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近年來氣候變遷議題受到重視,成為各國急需面對與解決的環境問題。然而氣候變遷議題與能源的選擇、使用息息相關;為了使公民具備正確選擇能源,並了解能源的開發及使用對人類社會、自然環境、政治經濟等面向的影響,能源教育成為提升能源素養的重要且有效策略。本研究以臺灣各區域的國民中學學生(七至九年級)為研究對象,透過問卷調查了解能源素養的現況,並探討能源的知識及態度彼此間的關聯,以及學生的背景變項是否對能源素養表現造成影響;再輔以迷思概念晤談,深入了解學生所抱持的與能源相關的迷思概念、思考邏輯及形成原因。 本研究透過能源素養問卷,以立意取樣方式進行問卷發放,共計回收1231份有效問卷,含括臺灣北區、中區、南區、東區及離島區域的國民中學。調查結果顯示學生能源素養的知識表現不佳,尤其在能源相關的科學知識、原理方面未能深入了解;且因錯誤的訊息來源產生了迷思概念;高年級的知識表現優於低年級;離島地區學生的知識表現較差;父母親的教育程度與學生能源知識表現有正相關。能源態度除了三年級學生的顯著遜於一、二年級外,與其他背景變項並無相關。整體態度表現正向積極,已體認到能源對自然環境、生物、政治經濟、環境品質的重要性及影響力,也具備良好的節約能源態度,惟對於親身實踐、落實節約能源與鼓勵影響他人的態度最為消極。整體分析推測,要提升學生的行為意圖,必須經由培養積極正向的能源態度,與知識程度並無相關。 透過晤談法了解10位學生對「太陽能量驅動地球大氣系統」、「太陽能量對生物的影響」、「溫室效應與氣候變遷」、「化石燃料」、「能源相關議題」及「能源轉換」六面向的迷思概念,並繪製成迷思概念思考邏輯圖。晤談結果發現,不論問卷的知識題表現優劣,學生都持有相當多的迷思概念,且經常用相近的科學概念、詞彙或直覺來解釋科學概念。而日常生活經驗與學校教育對學生影響甚深,錯誤、零碎的資訊或不適當的教學法,皆可能導致迷思概念的產生。 能源牽動著整個世界的運作,透過能源教育,能培力學生具備了解能源相關議題背後隱含的科學及生態知識、原理,關心能源相關議題,思考能源與環境、社會、生態間的交互關係,並培養積極正向的態度,方能面對因應氣候變遷及化石能源日漸稀缺的衝擊。透過本次能源素養調查,顯示我國國民中學學生的能源素養仍有相當大的進步空間,須更積極的在各學制及學科中落實能源教育;且大眾傳播媒體與教科書須提升能源相關資訊的正確性,教師也應注意教學方法,以減少迷思概念的產生。
Today, climate change is an important issue in the world. Every country has to face and slove this problem. Climate change is closely related to the energy choices in our daily life, so the citizens need to be energy literate to make better energy choices. And also realize that these choices will influence the human society, natural environment, ecology, politics and economy. Energy education is a useful strategy to reach the goals. This research aims to examine the energy literacy of the junior high school (7th to 9th grade) students in Taiwan. A questionnaire was designed as the research tool of this study, to measure the knowledge and attitude of the energy issue, and derive the relations between them. After the survey, choose the students who have misconceptions of energy to draw the misconception maps by interview. Purposive sampling was employed as the sampling method, and total of 1652 questionnaires were released and 1231 were valid. The result indicates that Taiwanese 7th to 9th grade students’ energy literacy status are poor, especially were lack of science knowledge of energy; and the incorrect informations from TV and internet are a way to cause the misconceptions of energy. There are significant differences in the energy knowledge between gender, grade, location of schools, parents’ educational background and occupation. Although the students are not only already realized the interactions among nature, lifes, and human society, but also had a good attitude towards saving energy. While 8th grade students’ attitude are sigificant better than 9th grade students, but it does not affect the performance by gender, the region of school…etc. In order to understand the misconceptions of energy, 10 students had been chosen to the interview. The result indicates that students often explain scientific concepts by similar concepts, vocabularies or intuition. Besides, their life experiences and school education are also important, any incorrect information or inappropriate teaching methods are likely to cause the energy misconceptions. Energy affects the entire world. We can lead students to build the ability to understand the knowledge and principles of energy, concern for the energy issues, understand the relationships between the world and energy, then to face the impact and affect of climate change and the scarcity of fossil energy. The energy literacy survey indicates that our junior high school students' energy literacy level is still low. Our government and educators should implement energy education in various academic disciplines.



國民中學, 能源素養, 迷思概念, Junior high school, Energy literacy, Misconception





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