利用 DFT+U 理論探討乙烷氧化脫氫反應在 MoO3, Mo-V, Mo-V-W 催化劑上的反應機構

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相比於傳統方法,乙烷轉化乙烯技術具有高產率低耗能的優點。 原料乙烷可由富含乙烷的天然氣油田,或石化工業的副產物中中提出。 半導體表面對於烴類的催化反應已被廣泛研究,如三氧化鉬和五氧化 二釩的半導體表面。Mo-V-O 基底催化劑已被開發成 ODH(氧化脫氫) 反應的催化劑。在一般化學生產工業中,乙烯主要由長碳鍊原料蒸汽 裂解製成。而由乙烷的天然氣脫氫可以更簡單的得到乙烯的直接產 Mohammed Al-Hazmi& YongMan Choi 等人製造出 Mo-V-Mn-W 催化劑,以進行短接觸時間的乙烷氧化脫氫反應。隨著不同的鎢荷載 量,發現對於乙烯有不同的選擇性。 本研究利用第一性原理計算,探討乙烷在純三氧化鉬表面的脫氫 反應機制,並透過表面無共吸附氫模型,比較三氧化鉬摻雜不同比例 的V&W,催化乙烷的脫氫反應機構。並藉由尋找可能的反應的機構, 預測乙烷轉化過程中可能的產物,以及找出最適合進行乙烷催化乙烯 的催化劑表面。
Process of ethane conversion ethylene compared to traditional methods have advantage of having a high yield and low energy cost. Ethane can be isolated from natural gas, and as a byproduct of petroleum refining. The semiconductor surface of the hydrocarbon reaction catalysts have been widely studied, such as MoO3& V2O5 semiconductor surfaces. The Mo–V–O-based catalysts had be developed into catalyst of ODH(oxidative dehydrogenation) reaction. As the product generally & wide variety of the chemical industry, ethylene mostly made of steam-cracking. By ethane in the natural gas, it dehydrogenation can get direct product of ethylene. Mohammed Al-Hazmi & YongMan Choi et al. create Mo-V-Mn-W catalysts for ethane oxidative dehydrogenation in short contact time reaction. With varying tungsten loadings, found in different selectivity to ethylene. This study uses the first-principles calculations to explore ethane dehydrogenation reaction mechanism in a pure MoO3 surface, and compare the ethane dehydrogenation reaction mechanisms on different transition metal catalysts doping with V& W. By looking for possible reaction mechanism. We prediction probable product of ethane conversion process, and identify the most suitable catalyst surface for ethane transform ethylene.



乙烷, 氧化脫氫, 計算化學, 表面化學, 三氧化鉬, 表面催化, 催化反應, 催化, 乙烯, Oxidative Dehydrogenation, surface chemical, Surface chemistry, Catalysis, Ethane, DFT, Density functional theory, Molybdenum trioxide, MoO3, Ethene, Surface chemistry





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