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為瞭解生化物質遭受外力破壞時可能引起的生化功能與結構變異,本論文以人工細胞作為先驅模型,探討其暴露於酸鹼物質或是氧化劑環境中時可能遭受的結構變異。實驗結果顯示:若以牛血清蛋白與奈米金微粒進行反應,可製得不同性質的人工細胞(簡稱Au@BSA),並可藉以探討蛋白質變質現象。原子力影像分析(AFM)顯示,若將Au@BSA浸置於1 M的氫氧化鈉溶液中時,細胞壁與探針間的黏滯力會隨浸置時間增長而上升,而細胞表面的導電度也會隨之提高,但經五分鐘後,二者漸趨定值。若將Au@BSA改浸置在1 M鹽酸中,其結果與氫氧化鈉結果相似。我們也將Au@BSA暴露於含氧活性物的環境中,發現其破壞力遠大於酸鹼物質。此外,本論文也探討Au@BSA作為化學感測器的應用潛力,發現其可經由螢光變化分析過氧化氫與葡萄糖,並可發展成生化邏輯電路,極具應用潛力。
To assay any possible influences of denaturation on the structure and biochemical functions of proteins, we synthesized artificial cells from AuCl4- and bovine serum albumin (BSA). Results showed that the resulting particles (denoted Au@BSA) were spherical in shape, with a gold core surrounded by a 20-nm BSA layer. When the Au@BSA was exposed to 1 M sodium hydroxide solutions, the interaction force between the cell’s wall and the probe of the atomic force microscope (AFM) increased with time, and the conductivity of the surface of the cell increased as well. After five minutes, both tended to their maximum values. The Au@BSA particles showed similar denaturation symptoms as immersed in 1 M hydrochloric acid. The Au@BSA particles also showed responses to oxidants like and NaClO and hydrogen peroxide. As exposed to NaClO, the BSA layer was badly corroded, and the core became fragile. Despite this, the sensitivty to H2O2 rendered Au@BSA functioning as a fluorescent H2O2 probe and even as a probe for glucose if horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and glucose oxidase (GOx) were incorporated. Besides, the Au@BSA particles also showed potential in the fabricating nanocircuitry. Au@BSA-based filed-effect transistor was thus developed, which could be useful for the detection of biologically important substances. Key words:Gold Nanoparticle, Artificial Cell, Atomic Force Microscopy, Denaturation, Force Curve
To assay any possible influences of denaturation on the structure and biochemical functions of proteins, we synthesized artificial cells from AuCl4- and bovine serum albumin (BSA). Results showed that the resulting particles (denoted Au@BSA) were spherical in shape, with a gold core surrounded by a 20-nm BSA layer. When the Au@BSA was exposed to 1 M sodium hydroxide solutions, the interaction force between the cell’s wall and the probe of the atomic force microscope (AFM) increased with time, and the conductivity of the surface of the cell increased as well. After five minutes, both tended to their maximum values. The Au@BSA particles showed similar denaturation symptoms as immersed in 1 M hydrochloric acid. The Au@BSA particles also showed responses to oxidants like and NaClO and hydrogen peroxide. As exposed to NaClO, the BSA layer was badly corroded, and the core became fragile. Despite this, the sensitivty to H2O2 rendered Au@BSA functioning as a fluorescent H2O2 probe and even as a probe for glucose if horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and glucose oxidase (GOx) were incorporated. Besides, the Au@BSA particles also showed potential in the fabricating nanocircuitry. Au@BSA-based filed-effect transistor was thus developed, which could be useful for the detection of biologically important substances. Key words:Gold Nanoparticle, Artificial Cell, Atomic Force Microscopy, Denaturation, Force Curve
奈米金, 人工細胞, 原子力顯微鏡, 變性, 力曲線分析法, Gold Nanoparticle, Artificial Cell, Atomic Force Microscopy, Denaturation, Force Curve