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本研究旨在探討單字盒教學法對國中輕度智能障礙學生英語字彙拼讀字能力之學習成效。研究對象為三名台南市某國中資源班之輕度智能障礙學生,以單一受試研究法中的跨受試之多探試設計進行教學處理。本研究之自變項為單字盒教學法,依變項為英語字彙拼字學習成效及英語字彙讀字學習成效。運用自編「拼字及讀字測驗」、「拼字及讀字類化測驗」之評量結果,並以視覺分析及C統計加以分析。研究結論顯示: 壹、單字盒教學法對國中輕度智能障礙學生在英語字彙拼字及讀字皆具 有立即成效。 貳、單字盒教學法對國中輕度智能障礙學生在英語字彙拼字及讀字皆具 有維持成效。 參、單字盒教學法對國中輕度智能障礙學生在英語字彙拼字及讀字皆具 有類化成效。 根據上述研究結論,提供相關建議,以做為未來教學與研究之參考。
The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of word boxes instruction on English word spelling and reading skills by junior high school students with mild intellectual disabilities. Participants of the study were three students with mild intellectual disabilities in the junior high school resource room. The multiple probe design across subjects of single subject research was used to evaluate the effects. In this study, the independent variable was word boxes instruction, whereas the dependent variables were learning outcomes of English word spelling and reading. The performance data of the participants were gathered by English word spelling and reading (generalization) tests designed by the researcher. The data were analyzed in terms of visual analysis and C statistics. The results of the study were as follows: 1.Word boxes instruction resulted in immediate effects on English word spelling and reading skills by junior high school students with mild intellectual disabilities. 2.Word boxes instruction resulted in retained effects on English word spelling and reading skills by junior high school students with mild intellectual disabilities. 3.Word boxes instruction resulted in generalization effects on English word spelling and reading skills by junior high school students with mild intellectual disabilities. Based on the above results, suggestions were proposed for the teachers and future researches.



單字盒教學法, 輕度智能障礙, 英語字彙拼字, 英語字彙讀字, 單一受試, word boxes instruction, mild intellectual disabilities, English word spelling, English word reading, single subject research





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