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STS科學教育理念是「人在經驗情境中科學之敎與學」,九年一貫的精神是培養學生「帶得走的能力」,鄉土教育是培育「鄉土情懷」,綜合三者教育理念,研究者設計以學生在生活中常見的事、物為主,開發「植物染」、「膠體溶液」兩個教學模組,對桃園縣楊梅鎮某國中社團學生約三十人進行STS模組教學,其目的是希望學生能將學科內容與生活事物相連接,經由模組活動引導學生學習相關的科學概念,期望學生日後能主動探索事、物,並對科學產生興趣。。 研究者設計STS模組進行教學及編製與其學習內容相符合的成就測驗,再以S-P表分析學生經STS模組教學後其科學概念學習的情形。其結果如下: 1、 在植物染模組教學後學生的平均通過率增加37%;膠體溶液模組教學後平均通過率增加24.5%,因此社團學生的科學概念有明顯進步。 2、 在植物染STS模組教學活動後,一年級學生的科學概念進步較明顯,在膠體溶液STS模組教學活動後,三年級學生的科學概念進步較明顯。 3、 在「植物染」、「膠體溶液」STS模組教學活動,其實驗操作部份只給予引導性題目,不給實驗步驟、不提示實驗結果,讓學生自行探索。同學們對這種教學方式持正面肯定。 4、 STS模組教學後經由S-P表分析得知中、低學習成就的學生進步情形較為顯著。
Abstract The STS scientific education is to teach and learn science from personal experience. The spirit of the Nine-Year-Joint Curriculum plan is to develop the students’ ability to retain what they’ve learned in their studies. The country educational method is meant to cultivate a person’s attachment toward their country. By combing the three educational theories from above, the researcher designed two teaching modules, the plant dye and the colloid solution. The modules were based on what students see or experience in their daily lives. About 30 students from a public junior high school in Tauyuan participated in the research. The experiments were conducted during the students’ extra-curricular group activities. The objective of this study is to assist the students in their ability to connect to the sciencecontent in their daily lives. The modules will help guide the students through this learning process. It is the hope of the researcher that the students will learn to actively explore things and became interested in science now and in the future. The students participated in the designed STS modules and were tested in accordance with the learning content. The researcher evolved assorted science-concept assessment tools that were used to test the students’ progress with the content of the modules. After the conclusion of the teaching activities, the researcher investigated the influences on the students’ concepts of learning science. From the analysis of the S-P tables and from the results of the science-concept testing, the following may be concluded: 1. The students had obvious progress in learning the science-content after the STS module teaching, since the average pass rate increases 37% and 24.5%for the plant dye and colloid solution modules , respectively. 2. The seven grade students had significant progress in understanding the science-content after the plant dye STS module teaching. The ninth grade students had significant progress in understanding the science-content after the colloid solution STS module teaching. 3. During the experimental process, the researcher only offered the guiding topic questions. This let the students explore the experiment procedures as well as the result by themselves. The positive effects on the students using these kinds of teaching were definite. 4. From the analysis of the S-P tables, it was found that the students with lower to median studying achievement had pronounced progress as well.



STS, 教學模組, 社團, 科學概念





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