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環境議題為導向的教育探討環境議題的根本原因,來解決問題的策略。並建立大眾友善環境的思考與決策以及友善環境的行為。然而環境議題對於大眾是沉重的,筆者發現民眾往往有逃避的現象。目前桌上遊戲越來越普遍,乃是因為它有趣新奇的特色以及多元的遊戲機制,近年來有些環境教育的講師,結合桌遊的環境議題教學,讓大眾有興趣參與環境議題的教育活動。筆者亦發現有些環境桌遊放入太多的知識,沒有把握遊戲好玩的機制,反而玩家不覺得好玩。 本研究為質性研究,從教學者角度出發,以五名資深且精熟使用桌上遊戲進行環境教育活動的教學者為研究對象,藉由訪談研究對象、收集網站資料為輔,探討他們使用桌遊於環境教育課程的動機、手法、理念與建議,釐清桌上遊戲如何同時促進環境教育中的議題教學與學習者的學習興趣。探究如何使用更優質的方式將桌上遊戲結合環境教育課程。 本研究重要研究結果如下: 一、桌遊的特性可以與環境教育目標知結合,達到覺知、價值、知識和技能的環境教育目標。桌上遊戲根據使用者在課程中,藉由1.體驗議題;2.提供共同討論背景;3.營造討論的契機 的使用,發揮桌遊功能促進議題教學: 二、本研究訪談的五位受訪者活用遊戲活動的特質於課程中,讓課堂氣氛活躍,提升學習者愉悅的感受以及減少對課程的焦慮,以促進學習興趣的生成。學習興趣的觸發需要教師情境的營造,能引起學習興趣的要點為:1.了解完整的遊戲體驗;2. 教育性與遊戲性的比例拿捏;3.遊戲目標與教學目標相同。 三、優秀環境教育桌遊課的教學者所需的相關知能為:1.表達能力;2.桌遊掌握能力;3.敏感度;4.引導者的角色。 本研究根據研究結果,建議未來可以結合議題教學和遊戲教學,協同教學,並且未來可以探討在學校,課程時間有限及結構化下,如何有效的帶領環境桌遊達到較佳的效益。
Environmental education leads learners discuss the root causes of environmental problems and problem solving strategies to build learners’ thinking and decision making. However, the environmental issues are overwhelm for the general public so that they often escape to discuss. The board game became more and more popular due to its simple, fun, novel and diverse. The games with environmental issues were created to attract general audience, however if the games have too much knowledge and the players felt less fun. This research is qualitative research and interviewed five game leaders who are proficient in designing and leading some board games. The researcher wanted to explore from the interviewee the factors which could influence the game process and outcome, including learning effectiveness and learning motivation. The research results are briefed as follow: 1.The players in the board game can learn the five goals of the environmental education. Their games provided: 1. the players have experience about the issue, 2. The players and teachers have common experience in the game; 3. The teachers can use the content of the board game for discussion further. 2. Five interviewees used the characteristics of gaming activities in the course, enhance learners' pleasure and reduce anxiety in promoting learning interest. In the game play, the leaders need to handle the Knowledge and playful ness at the same time. 3. The game instructors are suggested to have four abilities: 1. expression ability;2. board game mastery;3. sensitivity;4. guidance ability It is suggested to explore how to use board game in the schools with structured curriculum with adjustment.



桌上遊戲, 環境議題教育, 學習興趣, 遊戲式教學, Board game, Environmental Issues Learning, Learning interest, Game-based learning

