
dc.description.abstract本研究主要是研究國中學生微觀粒子概念的發展情況,而本研究主要探討之微觀粒子概念的主題有純物質、混合物、元素、化合物、物理變化、化學變化。研究中所使用的問卷,乃是以Onwu(2006)的研究文獻中,所使用的研究工具為藍本,改良修正使之適合用以施測台灣國中學生,並且遵循兩階段式評量診斷工具的發展要點來修正問卷,使每一題含有選擇與理由解釋兩部分。 在取樣方面,為了使取出的樣本具有代表性,在台北市區、台北市區與郊區之間、台北市郊區、新竹市、彰化市與台南縣,各取一所學校來進行施測,然後每所學校各年級隨機取一至二班。各校皆於九月中到十月進行施測,施測時間固定為30分鐘,此段時間七、八年級學生皆尚未進行基礎化學的學習,但八年級學生已有學習一年的基礎生物概念,只有九年級學生有學習過基礎化學課程,具有相關的微觀粒子概念。 在資料分析方面,選擇題部分以頻率表示學生選擇正確選項的比例;理由解釋部分,先以Perry基模進行分層,被分類到C層(第三層次)以上的,視為通過,即學生能描述正確該概念,然後統計其比率為通過率。對照選擇題與理由解釋的分析資料,推論獲得的結果顯示: 一、學生微觀粒子概念的發展會隨著年齡的增加而增長。 二、學生對於元素、純物質、混合物、化合物、物理變化與化學變化,這幾 個微觀粒子概念存有迷思概念。 三.學生無法正確使用科學名詞。 四、學生習慣描述概念的巨觀特性,或以巨觀的觀點來描述。 五、學生對各概念的理解程度,不能夠完全以選擇形式的測驗來表示。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe focus of the study was to investigate the progression of junior high school students’ particulate concepts, including pure substances, mixtures, elements, compounds, physical changes and chemical changes. The questionnaire in the research, which was revised and translated from the test instrument in Onwu’s paper which was published in 2006, to be suitable for the children at junior high school in Taiwan. Addtionally, it was devised to be two parts in each problem, containing multiple- choice type question and essay question, based on the principles of developing the two-tier test. In other words, the students were asked to select one option from the multiple choice question and to provide reasons for their choice in every problem. To have the representational sample, the subjects of the investigation were opted from different areas in Taiwan. Specifically, researcher randomly picked six schools from six different places, which were the downtown in Taipei, the suburb in Taipei, the middle between downtown and suburb in Taipei, Hsinchu, Changhua, and Tainan, and selected one or two classes from every grade in each school. The subjects in all six schools were taken the test in the middle of September and the time of test was limited to thirty minutes. At the time of the study, seventh-graders hadn’t taken any courses about chemistry, and eighth-graders had just learned some knowledge of basic biology so that only ninth-graders had been teached the relevant particulate concepts. For data analysis, showing the choosing rate of each item in every multiple-choice question, researcher classified the reasons which subjects described in each essay question according to Perry scheme, and defined that the students who gave the reasons which were classified over the level C are qualified .Therefore, researcher can added up the number of the reasons which were classified over the level C to calculate and gain the passing rate of each question. By data analysis, researcher inferred and assumed five conclusions, which were as follows: 1.Junior high school students’ understanding of particulate concepts will improve when they are developing. 2.Junior high school students possess some misconceptions of elements, pure substances, mixtures, compounds, physical changes, and chemical changes. 3.Scientific terms are hard for junior high school students to use correctly. 4.Junior high school students are accustomed to describe the macroscopic nature of matter rather than the microscopic nature of matter. 5.In terms of particulate concepts, it’s not proper to judge the level of understanding concepts of junior high school students.en_US
dc.subjectParticulate concepten_US
dc.subjecttwo-tier testen_US
dc.titleProgression in Children's Understanding of Particulate Concepts at Junior High Schoolen_US

