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環境教育領域關於重要生命經驗(Significant Life Experience,簡稱SLE)的研究,始於Tanner於1980年發表的著作,目的在於探求一個人過去的記憶中,有哪些重要因子影響其後的環境行動。本研究選擇一位致力於環境教育,而且資歷豐富的國中教師:幸運草,採取質性研究取向,以個案教師的生命史為主軸,探求其過去成長的經歷,目的在於:(1)從中解構出影響她日後致力於環境教育的重要生命經驗;(2)深入探討這些重要生命經驗,對其產生了哪些轉變與影響;(3)個案教師過去經歷的重要生命經驗,在日後面對教學場域時,又開展出哪些實踐? 本研究歷時約一年,過程中研究者皆以研究札記、參與觀察、深入訪談、文件蒐集等作為資料蒐集來源,經過整理與分析後,得出以下結果: 本研究將個案教師生命史劃分成五個時期:充滿人情味的童年時光、急速充電的高等教育時期、歷經轉折的教書生涯、多姿多彩的民間組織體驗、結合正規與非正規的環境教育。SLE分析結果包括四項,分別是:「童軍訓練」、「參加環保組織」、「良師益友」、「個人原則與信仰」等,並依照發生時期,建構出個案教師的生命歷程圖。 研究發現,與國內其他研究類似,個案教師的重要生命經驗,明顯集中於社會生活時期,顯示學校環境教育仍有相當大的發揮空間,而「負面環境議題」不論在其成長過程或是後續的教學場域,都有顯著的影響力。從故事脈絡中亦可發現,SLE是一個連續、累積,而且交錯影響的過程。 最後,研究認為能夠擁有願意走出自身圍籬的勇氣、能夠「在行動中反思」的教師,就有機會讓動人故事不再只是「別人」的故事,而是有能力創造未來自身與學生「重要生命經驗」的環境教育教師。
Research in the field of Significant Life Experiences(SLE) was initiated by Thomas Tanner in 1980. The focus of SLE is to explore a person’s major underlying life experiences which reveals what motivates a person to take action for the environment. The researcher chose an experienced junior high school teacher, Xing Yun Cao, as the study case. She has endeavored to promote environmental education for a long time. Adapting the qualitative research method, the researcher tried to narrate the life story of Xing Yun Cao. The major purposes of this study are depicted as follows: 1. To examine the SLE of Xing Yun Cao. 2. To reveal how these SLE affected Xing Yun Cao. 3. To understand how Xing Yun Cao performed these concepts in practical teaching activities. The period of data collecting is about one year, and the research materials include the researcher’s diary, field observation records, in-depth interviews analyses, and other related documents. According to these data, the researcher found that Xing Yun Cao’s life history can be divided into five stages. 1. childhood with a warm and nice atmosphere; 2. high efficiency in college education; 3. changeful teaching career; 4.attending environmental organizations 5. integrating informal and formal environmental education. There are four significant life experiences elements generalized : “Scout”, “Organizations”, “Mentors”, and “Principles or Religion”. The researcher put these four elements together in order of time, and get a life path of Xing Yun Cao. Similar to other related researches, the results indicate the significant life experiences occurred mostly in Xing Yun Cao’s adulthood. In addition, the “Negative experiences” was a crucial factor in her life. It is also found that those significant life experiences are continuous, accumulative and interactive. Finally, the researcher come to the conclusion that an environmental educator should be willing to get the meaning of his/her experiences while acting , and have the courage to make difference. We expect this study could inspire environmental educators to make their significant life experiences.



環境教育, 生命史, 重要生命經驗, Environmental Education, Life history, Significant Life Experiences

