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二維材料近年來被視為下一世代的半導體材料,有別於三維材料,二維材料能以單原子層結構穩定存在,並且具備良好的物性與電性,可縮小現有的場效電晶體體積,提高晶片效能;除此之外,二維材料也能做為新穎的替代能源材料,將二氧化碳轉化成碳氫化合物,並且可透過釩摻雜來提高催化效率,期望改善全球暖化問題。本實驗研究的二維材料為屬於過渡金屬二硫族化合物(TMDCs)中的二硫化鉬,並著重於合成釩摻雜之二硫化鉬的方法,二硫化鉬不僅可應用於光電元件,亦可做為觸媒材料,若想將二硫化鉬應用於工業上,則需要合成大面積且連續均勻的薄膜,故此研究使用創新的合成方法: 覆蓋氣-液-固態方法來製備釩參雜之二硫化鉬薄膜,首先在矽基板上沉積四層前驅物薄膜,依序為:三氧化鉬、五氧化二釩、氟化鈉、二氧化矽薄膜,二氧化矽薄膜做為覆蓋層及擴散膜,防止氧化釩蒸發消失跟控制氣體硫的擴散,對於釩摻雜是重要的一環,若沒有二氧化矽覆蓋層,釩將無法成功的摻雜進二硫化鉬中;在硫化過程中氧化鉬、氧化釩與氟化鈉先反應形成鹽類液體後,氣態硫再穿過二氧化矽覆蓋層來與鹽類液體反應,最後過飽和析出釩摻雜二硫化鉬薄膜;此方法因牽涉到鹽類液態反應,因此能合成高摻雜濃度的二硫化鉬薄膜。
Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) have attracted people’sattention due to their outstanding physical properties. Molybdenumdisulfide (MoS 2 ) thin film has been particularly found unique applicationsin catalysis, optoelectronics, transistors, and energy storage. Theseapplications demand a large-scale synthesis of MoS 2 thin film with uniformthickness and high crystallinity. Besides, dopants in two-dimensionaldichalcogenides have a significant role in affecting electronic, mechanical,and interfacial properties. Controllable doping is desired for the intentionalmodification of such properties to enhance performance. Vanadium-doingcould enhance MoS 2 conductivity and carrier concentration so that it canimprove catalytic activity. In this report, a new capping vapor-liquid-solid(VLS) synthesis has been developed. Depositing MoO 3 , V 2 O 5 , NaF andSiO 2 on SiO 2 /Si wafer sequentially as a 4-layer precursor. Herein, SiO 2 actsas capping layer and diffusion membrane, which is critical for V-doping.During sulfurization, MoO 3 , V 2 O 5 and NaF will form Mo/V/Na salt liquidfirst. Then sulfur will diffuse through capping SiO 2 layer and dissolve inNa salt liquid. Finally, V-MoS 2 will oversaturated on the substrate. Afterthat, HF etching process is used to remove capping SiO 2 layer and V-MoS 2will show on the centimeter-scale wafer.



二硫化鉬, 釩摻雜二硫化鉬, 氣-液-固相, 大面積薄膜, MoS2 thin film, V-doped MoS2, vapor-liquid-solid, centimeter-scale





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