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本研究的主要目的在探討不同性別高中人文社會科學與數理資優生在生涯自我效能、生涯發展及生涯決定上的差異;並進一步探討資優生生涯自我效能、生涯發展及生涯決定主要影響因素與遭遇的困境。 本研究兼採量表調查及訪談兩種方式進行。量表調查對象以高中兩校之二、三年級人文社會科學與數理資優班共一百九十位學生為研究對象,使用「生涯自我效能量表」、「生涯發展準備度量表」與「生涯決定量表」為研究工具,以二因子變異數分析和二因子多變量變異數分析之統計方法進行處理;此外,更以這兩校高二人社與數理之轉出生及原班生為訪談對象,根據「訪談大綱」進行訪談,所得資料以質性分析進行處理。 研究結果摘述如下: 一、生涯自我效能部分 不同性別的高中人文社會科學資優生與數理資優生在生涯自我效能之交互作用沒有顯著差異(p>.05)。就主要效果而言,性別與類別皆未達顯著水準(p>.05)。 二、生涯發展準備度部分 不同性別的高中人文社會科學資優生與數理資優生在生涯發展準備度之交互作用沒有顯著差異(p>.05)。就性別而言,女生在生涯探索顯著優於男生(p<.001)。就類別而言,人文社會科學資優生在生涯資訊顯著優於數理資優生(p<.01)。 三、生涯決定部分 不同性別的高中人文社會科學資優生與數理資優生在生涯決定之交互作用沒有顯著差異(p>.05)。就類別而言,數理資優生在結構與信心、個人衝突顯著優於人文社會科學資優生(p<.05)。 四、生涯自我效能、生涯發展及生涯決定之影響因素及困難部分 1.社會仍存在重理工的現象,這也降低人社資優生的信心,反觀數理資優生競爭的環境壓力,並未激發對自我的肯定。 2.人社班的確豐富和拓展學生視野,讓他們更清楚未來方向,這也是數理資優生較缺乏的。 3.資優生所面臨的生涯困境包含以下幾項,數理資優生多元興趣確實造成困擾,人社資優在這方面態度雖較堅定,卻會受父母期待而放棄自己夢想犧牲妥協;學生面臨人際上的疏離感,卻獨自默默承受;時間被壓縮,時間分配有壓力;人社班學生缺乏人脈以及外界不了解資優班造成困擾。 4.學生規劃將來志向與就讀科系雖著重興趣,但父母意見仍是影響最終決定的關鍵,社會評價、出路與收入等現實因素仍會列入考慮。 5.人社轉出生多為了將來要就讀自然組而轉班,數理轉出生則為了想專注在社團或人際因素而離開。 6.部落服務學習深受學生喜愛,無論數理與人社資優生均體會出「不是我們給他們什麼,反而是他們給我們很多」的深刻感受。 7.學生接受資優教育後,希望能調整課程,依興趣選課,並在數理資優增加服務性課程。 最後,研究者根據以上結果,提出若干建議,供教育輔導及未來後續研究之參考。
The purposes of this research were to compare humanities and social sciences gifted students with math and science gifted students in high schools concerning their career self-efficacy, career development and career decision-making, and to explore the influential factors and difficulties of career self-efficacy, career development and career decision-making for gifted students. Data were collected from the questionnaire survey of 190 senior high school gifted students and interview of 8 gifted students (including gifted student transfers to regular class). The obtained data were analyzed by two-way MANOVA and two-way ANOVA and qualitative analysis on the interview protocols. The main findings of this research were as follows: 1.As for the Career Self-Efficacy Gender and group have no significant interaction effect on Career Self-Efficacy. There was no significant group difference in terms of career self-efficacy. 2. As for the Career Development Gender and group have no significant interaction effect on career development readiness. The girls’ scores in the career exploration was significantly higher than the boys’ (p<.001). The humanities and social sciences group was significantly higher than the math and science group on the career information (p<.01). 3. As for the Career Decision-Making Gender and group have no significant interaction effect on career decision-making. The math and science group was significantly higher than the humanities and social sciences group on the ‘structure and confidence’ and ‘personal conflict’ (p<.05). 4.As for the influential factors and difficulties of career self-efficacy,career development and career decision-making (1)The phenomenon of paying much attention to science and technology still exist in the society. That would decrease self-confidence on humanities and social sciences gifted students. On the other hand, math and science gifted students must sustain the competition and pressure. Nevertheless, that didn’t encourage their self-confidence either. (2)The humanities and social sciences gifted class explored the field of vision for students and lets them know direction in the future, whereas math and science gifted students lacked this superiority. (3)Gifted students faced some career difficulties. For the “personal conflict” part, math and science gifted students faced career dilemmas because of their variety of abilities and interests. For humanities and social sciences gifted students, parents gave them pressure out of an expectation. And then, they had to give up their interests. Furthermore, some students felt emotionless, lack of time, fewer friends and others` misunderstanding. (4)The key influential factors for choosing college majors were parents and interests. Social appraisal, income and better employment were also considered. (5)The humanities and social sciences gifted students transferred to other class in order to majoring in math and science. And math and science gifted students transferred to other class for joining a club or interpersonal reason. (6)All of the students liked service for minority study. They realized that it was not how much they gave, because they always gained more. (7)The gifted students hoped that their school could adjust gifted curriculum or let students choose the course they like. Most importantly, it should add service course for math and science gifted students. Finally, practical suggestions and future research directions were also discussed.



資優生, 生涯自我效能, 生涯發展, 生涯決定, gifted students, career self-efficacy, career development, career decision-making

