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「綠色大學」代表一個大學將永續發展的概念融入校園的經營管理、課程發展和日常生活中,並強調大學本身必須要有對環境的責任感和強化永續高等教育的精神。近年來,高等教育的相關論述也指出永續發展的重要性,高等教育除了肩負教育還有研究的任務,更是要教導學生如何與真實的社會連結,使他們擁有專業知識之外,也兼具社會服務的關懷,因此,高等教育對於培養一位具有永續發展理念的學生是非常重要的。 我國綠色大學之發展,始於2002年葉欣誠教授開始建構綠色大學評量指標系統,經過2007至2011年,臺灣綠色大學的發展有明顯的成長,從計畫籌備、認證制度施行到與國際接軌等,陸續都有校園參與和支持。2013年8月,由國立臺灣師範大學發起的綠色大學聯盟,共有48所大專院校響應參與,且加入學校數量也日漸增加中,期望共同建立綠色大學交流平台。 除了參與教育部的綠色大學計畫、籌組聯盟之外,各大學院校也持續努力且自發性地朝永續發展為運作導向,不論是校園建築的改善、設施的運用、以及環境相關課程的開設或是學生環保社團的發展,在各大學院校也蔚為風潮。有鑑於此,本研究旨在探討綠色大學的承諾與具體作法,並針對綠色大學聯盟學校、曾參與綠色大學聯盟籌備與相關計畫的學校為研究對象,經過專家訪談後施放問卷,有效問卷為40份。資料彙整後經由描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、集群分析等統計方法進行分析,發現我國綠色大學在承諾與態度上的表現比例不高;在具體作法的調查結果發現,雖然通過的標準認證偏低,但是在學校的主要發展方向上,環境管理層面是發展最好的;推動影響因素上,各校皆認為校內人員的因素會比資源多寡還有校外利害關係人的因素影響來的大,且與學校是否會進一步了解與簽署國際宣言的動力和評鑑制度還有工作負擔有關;針對綠色大學聯盟的需求調查,各校皆認為建立資訊與溝通平台是必要的。 本研究根據各校在現況調查的表現,依集群分析分為擴展組、積極組、消極組以及封閉組,擴展組的承諾和現況發展為最佳的類型,且已開始往校外發展與影響;積極組的推行時間雖短,但是對綠色大學的承諾和推行發展與擴展組接近;消極組雖然在承諾上表現不差,但實際發展卻成效不彰;封閉組是承諾和行動表現較差的類型,卻占了總樣本41.26%的比例。 本研究再依據以上研究結果,提出參考與建議。
"Green University” means incorporation of the concept of sustainable development into campus operations/management, curriculum development, and daily life, emphasizing that the university itself must have a sense of responsibility to the environment. The higher education not only takes the responsibility of education, research, but links with the real world, and the care of social services. College students today will become consumers and professionals in the future. Thus, sustainability of higher education is very important. The “Green University Program” in Taiwan launched by Professor Shin-Cheng Yeh constructed the Green University assessment Index system in 2002. Since 2007, there was obviously growth in the development of Taiwan’s University. From the project preparation、 certification system to international connection, the were many universities to participate in and support. In August 2012, the Green University Initiative Committee was taken the initiative by National Taiwan Normal University, and the number of the members was increasing. The Committee was desirable to establish the information platform of the Green University. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the Green University's commitment and practices. The schools of Green University Initiative Committee and university has been involved in the preparation and operation are as the research object.After intervewing the experts, casted the questionnaires. There were 40 effective questionnaires. The data was analyzed with descriptive statistics, t test, one-way ANOVA and cluster analysis. The results are as follow: the ratio of commitment and attitude on the was not high; in the specific practices, although the ratio of pasting standard certification was low, but in the school's environmental management standard is the best; influent facts of protion showed that the people in schools are better than the campus’ resources and external stakeholders, and the further understanding and motivation of signing the international declarations of university were related to evaluation system and workloads; the needs of participating the Green University Initiative Committee, schools were considered to establish information and communication platform. In this study, based on each universities’ performance in its present condition, divided by cluster analysis to explore: Outreach Group、Positive Group、Negative Group and Conservative Group. According to the above mentioned results, there were some suggestions provided.



綠色大學, 永續高等教育, Green University, Sustainability in higher education

