

本研究的六名個案是張繼元(2005)以問卷調查和因子分析法,從國立臺灣師範大學數學系一班大三(92.9~93.6)修讀「數學教材教法」課程的46名學生中篩選出的代表性個案。作者接續使用個案研究法,追蹤這六位個案學生教師於大四(93.9~94.6)修讀「教學實習」課程中,價值認同的變遷與價值教學情形,並探討可能的影響因素。本研究分成實做前期和實做後期兩個階段,透過書面資料、個案晤談和教室觀察,蒐集與分析各類實徵資料並詮釋其意義。 研究的結果顯示,六名個案學生教師在三個階段期間各自展現了不同的教學身分內涵,並刻劃出不同的身分演化軌跡。雖然,個案在不同階段展現的價值不盡相同,然而,他們對於認同的價值大多都有實踐的意願,也曾嘗試著教出它們,但是,由於對某些價值的概念認知不完整、教學經驗與能力的不足及教學實務環境條件的影響,使得他們的實際課堂教學沒能確實教出其指稱的價值。但是,每一位個案在不同階段均展現了至少一項不變的價值,對他們而言這些應該是比較核心的價值。 本研究的結果應有助於師資培育者或實習輔導教師進一步掌握學生數學教師階段性的教學身分內涵與狀態,並據此設計相關的師資培育活動或課程,以促使學生教師更清楚特定價值的意義,以及能把特定價值融入數學教學活動之中,進而引動其數學教學專業的發展。
In a former research, Chang (2005) used questionnaire survey and statistical factor analysis to select the six cases from a group of 46 student teachers who took Mathematics Teaching Method Course in the Department of Mathematics NTNU. The author of the present study used longitudinal case study design to trace these six cases by looking at the possible transition of the values identification and the values teaching when they took Teaching Practice Course in their fourth year to explore the possible factors of influencing such values transition and teaching. This research was divided into two phases, including the pre-practice and post-practice stages. Based on the collected data including interviews, classroom observations and artifacts, the author then analyzed and interpreted these data. The research results showed that the six student teachers in different periods displayed different pedagogical identities and showed different trajectories of their identities. Even though they developed different values in different teaching periods, they all intended to teach the core values professed in the previous periods. However, due to incomplete conceptions about some specific values, the lack of the values teaching experience, and the condition of schooling, they didn’t exactly teach the values that they mentioned. Nevertheless, each case in different periods displayed at least one consistent value, which is more central for the case. The results of the present research could be used to help mathematics teacher educators to learn more about the content and orientations of student teacher’s pedagogical identity in each different period of learning ‘How to teach mathematics from classroom practice?’, and also to design the relevant educational activities and courses to help them realize more the meaning of some particular values. As a result, the understanding and practice of some particular values might also be used to trigger their professional development.



教師專業發展, 教學身分, 教學價值, 實務社群, 學生教師, professional development of teacher, pedagogical identities, pedagogical values, community of practice, student teacher





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