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Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan Normal UniversityTaiwan Association for Mathematics Education
Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan Normal UniversityTaiwan Association for Mathematics Education
本文主要報導雲、嘉、南三縣十五所國小五十九位教師關於『「新移民女性」子女的數學教育』之觀點與作法。參考Banks 等人(2001)所提的五個「多元文化教育」的重要面向,研究者發展了一份教師問卷,調查結果顯示:一、超過半數的受訪教師不認為班上「新移民女性」子女的數學學習表現普遍較弱;二、大多數的受訪教師不會因為班上有「新移民女性」子女而採用與其生活經驗相關的例子來解說數學概念;三、部分受訪教師會針對「新移民女性」子女的數學表現調整教學;四、只有少數受訪教師會引導學生去理解:數學知識形成過程中可能隱含的文化偏見;五、超過半數以上的受訪教師大致同意學校有關注到「新移民女性」子女的學習或適應問題,但對「新移民女性」子女的「數學教育」並未特別重視。期望藉由此份本土性資料的提供,能為此一議題帶來更多的理解。
The main purpose of this article is to report fifty-nine teachers’ opinion and practiceabout mathematics education of female immigrants’ children through a questionnaire.The results show that more than half of subjects didn’t agree the mathematicsachievement of female immigrants’ children is lower than other students’, mostsubjects didn’t use examples from a variety of cultures in their teaching, somesubjects would modify their teaching for female immigrants’ children, only fewsubjects help students understand how the implicit cultural assumptions and biasesinfluence the way that knowledge is constructed, and more than half of subjectsagreed their school paid attention to female immigrants’ children’ general problemsbut not to their mathematics learning.
The main purpose of this article is to report fifty-nine teachers’ opinion and practiceabout mathematics education of female immigrants’ children through a questionnaire.The results show that more than half of subjects didn’t agree the mathematicsachievement of female immigrants’ children is lower than other students’, mostsubjects didn’t use examples from a variety of cultures in their teaching, somesubjects would modify their teaching for female immigrants’ children, only fewsubjects help students understand how the implicit cultural assumptions and biasesinfluence the way that knowledge is constructed, and more than half of subjectsagreed their school paid attention to female immigrants’ children’ general problemsbut not to their mathematics learning.