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在環境解說媒介中,戶外解說牌是遊客接觸較廣泛的媒介,然國內目前尚未就能達到最佳效果的內文字數範圍進行探討,本研究期望探討戶外解說牌內文字數之多寡是否影響成人遊客對解說牌內容之理解,並建議適當內文字數範圍,在休閒遊憩風氣興盛的當下,提供遊憩管理相關單位在戶外解說牌規劃上的參考,期使環境解說能提升遊客旅遊經驗,並促進其環境保護之意願與行動,落實非正規環境教育之內涵。 為回答研究假設與問題,本研究採用實驗研究法。第一階段透過專家學者評選出一面國內現存的最佳解說牌,研究者並依其內容改寫成不同字數版本,作為下階段實驗處理(treatment)之基礎,並依內文編製閱讀理解測驗,作為遊客理解狀況之測量工具,並由專家學者審核。第二階段透過實驗,將240位成人遊客隨機分派至六組,使各組遊客在等長時間內,觀看內容相同、內文字數不同之解說牌,隨後進行閱讀理解測驗,並依遊客所觀看解說牌字數之多寡,再將其閱讀理解測驗結果分為三大組,進行分析,以了解遊客對其所觀看之解說牌內文的理解狀況。 就本研究結果而言,觀看內文字數較少解說牌的遊客,在理解測驗平均得分與主旨覺知正確回答比例皆較高;然而透過單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA),兩者顯著性分別為.060與.038,顯示就本研究而言,解說牌內文字數多寡對於遊客在解說牌內文的主旨覺知上產生明顯影響,因此建議戶外解說牌之中文內文字數大約為100-140字,或許能讓多數遊客在解說牌主旨上獲得較佳理解效果,進而促成戶外解說牌設置之效益。
The purpose of the research was to examine whether the number of Chinese characters will influence visitors’ understanding for outdoor interpretation signs as well as to establish the appropriate number for Chinese characters in outdoor interpretation signs. The research was separated into two stages. In the first stage, a small group of professionals of environmental interpretation helped to select one most quality interpretation signs from existed outdoor interpretation signs collected in Taiwan, considering the aspects of conceptual design, artistic design and theme. And its content was rewrited, which included the same amout of information but with different number of Chinses characters on it. In the second stage, an experimental design was adopted. 240 adult visitors in Taomi Eco-community and Taipei Zoo were randomly assigned into six groups, reading an outdoor interpretation signs with specific number of Chinese chraceters. And a reading comprehension check followed so as to understand these visitors’ understandings. The results showed that visitors reading outdoor interpretation signs with less number of Chinese characters had better scores. However, the results for one-way ANOVA analysis for the two hundread and fourty visitors’ comprehension and theme perception were .265 and .103 seperately; both did not reach the significant difference standard, .05. Thus, for this research, the number of Chinese chracters did not influence visotrs’ understandings as it had been expected. Nevertheless, the primary suggested number for Chinese chracters would be 100-140 chracters for outdoor interpretation sign according to the research result. And further studies would be required. Keywords: environmental interpretation, outdoor interpretation sign, outdoor environmental education



環境解說, 戶外解說牌, 戶外環境教育, Environmental Interpretation, Outdoor Interpretation Sign, Outdoor Environmental Education





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