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Item 101-102年科學教育學門研究規劃推動計畫(行政院國家科學委員會, 2013-12-31) 吳心楷; 張世忠科學教育為國家人力品質的重要基石,台灣近二十年在科技發展的優勢多仰賴厚實的科教人力。國外各國對科學教育的重視,亦可見於國際評比研究將科學學習視為重要指標;而美國近年更積極推動 STEM programs (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics),可見科學教育的發展和研究為其重要的政策目標。基於以上背景,本學門在今年完成的工作重點可分成五大項:一、學門研究計畫的申請及初複審二、辦理研究主題討論群(special interest group, SIG)三、學門徵求重點的諮詢及修訂 四、辦理「培育數學與科學教育新進研究人員計畫」五、辦理學門說明會及寫作工作坊六、辦理學門成果討論會Item 2005-2009年臺灣教育學門國際論文排名現況(高等教育評鑑中心基金會, 2010-11-01) 曾元顯; 張俊彥近幾年來,國內教育研究環境經歷巨大轉變:政府於2005年起以五年五百億預算投入發展國際一流大學與頂尖研究中心,國科會自2003年推動數位學習國家型科技計畫以及目前的數位典藏與數位學習國家型科技計畫,而教育部也於2005年左右投入數年的經費進行師範校院轉型計畫。這些計畫投入不少經費來改善高等教育與大學研究的環境,其在各個領域的成效,逐漸受到大家的關注,常成為後續大規模類似規劃或政策的討論焦點。本文目的,在探究這段期間(約五年)內,國內教育學門的國際研究表現、論文發表的質量狀況,以及主要的貢獻機構。本文參考國際上大型的引文索引資料庫,運用多種方式查找相關訊息,以具體數據呈現這些結果,供各界參考。Item 2011非制式科學教育國際研討會-搭起制式與非制式科學教育的橋(行政院國家科學委員會, 2011-06-30) 張俊彥我國之厚實力量,主要依賴人才之系統化培育、經濟與科技產業計畫之周延務實發展,面對二十一世紀知識經濟時代的挑戰,科學教育所扮演的角色更為重要。本研討會特邀現今國內外重要科學教育中心及博物館之學者專家,包含:美國Dr. James P. Barufaldi、Dr. Carole Neves、新加坡Dr. Lim Tit Meng、德國Dr. Johannes-Geert Hagmann、韓國Dr. Eun Ah Lee、我國清華大學生命科學系李家維教授、科教館朱楠賢館長、科博館孫維新館長、工博館陳訓祥館長、臺師大科教中心張俊彥主任、彰師大科教中心林忠毅教授、高師大科教中心劉嘉茹主任、臺灣大學科學教育發展中心陳竹亭主任及國立台中教育大學靳知勤教授等,暢談目前國內外對於推動非制式科學教育的研究成果及我國辦理之現況與展望,促進研究者(學者)與教學者(教師)及學習者(民眾)的相互交流互動與啟發,從中亦能學習國內外制式及非制式科學教育連結之成功經驗,以期能有更多回饋至課室教學及自我學習成長的機會。Item 3-D geocellular oil-resource determination in south Texas Frio fluvial-deltaic reservoirs(1997-10-17) Holtz, M. H.; Yeh, J.; Chang, C. Y.Increased accuracy and possible variability of calculated original oil in place can be achieved by combining information acquired from both geologic and engineering reservoir characteristics into a comprehensive model. Three-dimensional (3-D) geocellular computer modeling facilitates this integration. Such an approach allows geologic architecture and engineering fluid-flow trends to be combined in order to delineate the spatial geometry of individual reservoir genetic units. Information from both disciplines can be used to determine the spatial distribution of petrophysical attributes within these genetic units, resulting in increased accuracy in calculating original-oil-in-place (OOIP) volumetrics. In order to determine original and remaining OOIP in South Texas Frio Fluvial reservoirs, 3-D geocellular computer modeling was applied. We found that fourth- and fifth-order flooding surfaces define reservoir architecture by constraining depositional units and delineating the spatial distribution of gross sandstone depositional facies. Depositional facies information was then combined with both conventional and special core analyses to generate porosity, permeability, water saturation, and residual-oil saturation transforms. Fluid-flow trends, including water:oil and gas:oil ratios, were analyzed to determine the connectivity within each fifth-order genetic unit. The 3-D geometry of each genetic unit was modeled as distinct bounding surfaces to constrain petrophysical property interpolation, and various controls on petrophysical interpolation were applied to test their sensitivity. Proportional geocellular layering character resulted in a 20-percent increase in OOIP, as compared with onlapping cells against bounding surfaces. A 6-percent variation in OOIP resulted when we combined onlap with directional interpolation bias as opposed to template weighting.Item 3D Compound Virtual Field Trip System and its Comparisons with an Actual Field Trip(2009-07-17) Chang, C. Y.; Lin, M. C.; Hsiao, C. H.This article delineates an online 3D compound virtual field trip (3D-CVFT) system developed by us and compares the 3D-CVFT with an actual field trip. Some possible educational implications in terms of the use of virtual reality technology as an alternative to the geological field trip are also discussed.Item 3D虛擬實境學習環境的創新內容研發與學習成效評估(行政院國家科學委員會, 2013-07-31) 張俊彥本計畫嘗試整合虛擬實境(Lin et al, in press)、動作偵測和紅外線控制器等不同的新科技建置一個全新的虛擬學習環境。在這新的虛擬學習環境中,內容知識不單只是學校的基本課程內容,還包括了非制式的科學學習(Miller, 2010; Rundgren et al, 2010)。因此,結合VR和SLiM的重要研究發現,我們試著建置發展一個融入SLiM概念的虛擬學習環境(SLiM Driven Virtual Learning Environment (SDVLE))。學生可以利用動作感應攝影機在SDVLE中瀏覽,使用紅外線控制器與環境中的物件互動。透過這樣強大的科技,試著幫助學生對於文化有更多的感知,並增進其科學知識。Item 95年科學教育學門專題研究計畫成果討論會(行政院國家科學委員會, 2008-03-31) 張俊彥Item 99年補助學術研究及新興發展計畫:從科學到科學素養活化科學的智慧模式(台灣師範大學, 2012-06-30) 張俊彥Item Action research in a high school initiated partnership: Catalysts for teacher development and school change(2010-01-22) Tsao, H. J.; Lin, K. H.; Cheng, C. T.; Tsai, P. H.; Huang, Y. K.; Chang, Y. H.; Chang, C. Y.Item Adaptive presentation for effective web-based learning of 3D content(2004-09-01) Wang, H. C.; Li, T. Y.; Chang, C. Y.In this paper we focus on incorporating adaptive presentation and 3D visualization into Web-based learning environments to enhance learners' learning outcomes, especially to facilitate learners' spatial reasoning on geometric topics in computer graphics. This system is called CooTutor (coordinate tutor). According to educational media studies, "Media and Method" are the main concerns of developing such a system. In CooTutor, interactive 3D media is used to present spatial relations effectively to the learners. Instructional methods and strategies are embedded in its adaptive mechanism by incorporating ITS (intelligent tutoring systems) techniques. Since geometric transformation is the example domain of our study, learners' spatial ability is considered as an index for adapting the presentation. To achieve better abstraction and flexibility, we have chosen to separate the concept sequencing from the underlying learning materials. We believe that Web-based learning could take more advantages of available computing power to enhance learning by realizing innovative instructional design, as in the case of 3D interactive presentation.Item Agent-based dynamic support for learning from collaborative brainstorming in scientific inquiry(Springer US, 2011-09-01) Wang, H. C.; Ros�, C. P.; Chang, C. Y.This paper seeks to contribute new insight to the process of learning during idea generation (i.e., brainstorming) by proposing and evaluating two alternative operationalizations for learning, which we refer to as connection-based learning and multi-perspective learning, during a carefully designed idea-generation task in the earth-sciences domain. Specifically, this paper presents two controlled experiments. In the first study we manipulate two independent factors, first whether students work individually or in pairs, and second whether students work with the VIBRANT agent or not. The second study includes one additional hybrid agent condition motivated by results from the first study as well as other enhancements to the VIBRANT agent’s discussion-analysis technology. Our finding is that while brainstorming in pairs leads to short-term process losses in terms of idea-generation productivity, with a corresponding reduction in connection-based learning, it produces a gain in multi-perspective learning. Furthermore, automatically generated feedback from VIBRANT improves connection-based learning. In the second study, support from an enhanced version of VIBRANT showed evidence of mitigating the process losses that were associated with reduced learning in the pairs condition of the first study.Item The analysis of an open online discussion forum in science(2004-06-26) Chen, H. Y.; Chang, C. Y.This paper proposes a methodology for the analysis of an online discussion forum on the subject of physics. Based on Henri's (1992) analytical model, the framework for content analysis of computer-mediated communication was employed to analyze the online discourse. The methodology was used to compare messages from the three selected topics using an instructional technique called "request-answer button". The frame work was developed to five dimensions of learning process in messages: (1) participation, (2) interaction, (3) social, (4) cognitive, and (5) metacognitive dimensions. The results showed that those participants demonstrating a greater interest contributed more to the discussions than those participants showing lesser interest in each topic. Moreover, the discussions' development patterns differed according to the degree of difficulty for each topic.Item An analysis on teacher perspectives about the constructivist instruction(2006-04-06) Yang, F. Y.; Chang, C. Y.; Hsu, Y. S.Item Analyzing empirical evaluation of advanced learning environments: Complex systems and confounding factors(IEEE Computer Society, 2004-10-01) H. C. Wang; T.Y. Li; C. Y. ChangItem An animation-based approach to clarify the meanings of questions in a technology-enhanced science learning environment preference questinnaire(2012-03-28) Chien, Y. T.; Chang, C. Y.Based on our previous work on investigating students’ preferences towards science learning environments, we found that students encountered great difficulties in understanding the meaning of questions which described how educational technologies would be used in a classroom setting. Therefore, this study used animations as visual aids to assist students in clarifying the meanings of questions in a technology-enhanced science learning environment preference questionnaire. The purpose of this study was to explore the impact of animation-based items on students’ responses and its association with students’ visual images. The results revealed that students’ responses to the Animation-Based Questionnaire (ABQ) were significantly different from their responses to the Text-Based Questionnaire (TBQ). Moreover, we found that the vividness of students’ visual images is a significant predictor in explaining the students’ response changes between ABQ and TBQ (p = .005). It suggests that the clearer the students’ visual images stimulated from the description of a survey question in TBQ, the more likely the students will change their responses more prominently to that question on ABQ. This finding confirms that students interpret a survey question not only based the verbal representations they form from the question descriptions but also visual images. The questionnaire design should more cautiously take this individual difference into accountItem The application of the 3D virtual reality on field trip: Taking the Example of Hsiaoyukeng(2008-04-02) Lin, M. C.; Chang, C. Y.The 3D Compound Virtual Field Trip (3D-CVFT) system was built by combining the Graphic- based VR and the Image-based VR. Students can make preparations for the trip on the 3D- CVFT before actual Hsiaoyukeng field trip, a post-volcanic activity area, and learn the particular knowledge about there. Then, we go to actual Hsiaoyukeng field trip to feel the sulfureous smell and finish some manual tasks. For theaters, the 3D-CVFT system is not only preparation but assessment. Students maybe asked to present their finding and the group home work on the 3D-CVFT system as a platform.Item The Application of VLE with 3D Google Earth and Interactive Technology(2013-07-31) Liou, W. K.; Chang, C. YItem Applications of the 3DVR Learning Environment for Field Trip(2011-09-09) Lin, M. C.; Chang, C. Y.Item Are you SLiM from a biological perspective? -- Evaluating scientific literacy in media regarding biological terms(2010-07-17) Chang Rundgren, S. N.; Rundgren, C. J.; Chang, C. Y.Item Are you SLiM? – Developing an instrument for civic scientific literacy measurement (SLiM) based on media coverage(SAGE Publications, 2012-08-01) Rundgren, C. J.; Chang Rundgren, S. N.; Tseng, Y. H.; Lin Pei-Ling; Chang, C. Y.The purpose of this study is to develop an instrument to assess civic scientific literacy measurement (SLiM), based on media coverage. A total of 50 multiple-choice items were developed based on the most common scientific terms appearing in media within Taiwan. These questions covered the subjects of biology (45.26%, 22 items), earth science (37.90%, 19 items), physics (11.58%, 6 items) and chemistry (5.26%, 3 items). A total of 1034 students from three distinct groups (7th graders, 10th graders, and undergraduates) were invited to participate in this study. The reliability of this instrument was 0.86 (KR 20). The average difficulty of the SLiM ranged from 0.19 to 0.91, and the discrimination power was 0.1 to 0.59. According to participants’ performances on SLiM, it was revealed that 10th graders (Mean = 37.34±0.23) performed better than both undergraduates (Mean = 33.00±0.33) and 7th graders (Mean = 26.73±0.45) with significant differences in their SLiM.