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中華民國荒野保護協會(The Society of Wilderness,簡稱SOW)是一個推動環境教育及環保相關活動的非營利組織,並招募大量的義工協助各項活動的進行,其中專責提供解說相關服務的是義務解說員(簡稱義解),自SOW成立十年以來,在台灣各地約培訓1000名義解,並編組於40個「定點自然觀察小組」內,SOW期望義解對於定點資源相當熟悉並產生情感性的依附,義解既然在定點資源的教育和守護上扮演重要的角色,SOW需要對於義解的參與有更多的瞭解,因此本研究旨在瞭解SOW二格組義解活動涉入、地方依附和資源知識的相關性,以問卷調查方法蒐集於民國九十三年七月註冊在SOW二格組義解之意見,問卷共發出48份,有效問卷為45份,回收率達93.8%。研究中重要的結論如下:
運用t-test或one-way ANOVA來瞭解義解個人背景變項在活動涉入、地方依附和資源知識間的差異性,在活動涉入方面,性別、參與室內聚次數、參與室外探勘次數和解說服勤次數呈現顯著的差異性;在地方依附方面,僅有自行探勘次數具有顯著的差異性;在資源知識方面,性別、居住地、參與室內聚次數、參與室外探勘次數、自行探勘次數和解說服勤次數亦呈現顯著的差異性。
以Person積差相關分析檢定義解的活動涉入、地方依附和資源知識之相關性,,結果顯示活動涉入和地方依附呈顯著的正相關(r= 0.622, p< .001),而活動涉入與資源知識亦有顯著的正相關(r= 0.318, p< .05),至於地方依附與資源知識則未在統計上呈現顯著的相關性。
The Society of Wilderness (SOW) is a private environmental organization that relies on volunteers to conduct public education and conservation activities in Taiwan. Volunteers are assigned to specific locations known as Environmental Observation Groups (EOG’s). Nearly 1,000 volunteer interpreters work at 40 EOG’s. Ideally, volunteer interpreters are knowledgeable about and emotionally attached to their EOG, and enjoy participating in SOW functions. Since volunteers play an important role in resource management and environmental education, more information is needed to understand their motives for participation in SOW. This study examined the relationship between place attachment, resource knowledge, and activity involvement in a sample of volunteer interpreters assigned to the Er-Ge Mountain EOG. Surveys were used to gather data from a sample of volunteer interpreters during July 2003. Forty-eight questionnaires were mailed and 45 were received, yielding a response rate of 93.8%. The following conclusions can be drawn from this study: Activity involvement is one indicator of interest and enthusiasm for recreational participation. The overall mean for activity involvement was 3.41. Three dimensions comprise activity involvement. In this study, attraction scored the highest (x=3.84), self-expression was next (x=3.45), and centrality was the lowest (x=2.64). Place attachment is an emotional bond with nature. It consists of two factors. The overall mean for place attachment was 3.40. Volunteer interpreters scored higher on place identity (x=3.77) than place dependence (x=3.03). A multiple-choice test measuring resource-based knowledge was administered to volunteers. The mean score was 14.91 (out of 20 questions). Selected socio-demographic characteristics were tested against activity involvement, place attachment and resource knowledge using t-tests or one-way analysis of variance. Gender, attendance at indoor seminars, participation in outdoor observation, and length of interpretive service were significantly related to level of activity involvement. In relation to place attachment, frequency of visitation to Er-Ge Mountain showed a significant difference. Gender, residence, attendance at indoor seminars, participation in outdoor observation, frequency of visitation, and length of interpretive service were significantly related to resource knowledge. The relationship between activity involvement, place attachment, and resource knowledge was examined using Pearson correlation coefficient. Results indicated that activity involvement was significantly related to place attachment (r= 0.622, p< .001) and resource knowledge (r= 0.318, p< .05). However, there is no significant relationship between place attachment and resource knowledge. These results were shared with SOW. Also, recommendations for future studies were proposed.
The Society of Wilderness (SOW) is a private environmental organization that relies on volunteers to conduct public education and conservation activities in Taiwan. Volunteers are assigned to specific locations known as Environmental Observation Groups (EOG’s). Nearly 1,000 volunteer interpreters work at 40 EOG’s. Ideally, volunteer interpreters are knowledgeable about and emotionally attached to their EOG, and enjoy participating in SOW functions. Since volunteers play an important role in resource management and environmental education, more information is needed to understand their motives for participation in SOW. This study examined the relationship between place attachment, resource knowledge, and activity involvement in a sample of volunteer interpreters assigned to the Er-Ge Mountain EOG. Surveys were used to gather data from a sample of volunteer interpreters during July 2003. Forty-eight questionnaires were mailed and 45 were received, yielding a response rate of 93.8%. The following conclusions can be drawn from this study: Activity involvement is one indicator of interest and enthusiasm for recreational participation. The overall mean for activity involvement was 3.41. Three dimensions comprise activity involvement. In this study, attraction scored the highest (x=3.84), self-expression was next (x=3.45), and centrality was the lowest (x=2.64). Place attachment is an emotional bond with nature. It consists of two factors. The overall mean for place attachment was 3.40. Volunteer interpreters scored higher on place identity (x=3.77) than place dependence (x=3.03). A multiple-choice test measuring resource-based knowledge was administered to volunteers. The mean score was 14.91 (out of 20 questions). Selected socio-demographic characteristics were tested against activity involvement, place attachment and resource knowledge using t-tests or one-way analysis of variance. Gender, attendance at indoor seminars, participation in outdoor observation, and length of interpretive service were significantly related to level of activity involvement. In relation to place attachment, frequency of visitation to Er-Ge Mountain showed a significant difference. Gender, residence, attendance at indoor seminars, participation in outdoor observation, frequency of visitation, and length of interpretive service were significantly related to resource knowledge. The relationship between activity involvement, place attachment, and resource knowledge was examined using Pearson correlation coefficient. Results indicated that activity involvement was significantly related to place attachment (r= 0.622, p< .001) and resource knowledge (r= 0.318, p< .05). However, there is no significant relationship between place attachment and resource knowledge. These results were shared with SOW. Also, recommendations for future studies were proposed.
活動涉入, 地方依附, 資源知識, 義務解說員, 中華民國荒野保護協會