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  人類隨著科技的進步對於能源的需求越來越大,因此開發出具有高能量密度與安全性的能源系統一直是科學家們努力的目標。而鋁金屬的化學性質相較於鋰金屬安定,在地球上的含量僅次於氧和矽,參與電化學反應時牽涉到三個電子的氧化還原故其理論電容量也相當高,是新一代儲能系統的理想材料。   而本篇研究主要利用臨場X射線繞射圖和臨場拉曼光譜分析的方式更深入探討電池充放電時AlCl4-離子對於天然鱗片石墨(SP-1)和膨脹石墨的插層行為。藉由兩種分析方法,證實在充放電過程中AlCl4-離子在石墨層間確實有嵌入嵌出的行為,而透過臨場X射線繞射分析的結果能判斷出AlCl4-離子嵌入石墨層時各繞射峰的晶面,且經計算後得知充電至截止電位時AlCl4-離子對兩種石墨的插層階段皆為3。
With the progress of science and technology, the ever-growing demand for energy is a serious issue. Therefore, the development of energy system with high energy density and safety has long been a subject for scientists. It is known that aluminum metal is more stable than lithium, and the amount of aluminum on earth is only less than oxygen and silicon. Besides, the redox reactions of aluminum involve 3 electrons, which gives a high theoretical capacity. Hence, aluminum has become a new candidate in energy storage system. In this study, we deeply discussed the behavior of AlCl4- ions intercalating into natural flake graphite (SP-1) and expanded graphite by using in-situ XRD and in-situ Raman. With the two analytical method, the intercalation/deintercalation of AlCl4- ions into graphite is once again confirmed existing during the charging/discharging process. Through the results of in-situ XRD analysis, we can determine the lattice plane of each diffraction peak when AlCl4- ions embedded into graphite layer. Furthermore, with calculations, the stages of two kinds of graphite cathode under fully charged status are determined.



天然鱗片石墨, 膨脹性石墨, 臨場X射線繞射分析, 臨場拉曼光譜分析, natural flake graphite, expanded graphite, in-situ XRD, in-situ Raman

