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石門水庫是北台灣民生經濟的重要命脈,然而受到人為不當開發以及氣候變遷等因素影響,使得石門水庫面臨到嚴重的問題,如2005年艾莉颱風所引發的災害,面臨連續18天供水短缺的窘境,對民生與經濟產業造成重大損失,因此水利署北區水資源局從2006年起,依據總統公告《石門水庫及其集水區整治特別條例》,啟動整治計畫相關工程,至2016計畫已告一段落。 石門水庫及其集水區整治計畫中並非僅注重於工程方面的興建與改善,在整治計畫中亦關注在地居民與生態保育,並期望透過環境教育來影響人們的態度與行為,在近年來皆有相當成效。其中的推手,便是整治計畫中的關鍵參與者,政府單位、在地居民、專家學者以及環保團體,而過程中的政策執行者─政府機關,更扮演了重要的角色,因此本研究以文件分析以及深度訪談的形式,與政府相關單位的工作人員進行訪談,藉此了解其在整治計畫中及所扮演的角色,以及執行計畫中是否融入了生態保育意涵。
In 2004,Taiwan was affected by Typhoon Aere which made heavy rainfall and caused landslide and mudflow disasters . As a result, the water in the Shimen Res-ervoir and its upper stream became highly turbid which far exceeded the treat-ment capacities of local water purification plants. Therefor, Taoyuan area which faced consecutive 18 days severe water shortages. In order to solve this problem , Water Resources Agency, Ministry of Economic Affairs conducted Shihmen Reser-voir and its Catchments Management Project. Since 2006, the project had conducted ten years, and it was completed in 2016. Shimen Reservoir and its catchment project is not only focus on the improvement of construction , but also public participation and ecological conservation, and change peoples’ attitude and action by environmental education. In recent years, the project had much effect , and it rely on the backstage driving force ─ the key participants who included the government , public and experts. Especially the government played the crucial role. This research applied document analysis to re-view the process of the remediation project , using depth interviews to explore government’s role and it’s ecological conservation implication in the remediation project.



石門水庫, 整治計畫, 關鍵參與者, 生態保育, Shihmen Reservoir, management project, key participants, conservation





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