; 蔡文煥; 邱美虹; 林陳涌; 張殷榮Item 國際數學與科學教育成就趨勢調查2003B(II)(行政院國家科學委員會, 2002-12-31) 張秋男; 洪志明; 李田英; 林保平; 楊文金; 張俊彥; 謝豐瑞; 林陳涌; 傅學海; 洪有情Item 「二○○○年科學週---認識地震」巡迴展(行政院國家科學委員會, 2002-01-31) 李通藝; 王乾盈; 米泓生; 許瑛玿; 張俊彥; 楊芳瑩Item 全球科學素養與十二年一貫地球科學課程國際研討會(行政院國家科學委員會, 2001-12-31) 張俊彥Item 國際數學與科學教育成就趨勢調查2003(I)B(行政院國家科學委員會, 2001-12-31) 張秋男; 張永達; 蔡文煥; 謝豐瑞; 曹博盛; 譚克平; 張殷榮; 洪有情; 林陳涌; 傅學海Item 國際數學與科學教育成就趨勢調查2003(I)A(行政院國家科學委員會, 2001-12-31) 張秋男; 林保平; 張俊彥; 張殷榮; 張美玉; 李田英; 洪有情; 林碧珍; 傅學海; 洪志明Item 地球科學「虛擬實境」學習之初探(II)(行政院國家科學委員會, 2002-07-31) 張俊彥Item 問題解決為基礎之電腦輔助教材發展研究---中等學校地球科學(III)(行政院國家科學委員會, 2000-07-31) 張俊彥Item Assessing tenth-grade students' problem solving ability online in the area of earth sciences(Elsevier, 2007-07-01) Chang, C. Y.; Barufaldi, J. P.; Lin, M. C.; Chen, Y. C.This study examined tenth-grade students' (n=263) problem solving ability (PSA) online through assessing students' domain-specific knowledge (DSK) and reasoning skills (RS) in Earth sciences as well as their attitudes toward (AT) Earth sciences related topics in a secondary school of Taiwan. The students' PSA was evaluated based on a previous model (Chang, C. Y. (2004, November 26-27). Trends in assessing student earth science problem solving ability: the importance of domain-specific knowledge and reasoning skills in earth sciences. Paper presented at the Seoul Conference for International Earth Science Olympiad (IESO), Seoul, Korea; Chang, C. Y., & Barufaldi, J. P. (submitted). Does problem solving=prior knowledge+reasoning skills in science? An exploratory study. Journal of Experimental Education; Chang, C. Y., & Weng, Y. H. (2002). An exploratory study on students' problem-solving ability in earth science. International Journal of Science Education, 24(5), 441-452) which empirically established that students' PSA is a composite of DSK, RS and AT subscales. Major findings are as follows: (a) The correlation coefficient among students' DSK, RS and AT was relatively small, indicating that these subscales might have successfully represented different constructs of students' PSA; (b) a significantly positive correlation existed between students' PSA total scores and each subscale. It is, therefore, suggested that students' PSA may be potentially assessed online by measuring their essential components in the area of Earth sciences.