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國中生理化科環境目標結構、個人目標導向與學習結果之相關研究 中文摘要 本研究的研究目的為:(一)探討國中生在四種環境目標結構上之差異情形。(二)考驗國中生的環境目標結構與個人目標導向的關係。(三)探究國中生的個人目標導向與學習結果間的關係。(四) 了解國中生的環境目標結構與學習結果間的關係。(五)分析國中生的個人目標導向在環境目標結構與學習結果間的中介效果。為完成前述的目的,本研究抽取北、中、南三個地區五所國中13個班級,共434人為研究樣本。研究工具包括環境目標結構量表、個人目標導向量表、自我效能量表以及學習結果量表。本研究所蒐集的資料以 t-test、單因子重複量數變異數分析(one-way repeated measures, ANOVA)、多元迴歸分析( multiple regression analysis)及階層迴歸分析(hierarchical regression analysis)來考驗各項假設。 本研究的發現如下: 一、 國中生在四種環境目標結構上有差異。其中以教師精熟目標為最高,其次是父母精熟目標,而父母表現目標及教師表現目標最低。 二、 環境目標結構可預測個人目標導向。研究結果顯示:教師精熟目標結構與父母精熟目標結構最能預測學習者的趨向精熟目標,教師表現目標結構最能預測學習者的逃避表現目標,父母表現目標結構最能預測學習者的趨向表現目標。 三、 個人目標導向可預測學習結果。研究結果顯示:趨向精熟目標、逃避精熟目標與趨向表現目標皆可正向預測學習結果,而逃避表現目標可負向預測學習結果。 四、 環境目標結構可預測學習結果。研究結果顯示:四種環境目標結構皆可正向預測其學習結果。 五、 環境目標結構與學習結果受到個人目標導向的中介,其中以父母精熟目標結構透過趨向精熟目標對學習結果產生的效果最強。 關鍵詞:環境目標結構、個人目標導向、學習結果
The Relationship among Environment Goal Structure, Personal Goal Orientation and Learning Outcomes on the Subject of Physics and Chemistry of Junior High School Students ABSTRACT The purposes of this study were to: (a) investigate environment goal structures of junior high school students towards learning the subject of physics and chemistry, (b) examine the relation of student’s environment goal structures and personal goal orientation, (c) explore the relation of student’s personal goal orientation and learning outcomes, (d) understand the relation of student’s environment goal structures and learning outcomes, (e) analyze the mediating effects of individual goal orientation between environment goal structures and learning outcomes. The participants were 434 from 5 junior high schools and 13 classes in Taiwan. The instruments used in this study included Environment Goal Structure Scale, Personal Goal Orientation Scale and Learning Outcomes Scale. The statistical methods , used to analyze the data , were t-test , one-way repeated measures (ANOVA), multiple regression analysis and hierarchical regression analysis. The results of this study were summarized as followings: (a) Junior high school students had indeed four types of environment goal structures: teacher-mastery goal structure, parent-mastery goal structure, parent-performance goal structure, and teacher-performance goal structure. (b) Environment goal structure can predict personal goal orientation. Moreover, teacher – mastery goal structure, and parent-mastery goal structure were the best predictor of approach-mastery goal of learners ; teacher-performance goal structure was the best predictor of avoidance-performance goal of learners ; parent-performance goal structure was the best predictor of approach-performance goal of learners. (c) Personal goal orientation can predict learning outcomes. Moreover, approach-mastery goal orientation, avoidance-mastery goal orientation, and approach-performance goal orientation had positive relation with learning outcomes ; avoidance-performance goal orientation had negative relation with learning outcomes. (d) Environment goal structure can predict learning outcomes. Moreover, four kinds of environment goal orientation had positive relation with learning outcomes. (e) Personal goal orientation was the mediating variable between environment goal structure and learning outcomes. Moreover, approach-mastery goal orientation was the best mediation between the relation of parent-mastery goal structure and learning outcomes. Key words: Environment goal structure, Personal goal orientation,learning outcomes



環境目標結構, 個人目標導向, 學習結果, Environment goal structure, Personal goal orientation, learning outcomes





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