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目前海洋漁業節慶興盛,消費漁業資源為活動舉辦地帶來觀光商機及名氣,近年卻發現這樣的活動卻帶來當地漁業資源威脅,也點醒了人類如何以合宜的方式使用資源。本研究以南方澳居民省思漁業資源減少而舉辦的「鯖魚祭」節慶活動為案例,瞭解其發展及傳遞的永續性核心價值,提供給舉辦節慶活動的單位參考。 本研究使用個案研究法,質性方法運用文件資料蒐集方式、觀察2013~2014年南方澳「鯖魚祭」、半結構訪談六位「鯖魚祭」主辦單位核心人物,瞭解「鯖魚祭」發展、主辦單位及表演者所扮演的角色、核心價值。量化調查運用質性方法蒐集所得之核心價值設計問卷,以2014年「鯖魚祭」表演者為對象瞭解其認同「鯖魚祭」核心價值的情形。 研究結果發現「鯖魚祭」從1995~2008歷經三個時期發展而成,主辦單位及表演者協助鯖魚祭運作,扮演傳承在地文化的角色。「鯖魚祭」具有七個核心價值「感謝鯖魚」、「文化保存」、「凝聚在地團結」、「尊重生命」、「漁業資源永續」、「帶動觀光」、「教育的意涵」,呼應地球憲章內涵及永續發展教育的四個「環境」、「文化」、「社會」、「經濟」面向。 2014年「鯖魚祭」表演者對於「鯖魚祭」評價趨近於「同意」;參與程度屬於中等參與程度;對於「鯖魚祭」核心價值的認同情形屬「文化」面向的程度最高。
Currently marine fisheries festival flourished, recent years found that such activity has brought the threat of local fishery resources, also awoke mankind how to use resources appropriately. In this study, Nan-Fang-Ao residents reduce reflection of fisheries resources, "Mackerel Festival", to understand the development and the core values of sustainability. In this study,using case study, qualitative data collection methods to use file mode, observed 2013 to 2014 "Mackerel Festival", semi-structured interviews with six "Mackerel Festival" organizers central figure, to understand "Mackerel Festival" development, role of stakeholders, core values. Quantization survey using qualitative methods of collecting core value obtained from the questionnaires to 2014 "Mackerel Festival" participants,understanding their identity as objects "Mackerel Festival" the core values of the case. Study found that from 1995 to 2008 there are three periods of the "mackerel Festival" development, "Mackerel Festival" has seven core values' Thank mackerel "," cultural preservation "," cohesion in the rally", " respect for life "," sustainable development of fisheries resources, "," to bring tourists ", " education meaning ",echoing the Earth Charter and sustainable development of education connotation four" Environment "," Culture "," social "," economy ".2014 "Mackerel Festival" participants to "Mackerel Festival" evaluation tends to "agree"; medium degree of participation; for "Mackerel Festival" core value recognition case belongs to "culture" for the highest level.



鯖魚祭, 核心價值, 節慶活動, Mackerel Festival, Core Values, Festivals

