走向心中的無名大山 ─ 一位解說員與書寫者的生命實踐與轉化之敘事探究

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本研究以自我敘說方式進行論文書寫,論文內容以我—一位解說員與書寫者在自然中學習與成長的生命經驗,以及以過去經驗為基礎展開的環境教育實踐,為敘事的兩條主要軸線。以我個人生命史的時間軸線為背景脈絡,交織出一條逐漸被踩踏清晰的「自然之路」,我的學習與理解,再編織進自身生命經驗的動態過程。 在本研究中,我以「非正規與非正式環境教育者」(解說員與書寫者)此一位置發聲,透過敘事書寫追溯了我從童年起始,在自然中的經驗與學習,以及從工程師跨界成為解說員、書寫者,並展開更多學習和參與的轉化歷程。探究自己一路跨界至環境教育的召喚,過程的經驗與實踐,以及它們在環境教育中的意義。正如同展開一趟朝向內心的大山之行,運用手邊文獻為地圖,逐步穿越迷霧前行。 研究發現,召喚來自沉浸於自然的經驗、置身野地的美學、從自己出發的關懷。 實踐則跨越非正規、非正式環境教育與正規教育;從個人的學習到群體的學習、從個人的實踐到群體的實踐。一個環境教育者的學習,根本上是一個需要時間與經驗複雜交錯陶成的歷程。 並以環境教育實踐中罕見的學生家長實際參與學校教育的角度,真實呈現了學校教育的問題。在沒有任何經費資源的條件之下,以發起家長師生參與行動的方式,進行校園生態棲地營造、長期維護以及環境問題的解決,實踐環境教育。以整個做中學的行動歷程為參與者的環境學習歷程,同時增進參與者的對地方的情感和認同、有力感與信心。 這也是一趟不斷跨越邊界的旅程。期許每個人做一個持續轉動的齒輪,帶著其他人一同轉動,讓週遭認同近似價值和理想的人,在貢獻自己的時間、經驗、技術和能力時,也再次深描對於自身生命意義和價值的認同。 書寫是將經驗定格化為語言文字,串連起所有歷程的方式;記錄經驗、反思經驗、再現經驗。也扮演著傳播的功能。 最後提出給解說員與環境教育者、給學校教育、給學生家長、家庭教育和生活教育的價值、從近身之處恆常實踐的研究啟示與建議。
This is a research of my life experience about learning and practice in nature as an interpreter and writer. It also represents the path with all my foot prints to nature. The research is written in the way of self-narrative. It traces my learning experiences in nature from childhood, border-crossing from an engineer to an interpreter and writer, and the transformation course of spreading out a lot of learning and participating. It makes a thorough inquiry for the calling leads me to environmental education and the meanings of my experiences and practices. It’s like a long hiking through the mist and toward the big mountain in my heart. This research founds the calling come from the experiences I immersed in nature, the aesthetics in the wild, and the ultimate concern. The practices cross the border of non-formal education, informal education and formal education. The learning process of an educator is basically a time-lasting and sophisticate interaction course of experiences. This research also offers a rarely-seen view point of parents participating school education, exposes the real problems in school education. Although there’s no funds and resourse, participating actions are launched with parents, teachers, children for school habitat-creation, mainting, problem-solving, environmental education practicing. The learning-by-doing action course is participators’ learning course, and enhance their sense of place, the sense of power and confidence. This research also represents a border-crossing journey. I expect everyone and I being a gear keeping on turning, and driving other people with similar value and beliefs. Writing is a tool recording experience, reflection, representing experience, linking up the all. It also plays the function of propogation. Finally, this study offers inspiration and suggfestions for interpreters and environmental educators, school education, parents, the value of family education and life education, constantly practice from the nearby places. provides suggestions for further studies in the future.



敘事研究, 環境學習, 環境教育, Self-narrative, Environmental learning process, Environmental education





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