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教師對環境教育有正確的認識,才能培養出具有環境意識的學生,《環境教育法》上路後,規範了學校環境教育人員協助教師參與環境教育研習,此政策成為教師認識環境教育的重要管道,因此本研究的目的在於了解學校環境教育人員之背景、其執行環境教育研習政策之認知程度、執行過程、困難與限制及整體感受的現況,並進一步了解不同背景變項對現況的差異情形。 本研究以臺北市、新北市、桃園市、新竹縣、新竹市及基隆市國民中、小學學校環境教育人員為對象,透過紙本及網路問卷進行抽樣調查,總共發放389份問卷,回收有效問卷291份。回收的問卷經由SPSS 22軟體分析、討論研究問題,得到本研究的結論如下: 1.學校環教人員多由服務年資長、正式教師、衛生組長擔任,且擔任的最主要原因為責任業務。 2.學校環教人員替換頻繁,多數未取得環境教育人員認證,在環境素養的知識方面較不足。 3.學校環教人員對於環境教育教研習法規的認知較清楚,但普遍認為辦理環境教育研習較流於形式。 4.多數學校環教人員每年辦理超過四小時環境教育研習,最常辦理的時間點為寒、暑假,以演講方式進行為主,多數會與校外合作辦理研習,最常合作的對象為非營利組織。此外,大多會提供教師環教相關教材或資訊,但僅有少數會擔任校內環境教育研習講師。 5.執行環境教育研習的困難與限制主要有經費不足、人力不足、共同研習時間不足及環境教育內涵不足。 6.多數學校環教人員對執行環境教育研習感到有收穫,但也是辛苦的。 7.學校環教人員之不同背景變項對環境素養、執行環境教育研習過程、環境教育研習政策認知程度、執行困難與限制程度、整體感受有差異。 根據結論給予相關單位之建議如下: 1.對主管機關的建議:鼓勵學校環教人員參與24小時認證研習、提供學校環教人員校外環教等活動的參與機會、校外環境教育設施場所及環境教育人力資源庫、申請辦理環境教育經費之管道。 2.對學校單位的建議:選擇有意願且穩定之人力擔任學校環教人員。增加環教人員人數,以分工合作執行環境教育。辦理環境教育研習的時間點以無課務的寒、暑假為佳。
If teachers have a correct understanding of environmental education, they can cultivate students with environmental consciousness. Since the Environmental Education Act was enacted, school environmental education staff have been required to help teachers gain curriculum on environmental education, which is becoming an important way for teachers to get more knowledge of environmental education. The purpose of this research is to understand the background of school environmental education staff, the levels of awareness for implementing the policy, the current status of the implementation process and the difficulties and limitations and the overall experience; in addition, it aims to understand the relationship between the staff’s different backgrounds and the current status. This study surveys the environmental education staff in Taipei City’s, New Taipei City’s, Taoyuan City’s, Hsinchu County’s, Hsinchu City’s and Keelung City’s primary and secondary schools by questionnaire. There were totally 389 questionnaires mailed, and 291 valid questionnaires were returned. The collected data was analyzed by Windows statistic packed software SPSS 22.0. The study can be concluded as follows: 1.School environmental education staff are more often served by senior and formal teachers, school health executives. The main reason of serving as a staff is its liability business. 2.School environmental education staff are replaced frequently. Most staff do not obtain environmental education certificate, representing insufficient knowledge of environmental literacy. 3.School environmental education staff more understand the law of teachers’ environmental education curriculum, but generally agree that holding teachers’ environmental education curriculum represents a mere formality. 4.Most school environmental education staff hold teachers’ environmental education curriculum more than four hours each year. They are most commonly held in winter and summer vacation through speeches, and schools often cooperate with nonprofit organizations. Furthermore, most staff offer teachers environmental education information, but only a few staff would serve as lecturers of teachers’ environmental education curriculum. 5.The main difficulties and limitations of implementing teachers’ environmental education curriculum are lack of fund, manpower, common learning time and environmental educational intension. 6.Most school environmental education staff feel that implementing teachers’ environmental education curriculum is rewarding but hard. 7.School environmental education staff with different background variables obviously have different environmental literacy, different process of implementing teachers’ environmental education curriculum, different levels of awareness for the policy, different difficulties and limitations, differently overall experience. Based on the conclusions mentioned above, the study gives some recommendations as follows: 1.To government units:Encourage school environmental education staff to participate in 24-hour certified learning. Provide staff with opportunities to participate in exterior environmental education curriculum, exterior environmental education facilities and places, human resources inventory, and channels to apply for fund . 2.To school units:Select people who are stable and willing to be the school environmental education staff. Increase the number of environmental education staff, and implement environmental education by division of labor. The appropriate time to hold teachers’ environmental education curriculum is winter or summer vacation.



環境教育法, 學校環境教育, 環境教育人員, Environmental Education Act, school environmental education, environmental education staff





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