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休閒牧場屬於休閒農業範疇,主旨在於利用田園景觀,結合農林漁牧生產,提供國民休閒及農村體驗。台灣自1990年代起出現一些大型休閒農場或牧場,積極推動旅遊經營;由於大型牧場,擁有豐富自然環境、田園風光,也提供親近畜養動物之機會,應能在遊憩之餘提供更多元「有意義學習meaningful learning」之環境教育機會。 本研究以飛牛牧場為例,參考Clark. and Stankey. (1979)「遊憩機會序列」的概念,建構「環境教育機會序列」(蔡慧敏, 2001),將牧場環境資源,依場域、體驗、活動及環境課題發展,探討推展多元體驗及學習之可能。研究設計以半結構問卷進行調查,依牧場內環境資源特色及自然度高低區分不同環境體驗場域,藉由問卷選項,與受訪者(牧場經營者、遊客、及休閒農業與環境教育的專家學者)探討牧場在自然生態區、生產放牧區、牧場休閒區、動物互動區、及遊憩服務區等區域可提供的環境體驗、環境學習活動、及其可發展的環境課題。研究結果呈現該牧場的環境教育機會,最重要的前三項環境體驗項目為:可以減輕壓力及焦慮、讓心情放鬆以及可以享受平和與安寧的感覺;最適合進行的環境學習活動分別有:散步健行、生態觀察解說與生命教育;而最適合發展的環境課題則有:綠建築、節能節水與環境綠美化。本項研究,以「環境教育機會」分布地圖呈現,作為牧場推展環境教育活動方案之參考。
The leisure ranch belongs to the leisure agriculture category. The primary purpose of leisure ranch lies in using the countryside landscape, in combination of the production of farming, forestry, fishing and herding, to provide citizens the enjoyment of countryside and leisure activities. In Taiwan, there have been several large-scale farm and ranches engaged in tourism management aggressively since 1990s. With the assets of rich natural environment, rural scenery and the access to animals, a leisure ranch could provide diverse meaningful learning opportunities for environmental education in addition to leisure activities. Based on Clark and Stankey's (1979) concept of “Recreation Opportunity Spectrum” (ROS), this study develops an environmental education opportunity spectrum (Tsai, 2001) for Flying Cow Ranch. Five settings for environmental experience, including natural-ecological area, production-cultivation district, ranch- leisure area, animal interaction area, and recreational service area, are defined based on the ranch's environmental resources and development density. A semi-structured survey method is adopted to explore the environmental experience, learning activities and potential environmental education topics of these districts through participation of ranch owners, tourists, leisure agriculture and environment education professionals. We found top three environmental experience in this ranch are: reducing pressure and anxiety; relax; and enjoying peace and quiet. The most suitable learning activities are hiking, ecological observation and life education. The appropriate environmental education topics are green buildings, water and energy conservation, and environmental green beautification. The final results of this research are presented as an “environmental education opportunity distribution map” for the reference of potential development of environmental education dimension in leisure ranch.



休閒牧場, 遊憩機會序列, 環境教育機會, leisure ranch, the Recreation Opportunity Spectrum, the Environment Education Opportunity

