以LabVIEW程式比對非破壞性光譜圖 - 以東方繪畫常用無機顏料為例

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本研究基於文物保存與維護的安全,均 使用非破壞性光譜儀 拉曼光譜儀 (Raman) 、傅立葉轉換紅外光譜儀 (FTIR)、X射線螢光光譜儀 (XRF) 、X射線繞射儀 (XRD)。使用的無機顏料為台灣、日本所製造,大小為10號,此號數為 中間大小可獲得較佳代表性光譜。 本篇使用之重疊度運算程式,是基於模糊理論所開發, 計算光譜間的交集與聯集比例, 了解兩者之重疊程度 。並成功運用在非破壞性光譜之間 。 首先,計算印泥的螢光與拉曼特徵的重疊度推測畫作為相同作者的可信度 。去除螢光背景後 藉由資料庫計算重疊度,成功推測印泥成色物質為硃砂 (HgS),並非鉛丹 (Pb3O4)或其他有機顏料 。另外,成功推測白色部分主成分為碳酸鈣 (CaCO3),並非鉛白 (2PbCO3Pb(OH)2)、鈦白 (TiO2)或其他有機顏料 。 接著在資料庫 比對 過程中發現 黃色無機顏料 -岩肌的主成分改變,現在的岩肌並非以前所使用主成份為二氧化矽 (SiO2) 的紅玉髓,而是主成份為碳酸鈣 我們向製造商反應此結果,並 得知原礦已改變為主成份為碳酸鈣的紅色大理石。 最後,藉由拉曼及XRD辨別碳酸鈣顏料來源成功辨別珊瑚末與胡粉 其來源為動物性碳酸鈣,方解末為礦石性碳酸鈣。
For conservation of cultural relics, this study use the non-destructive spectrometers, including Raman, FTIR, XRF, XRD. Inorganic pigments having a size of No. 10 are made in Taiwan and Japan. The overlap calculation program is based on fuzzy theory. Calculates the intersection and correlation ratio between non-destructive spectra to learned the degree of overlap. First, calculate the degree of overlap in the fluorescence and raman peaks of the ink to estimate same author or not. Remove fluorescence and calculate overlap with the database. The substance of red is Cinnabar (HgS) instead of Minium (Pb3O4) or other organic pigments, white is Calcium carbonate (CaCO3)instead of White lead (2PbCO3•Pb(OH)2), Titania (TiO2) or other organic pigments. The main component of the yellow inorganic pigment is different. At present, Iwahada is not made of carnelian whose main component is silicon dioxide (SiO2), but unknown whose main component is calcium carbonate. We responded to this result to the manufacturer and informed the ore has changed to a red marble (CaCO3). Finally, the source of calcium carbonate pigment was successfully identified by Raman and XRD. Sangomatsu and Gofun is derived from animal of calcium carbonate and Hokaimatsu is ore of calcium carbonate.



顏料, 模糊理論, LabVIEW, 非破壞性, 拉曼光譜儀, 傅立葉轉換紅外光譜儀, X射線螢光光譜儀, X射線繞射光譜儀, pigments, fuzzy theory, LabVIEW, nondestructive, Raman, FTIR, XRF, XRD





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