
dc.contributorShin- Cheng Yehen_US
dc.contributor.author鄭 安呈zh_TW
dc.contributor.authorZhang, an-changen_US
dc.description.abstract  世界核能發展至今全球共有430座反應爐,若以2011年為例,核能占全球總電力消費的13.%,以國家用電量比例而言,分別占法國77.7%、日本18.1%,美國19%之國家總用電量比例。我國目前現存三座運行中核能電廠,占總發電量約12.6%,可見核能於世界或是台灣現存能源結構中,皆占有一定程度之影響力。因應此現況而發展核能相關教育計畫以促進民眾對於核能之基礎概念及風險理解是必要的,然而研究者發現台灣之核能教育於各級學校及社會教育之推行尚處於初步階段,簡言之,為促進民眾與政府於核能議題上有效之科學對話,核能教育之建構是必要的。   本研究以促進民眾與政府有效之科學對話為核心目的,發展我國大眾核能教育指標,研究以專家學者訪談、文獻內容分析及德菲法建構「我國大眾核能教育指標」,透過蒐集各領域專家學者對核能教育之看法與建議,建立本研究指標基礎構面及內涵,佐以蒐集分析國際核能教育指標、計畫及課程方案,建立本研究核能教育指標初稿,最終透過德菲法小組專家學者對指標的回饋與意見修正,共建立(一)世界能源與氣候變遷;(二)核能基礎知識;(三)核電與安全;(四)核電與環境;(五)輻射原理及防護;(六)事故應變及處理,六個主要構面,並包含八項次構面及三十條核能教育指標。   研究者亦發現學者普遍對核能與安全、輻射影響及防護、核廢料種類及處理、核災事故應變及世界能源趨勢高度關切且願意將其納入核能教育指標之中,其中核能意外事故肇因及應變相關指標及占十九項最重要指標中三分之一,而核能之物理化學原理則普遍被專家認為難度過高,亦缺乏實際應用功能,故重要性評等較低,反映專家對於大眾核能教育之內涵定義較傾向於核能發電後端所產生之環境問題、災害應變及輻射相關影響面向。   核能於世界各地之發展已是共同之趨勢與現況,其衍生議題涉及能源、環境及經濟各層面不同領域,為了促成完整與科學的溝通,公眾應對於核能之基礎原理、應用及環境議題有多面向的瞭解,本研究教育指標之建構,初步探討大眾對於核能應瞭解之核心內涵與指標,作為我國核能教育發展之基礎研究之一,期能有效促進民眾與政府之有效溝通,以永續發展為前提下共同參與國家未來能源政策討論。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn the developing decades of nuclear energy, 430 nuclear reactors have been built worldwide. For example, the total consumption of nuclear power in the world electricity structure is about 13% in 2011. And speak to nuclear power supply percentage by nation, nuclear power takes 77.7% in French national electricity structure, 18.1% in Japan and 19% in U.S. As for Taiwan, there are three nuclear power plants which supply about 12.6% electricity in the national electricity structure. Thus, in the energy structure, nuclear energy plays an important role in Taiwan and also in the world. Therefore, it’s necessary to develop education program related to nuclear power knowledge and risk perceptions. However, researchers found that development of nuclear education still at the very beginning stage in Taiwan. It’s necessary to develop nuclear education in Taiwan to facilitate dialogues between the general public and the public sectors. The purpose of this study is to construct nuclear education indicators for the general public. The “Indicators of Nuclear Education for General Public” were developed by collecting data and opinions from expert interviews, content analysis and the Delphi Method which comes out 6 prime dimensions, 6 sub-dimension, and 30 indicators. The 6 prime dimensions include “World's energy and climate change”, “Basic knowledge of nuclear energy”, “Nuclear safety”, “Nuclear power and the environment”, “Radiation theory and protective”, and “Incident response and handling”. During the research process, it was also found that most experts put a great concern to subjects such as “nuclear safety”, “radiation theory and protection”, “nuclear waste and handling”, and “the trend of world energy development”. They tend to put these subjects into the indicators for nuclear education. We can also observe that 11 indicators out of the most important 19 indicators are related to these subjects. In addition, the indicators about “physical and chemical principles” of nuclear energy are considered too difficult for the general public. Thus, the recommendation rate of this kind of indicators is low in this research. Nuclear power development has already become a trend around the world, related to different aspects of specialty such as environment, energy and so on. For the purpose to improve communication between the general public and government. In this study, the core indicators about nuclear education for the general public were developed. It is hoped that this study can not only be the foundation to improve the communication between the general public and government, but also lead the sustainable future of our country.en_US
dc.subjectClimate changeen_US
dc.subjectEducation indicatorsen_US
dc.subjectNuclear educationen_US
dc.titleIndicators of Nuclear Education for General Pubilcen_US


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