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  1940年代綠色革命以後,世界上對於農業的看法主要可分為兩派:一為支持工業化、高效率生產模式的「慣行農業典範」,一為訴求與自然和諧共生、較注重永續經營的「替代農業典範」,此二典範成光譜相互對立形式。本研究之目的即為探討大學農學院學生在此農業典範光譜上之傾向及其相關的影響因子,並將影響因子分成「高等教育經驗」與「個人背景」兩方向探究。研究工具為以Beus與Dunlap(1991)的「替代─慣行農業典範量表」為基礎的自編問卷,調查對象為100學年度上學期國立臺灣大學生物資源暨農學院的大一、大四學生,總計共回收616份問卷,回收率為65.3%。     研究結果顯示大學農學院學生之農業典範無論在整體面、生態面或社會面皆傾向替代農業典範。而「高等教育經驗」中,「年級」、「科系」、「課程」、「校內社團」對於學生的農業典範具有顯著影響力;「個人背景」中也有「性別」、「居住」、「親友」、「自身實踐」、「閱讀」等變項對於學生的農業典範具有顯著影響力。其中,大一較大四學生傾向替代農業典範;生傳系較農經系、生機系顯著傾向替代農業典範;修習替代農業課程次數較多、有參加具替代農業典範之社團、女性、有居住於推廣替代農業農村之經驗、自己或親友有從事替代農業工作、有閱讀瀏覽替代農業資訊之習慣者,較沒有此類經驗者傾向替代農業典範。最後,研究者依此研究結果提出一個具時間性的影響因子模型,並可供未來欲於農業高等教育體制內或外推廣替代農業者之參考。
     After the Green Revolution, there are generally two different worldviews regarding agriculture─the “conventional agriculture paradigm”, which supports industrial and highly-efficient agricultural practices, and the “alternative agriculture paradigm”, which emphasizes sustainability in the farming system. The purpose of this study is to investigate agricultural college students’ views on the two paradigms, and how higher education experience and personal background shape their views. Questionnaires were designed on the base of Beus and Dunlap’s (1991) “Alternative-Conventional Agriculture Paradigm Scale”, and were delivered to freshmen and seniors in College of Bioresources and Agricuture at NTU in fall 2011. 616 questionnaires were responded, with a reply rate at 65.3%. The results showed that the students in this study have the tendency toward alternative agriculture paradigm in overall scale, as well as in both ecological and social dimension. Considering “higher education experience,” there are “grade,”“department,”“course,” and “school club”have the impacts on agricultural paradigm. As for“personal background,” there are“gender,”“living experience,”“relatives or friends,”“personal practice,” and “reading” have the impacts. More precisely, the students who are freshmen, who have taken alternative agriculture courses, who have joined alternative agriculture student clubs, or belong to the department of bio-industry communication and development have higher affinity to alternative agricultural paradigm. As for the “personal background,” students who are female, have had the rural alternative agriculture experiences, have had relatives or him/herself do alternative agriculture, and being used to read relevant information have a higher tendency towards alternative agriculture paradigm. Lastly, the study brought up a timeline model to access the effectiveness of each factors.



農業典範, ACAP量表, 農業高等教育, agricultural paradigm, ACAP scale, agricultural higher education





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