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本研究探討國立臺灣師範大學環境教育研究所(簡稱:臺師大環教所)成立十九年來,校友離校後職場發展狀況、在環境教育實務工作所面臨的困難與從事環境教育實務工作所需的重要能力、最後瞭解校友對臺師大環教所的課程、學習環境之看法與建議,以期提供環境教育人力資源發展參考。 本研究以研究者自行發展設計之問卷為研究工具,共發放137份問卷,回收問卷123份,回收率達89.8%。分析歸納重要結論如下: 一、環境教育專業人員是一推動永續發展之整合性人才,從101位具有從事環境教育工作經驗的校友調查結果,認為從事環境教育實務絕對不可或缺的三項能力,為「良好環境素養」、「規劃環境教育課程方案及整合企畫能力」、「人際互動溝通能力」。 二、在調查執行過環境教育工作經驗校友所面臨的困難中,認為比較困難的項目為「同儕中大都未經過環境教育訓練」、「協助環境教育工作的人力不充沛」、「環境教育活動經費不充足」,顯示目前實務工作中環境教育專業人力的缺乏與經費預算的不足。 三、校友認為臺師大環教所提供的課程、學習環境應加強與實務工作的連結度、並與其他環境社群、組織做連結,以培養更具理論結合實務之環境教育專業人才。
This study aims to look into the professional development of the alumni of the Graduate Institute of Environmental Education at National Taiwan Normal University since the institute’s establishment 19 years ago. By collecting and analyzing information on the professional development of the alumni, the challenges faced by the alumni in real work situations, the capabilities required in the practical fields of environmental education, as well as the views and suggestions of the alumni regarding their alma mater, this study hopes to shed light on the human resource development of environmental education. This study designed a questionnaire. 137 questionnaires were sent out, with a valid response rate of 89.8% (123 out of 137). In summary, findings are as follows: 1.A professional environmental educator serves to facilitate the sustainable development of environmental education. From the 101 responses of the alumni who have working experience in environmental education fields, three qualities emerged as indisputable: a. literacy in environmental concerns; b. ability to design environmental education lesson plans and facilitate integration into existing curriculum; and c. communication ability. 2.Challenges faced by practicing alumni include: a. most peers are untrained in environmental education; b. understaffed; and c. limited budgets. 3.The alumni suggested that the Graduate Institute should provide stronger guidance in terms of practical work, as well as interaction with other environmental groups.



環境教育人力資源發展, 專業發展, human resource development of environmental education, professional development





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