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由於社會快速的變遷,社會的型態已呈現多元,從以往線性、保守、簡化轉而循環、開放、複雜的情況。另外,在科學教育的領域,也從往昔培育科學家延伸成養成全民科學素養,同時強調學習者可學取帶得走的實用導向能力,而能適應當時所在情境,將多元化科學知識加以選擇、自我建構出適宜的表現。在此多元文化、體制變革以及科學教育的價值、功能轉變等多重影響中,科學教師正面臨個人和群體間互動情境,如何從中抉擇、經營與自我調整等以勝任當前教育活動,便是一個極大的挑戰。 本研究旨在探討不同教式型態(學科教室型與特別教室型),國中科學教師專業成長表現;並在質性研究架構中,輔以文獻分析為基礎,配合深度訪談、現場資料、教室觀察與其他平面文字等為期兩年相關資料的收集與分析,同時依據Tjosvold(1997)和Deutsch(1973)的主張與衝突管理的觀點,形成教學特性、人際關係、學校文化、衝突管理四個分析向度,探討教師的專業成長表現。本研究經相關理論與文獻佐證,分析影響教師專業成長因素如下: 1.教師本身對教師角色定位、專業素養、個人價值觀及信念等的看法與願景,將會影響到教師在學校中實際教學中學習與教學的表現與成長。 2.不同的領導類型營造不同的群體文化,形成其不同特色和優勢,教師自身的教育理念在群體文化下,應加以選擇與配合以對自身專業素養 3.教師對教學環境的融入程度越高,教師的專業成長表現也越高。 4.教師在群體互動時,遭遇衝突所運用的管理策略與自身專業成長關係十分密切。 5.教師的教學若以學生興趣為導向者能拓廣教學活動的範圍。 本研究架構冀望探研出科學教師專業成長發展的相關因素,以作為相關師資單位參考之用。
  Due to the rapid change in the society, the social environment has become diversified. Besides, in the field of science education, the cultivation which aims for training scientists extended its direction to the growth of capacity in science. Now we put emphasis on the practicability-oriented ability that learners can acquire and choose multiple scientific knowledge in proper context. It is a quite great challenge for scientific teachers who are facing such dynamic condition as how to manage and adjust themselves.   This research explores the junior high school teachers of their professional development in different classroom types(variation type and usual& Variation type). In order to analyze how teachers develop professionally, this research includes the views of Tjosvold(1997)and Deutsch(1973)’s conflict management that divided into four analytic dimensions:teaching character, interpersonal relationship, school culture, and conflict management. Through theoretical framework, we get conclusions below: 1. The teacher’ view themselves of the teacher’ role, the professional literacy, values and beliefs will influence about teaching and learning. 2. Classroom type create many kinds of group cultures and superiorities. In different group culture, teachers should select and cooperate in their own ideals 3. When teachers are in harmony with environment, interns will get better professional growth. 4. Science teachers’ conflict management strategies will help hem develop well in group’s interaction. 5. Teaching directed by student interests will broaden the range of teaching activities.



教師專業成長, 衝突管理, professional development of teacher, conflict management





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