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中文摘要 本論文以研究硫化鎘(CdS)半導體奈米粒子之合成、光學性質與粒子在基材上分佈的情形為主。實驗內容包括兩部份,首先對奈米粒子進行光照蝕刻,期望能控制奈米粒子的尺寸單一性;以及藉由電化學方法在基材上(玻璃碳電極、高溫取向熱解石墨)沈積 CdS奈米粒子。經由控制電鍍的條件,合成出均勻度佳、分散性好的奈米粒子。此法的優點包含高產量、低成本以及易操作等特性。 在光照蝕刻部份,我們以非錯合性溶劑反應系統合成出 CdS奈米粒子,利用白光照射粒子進行蝕刻;經由改變光照時間,探討粒子尺寸的變化。從UV-Vis光譜儀,發現蝕刻後的粒子尺寸會隨著光照時間的增加而變小,在吸收光譜上呈現藍位移。此外,藉由公式估算及AFM可獲知粒子尺寸大小與在基材表面的分布情形,發現粒子粒徑經蝕刻後有明顯變小的現象。 在電化學部份,我們利用定電位的方式,電鍍CdS奈米粒子。根據實驗結果,從AFM及SEM的影像中,發現奈米粒子的大小與電鍍時間成正比;並利用XPS確認以定電位的方式能成功合成出CdS奈米粒子。
Abstract In this study, the optical properties and morphology of CdS semiconductor nanoparticles on the substrate are investigated. There are two experimental parts for preparing CdS nanoparticles; “top-down” and “bottom-up”. For the first part, we examined the characterization of CdS semiconductor nanoparticles prepared by the size-selective photoetching technique; in the second part, CdS nanoparticles were deposited on the GC (glassy carbon) or HOPG (highly oriented pyrolytic graphite) by electrochemical/chemical synthesis. The latter has not only higher yield but also lower cost and better control. We also hope to get a uniform and good quantity of nanoparticles by changing the synthesis conditions. In the size-selective photoetching, CdS nanoparticle were prepared by the noncoordinating solvent system and the different sizes were obtained by changing the irradiation time with the monochromatic light. It is a well-known fact that semiconductors exhibit quantum size effects when their size is smaller than the bulk exciton radius as a result of the spatial confinement of the charge carriers. This effect caused the shift of the onset of UV-Vis absorption to higher energy (blue shift). The size-selective properties were characterized by AFM measurements and were compared with Henglein’s empirical equation. We also used the electrochemical/chemical method to prepare the CdS nanoparticles at a constant potential. AFM and SEM images showed that the sizes of the nanoparticles depend on the depositing time. The Cd 3d and S 2p XPS peaks indicate the presence of CdS nanoparticles on the surface.



硫化格奈米粒子, CdS nanoparticles

