中文饒舌音樂進行環境教育的潛力研究 — 以推敲可能性模型分析臺灣饒舌樂迷對於環保相關饒舌歌曲的涉入情形
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環境教育大師David Orr曾說:「一切教育,都是環境教育」。從環境教育法於2011年實施至今,已開始出現公務人員並非出於自願,而是「半強迫」的去接受環境教育,在環境教育漸漸僵化,大眾對於超量環境議題的新聞麻木的今日,如何使用創新的角度,進行「聽眾導向」的環境教育設計,用「對方的語言」與對方溝通,從「他者」在乎與關切的東西談起,成為現今環境教育發展的重要課題。作為一項前瞻研究,本研究以「臺灣饒舌音樂愛好者」為對象,探討如何以饒舌樂迷的語言―饒舌音樂―與其「溝通」,進而邀請這個為數不多,在一般人眼中與環保毫無關係的群體,加入環境保護的行列。
本研究之目的除了欲瞭解以饒舌音樂進行環境教育的發展性,也欲瞭解Petty等人於1983年提出,原屬於行銷學及社會心裡學的推敲可能性理論(Elaboration Likelihood Model, ELM)是否能夠跨出產品廣告涉入的範疇,進而套用在歌曲中環保議題的涉入?若能套用,還期望能解釋:「究竟是饒舌音樂中的哪些元素,能夠影響饒舌樂迷產生環境關注意圖的改變?」
Since the Environmental Education Act has been enforced in 2011, more and more government employees are reluctant to receive at least 4 hours of environmental education curriculum each year. This phenomenon shows that the serious problems of environmental education occur today in Taiwan. That is, environmental education has gained its efficiency but loosed its effective functions, or its social impacts. Therefore, as David Orr said, “All education is environmental education ”. The key, changing this trend, is to activate environmental education from the contents to make it more flexible, or more ‘learner-based self-learning’. This means that environmental educators should be requested to use the language and the value systems to meet their ‘customers’ in a communicating free style associated with them. To meet up for this point, when we are facing a group of ‘rap music lovers’, the best way to‘communicate’with them should be involving in their rap-music world! However, how can we introduce rap music into the learning fields of environmental education? This research uses the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) to find a way out. ELM has been known as a social psychological and marketing theory, can it be possible to be applied on a crucial issue, through spiritual rap songs, rather than mechanic products through an advertisement? Through delivering the on-line questionnaires by snowball sampling, this research has found that the ELM can actually be used to explain the rap-lovers involvement to environmental-themed rap songs. Also, this research finds out that, among so many elements of a rap song, the lyric and the music video contents are the strongest ones affecting their “Environmental Concern Intention” on listeners. This research also gives to concrete suggestions toward future studies of environmental educators with music lovers.
Since the Environmental Education Act has been enforced in 2011, more and more government employees are reluctant to receive at least 4 hours of environmental education curriculum each year. This phenomenon shows that the serious problems of environmental education occur today in Taiwan. That is, environmental education has gained its efficiency but loosed its effective functions, or its social impacts. Therefore, as David Orr said, “All education is environmental education ”. The key, changing this trend, is to activate environmental education from the contents to make it more flexible, or more ‘learner-based self-learning’. This means that environmental educators should be requested to use the language and the value systems to meet their ‘customers’ in a communicating free style associated with them. To meet up for this point, when we are facing a group of ‘rap music lovers’, the best way to‘communicate’with them should be involving in their rap-music world! However, how can we introduce rap music into the learning fields of environmental education? This research uses the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) to find a way out. ELM has been known as a social psychological and marketing theory, can it be possible to be applied on a crucial issue, through spiritual rap songs, rather than mechanic products through an advertisement? Through delivering the on-line questionnaires by snowball sampling, this research has found that the ELM can actually be used to explain the rap-lovers involvement to environmental-themed rap songs. Also, this research finds out that, among so many elements of a rap song, the lyric and the music video contents are the strongest ones affecting their “Environmental Concern Intention” on listeners. This research also gives to concrete suggestions toward future studies of environmental educators with music lovers.
饒舌音樂, 臺灣饒舌音樂愛好者, 環境關注意圖, 推敲可能性模型, Rap music, Taiwanese rap lovers, Environmental Concern Intention, the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM)