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本研究以土地倫理、勞動教育、生命教育論點設計並評量探討實施蔬菜教材園教學體驗活動對國小學生知識、態度、行為意向的影響,研究設計採實驗組、控制組前後測不等距之準實驗研究,以桃園縣內定國民小學五年級四個班級共110位學生為研究對象(實驗組55人、控制組55人),教學體驗活動進行十一週共計十三節課,對照組則教授一般課程並未觸及與種植蔬菜之相關活動。研究者自行設計有關土地倫理、勞動教育及生命教育的知識、態度與行為意向量表以蒐集學生量化資料,再配合描述性資料收集,例如學生學習心得、訪談記錄、省思札記等,以瞭解學生對體驗活動的感受。 量化研究結果顯示,實驗組學生在體驗活動之後在土地倫理的知識與態度量表及生命教育的知識量表分數明顯優於前測,但是其他分量表則均未呈現顯著差異;而與控制組相較,實驗組在土地倫理的知識與態度及生命教育的知識顯著優於控制組。在描述性資料分析顯示,學生在土地倫理、生命教育二方面均有極高比例的正面感受,勞動教育方面表現則較為持平。此外研究結果亦發現,曾經幫忙過家人一起種植蔬菜的實驗組學生,在勞動教育分量表的態度與行為意向均達顯著差異,另在生命教育分量表的行為意向亦有顯著進步。 研究者綜合教學體驗活動後請教農夫及導師的看法,對於實驗組學生後測表現未如預期,可能原因為體驗活動過於真實且沈重、學生排斥寫學習心得、蔬菜受氣候與土壤等因素而成長遲緩,故提出四項研究建議,首先需考慮蔬菜種植的季節,儘量以春季、秋季較佳;而體驗活動的份量不要讓學生感到負擔過重,體驗活動的時間儘量控制在一個月左右,以保持學生高度的學習熱度;另外因為體驗活動的樂趣來自於親自動手操作,所以不一定要學生寫學習心得;而對體驗活動中學生出現的負面情緒,教師應該適時給予輔導。
This research is to test the effect of the gardening teaching module designed by the researcher to elementary school students’ knowledge, attitude and behavior intention. The research method is quasi-experiment design with the comparison between the experimental group and control group which only got the regular curriculum. The students of the experimental group received gardening teaching modules which emphasize land ethics, labor education, and life education and consist of eleven sections, thirteen hours gardening activities to teach how to plant the vegetables. The control and experimental groups answered questionnaire before and after the program and answered working sheets at the end of the certain sections. The result shows the students’ score of knowledge of and attitude toward land ethics and knowledge of labor education increased with significant level after gardening teaching program. At the same time, the experimental group’s knowledge of and attitude toward land ethics and knowledge of life education is higher than the control group’s significantly. However, the experimental group’s attitude toward the labor education decreased significantly. Based on the teachers’ observation and students’ description on working sheets, three reasons can explain the negative impact of the program. These are labor intension activities and too many worksheets for students as well as poor productivity of the vegetable in the garden during the program reduced students’ motivation. The research found the students who had planted vegetable before have significantly high attitude and intention toward this module. Therefore, the researcher suggests the gardening teaching module should be adjusted to reduce the labor work and teachers should usually encourage students during the program to overcome students’ tiredness.



蔬菜教材園教學體驗活動, 土地倫理, 勞動教育, 生命教育, vegetable, gardening teaching, land ethics, labor education, life education





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