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根據國內外文獻,家庭親子戶外自然活動對兒童的環境教育具有高度重要性。因此,本研究的目標係以探索兒童的環境教育內涵,提出戶外自然活動之具體策略,以及探討家庭在其中所扮演之角色。本研究將會從戶外自然活動對環境教育的重要性、親生命性 (Biophilia) 如何支持戶外自然活動、戶外自然活動對兒童的重要性,以及家庭的角色四方面,探討戶外活動、親生命性、以及家庭成員三者在兒童環境教育中所扮演之角色,然後提出藉由自然關聯性 (Nature Relatedness) 之研究方法,說明家庭親子戶外自然活動,對兒童的環境教育具體實踐的有效性。本研究以立意抽樣方法取得問卷488份,並已進行克隆巴赫係數檢定以達到適合的信度,問卷亦已進行內容效度專家審查。研究方法配合量化與質性,包括自然關聯性問卷和兒童繪畫分析。有助瞭解不同背景的家庭藉由不同認知模式,教育子女親環境行為,係為學習原生家庭父母的環境素養行為良好方式。本研究透過實證,以提供親子戶外環境教育之具體建議。本研究結果表明,雙北市的家庭親子戶外自然活動,與自然關聯性與親生命性理論在國際研究上的結果相呼應:包括高和中強度戶外自然活動比低強度更影響兒童的自然關聯性:高和中強度戶外自然活動與兒童自然關聯性相關有8項指標達到顯著 (*p<0.05),當中7頂更是高度顯著 (**p<0.01) ,而低強度戶外自然活動與兒童自然關聯性則無顯著相關;在兒童繪畫分析中,兒童有明顯的親生命性傾向。研究結果亦發現,家庭造訪戶外頻率和強度對自然關聯性的影響比家長背景變項的影響更高:家庭背景變項中只有一項對自然關連觀有相關,而兒童年齡和自然關聯之間呈負相關:兒童年紀越大自然關聯性越低;此外,父母較高的教育程度,影響家庭參與更高強度的戶外自然活動,而家庭收入愈高則戶外活動強度與頻率愈高。本研究有助了解更多華人社會尤其台灣的家庭親子戶外自然活動與自然關聯性的關係,以引導將來更多這一方面的研究,填補學術上的不足。
According to the literature, family outdoor natural activities were of high importance to children's environmental education. The objectives of this study were to explore the relationship between children's environmental education, to propose strategies for outdoor natural activities, and to explore the role of family in such activities. The study examined the importance of outdoor nature in environmental education through Biophilia, the importance of outdoor natural activities to children, and the role of the family in these processes. The study also discussed the role of outdoor activities, Biophilia and family in children's environmental education, and the research method of Nature Relatedness illustrated that Family outdoor nature activities are effective in children's environmental education. In this study, 488 questionnaires were collected by purposeful sampling, and Cronbach's α tests was carried out to achieve suitable reliability. Questionnaires were conducted after a review of content validity by experts. Research methods combined quantitative and qualitative, included Nature Relatedness questionnaires and children's drawing analysis. The study helped further our understanding that families from different backgrounds can educate their children about environmental behavior through a variety of ways, suggesting children can learn pro-environmental behavior from family. In addition, this study provided suggestions for organizing family outdoor nature activities. The results of the study showed that family outdoor nature activities in Taipei and New Taipei City were similar to those featured in international research on Nature Relatedness and Biophilia: high and moderate intensity outdoor natural activities affected children's Nature Relatedness more than low intensity activities. There were 8 variables of high and moderate intensity outdoor natural activities correlated to Nature Relatedness (*p<0.05), 7 of them were highly correlated (**p<0.01), and there was no correlation in low intensity activities and Nature Relatedness. In the analysis of children's drawing, children exhibited obvious Biophilic tendencies. The results also showed that the frequency and intensity of outdoor activities had a higher impact on Nature Relatedness than parental background variables, there was only one variable of parental background correlated to Nature Relatedness. There was an inverse correlation between age and natural association: the older the children the lower the Nature Relatedness; In addition, higher parental education levels affected family participation in higher intensive outdoor natural activities, and higher family income increased the frequency and intensity of outdoor activities. The study assisted our understanding about the relationship between family outdoor nature activities and Nature Relatedness in the Sinophone world, specifically in Taiwan, filled the knowledge gap in this field, and guided future research in this area.
According to the literature, family outdoor natural activities were of high importance to children's environmental education. The objectives of this study were to explore the relationship between children's environmental education, to propose strategies for outdoor natural activities, and to explore the role of family in such activities. The study examined the importance of outdoor nature in environmental education through Biophilia, the importance of outdoor natural activities to children, and the role of the family in these processes. The study also discussed the role of outdoor activities, Biophilia and family in children's environmental education, and the research method of Nature Relatedness illustrated that Family outdoor nature activities are effective in children's environmental education. In this study, 488 questionnaires were collected by purposeful sampling, and Cronbach's α tests was carried out to achieve suitable reliability. Questionnaires were conducted after a review of content validity by experts. Research methods combined quantitative and qualitative, included Nature Relatedness questionnaires and children's drawing analysis. The study helped further our understanding that families from different backgrounds can educate their children about environmental behavior through a variety of ways, suggesting children can learn pro-environmental behavior from family. In addition, this study provided suggestions for organizing family outdoor nature activities. The results of the study showed that family outdoor nature activities in Taipei and New Taipei City were similar to those featured in international research on Nature Relatedness and Biophilia: high and moderate intensity outdoor natural activities affected children's Nature Relatedness more than low intensity activities. There were 8 variables of high and moderate intensity outdoor natural activities correlated to Nature Relatedness (*p<0.05), 7 of them were highly correlated (**p<0.01), and there was no correlation in low intensity activities and Nature Relatedness. In the analysis of children's drawing, children exhibited obvious Biophilic tendencies. The results also showed that the frequency and intensity of outdoor activities had a higher impact on Nature Relatedness than parental background variables, there was only one variable of parental background correlated to Nature Relatedness. There was an inverse correlation between age and natural association: the older the children the lower the Nature Relatedness; In addition, higher parental education levels affected family participation in higher intensive outdoor natural activities, and higher family income increased the frequency and intensity of outdoor activities. The study assisted our understanding about the relationship between family outdoor nature activities and Nature Relatedness in the Sinophone world, specifically in Taiwan, filled the knowledge gap in this field, and guided future research in this area.
戶外自然活動, 兒童環境教育, 家庭, 自然關聯性, outdoor natural activities, children's environmental education, family, Nature Relatedness