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食品安全小至影響個人的身體健康,大至關係社會穩定。在人們追求食品 安全與更好的飲食品質下,食農教育近年蓬勃發展,其涵蓋不同的專業教學領域, 例如農業科學、營養科學、社會文化、經濟學等等,具備永續發展教育中跨領域 學習的特性。然而,我國食農教育多著重在農業和美食的體驗,營養教育在食農 教育中受到一定程度的忽視。 本研究透過脈絡互動理論分析我國食農教育的現況,以及瞭解研究對象對 營養教育納入食農教育的看法,並且整理出營養師執行食農教育可能遇到的困難 與需要的資源,而後透過問卷調查,瞭解營養師參與食農教育的可行性。此外, 研究者以專業團隊的身份參與行動研究,驗證在食農教育系統中納入營養教育的 必要性與可行性。 研究結果顯示,缺乏營養教育內涵的食農教育,容易傳遞不完整的知識, 意即營養教育有必要納入食農教育系統。然而目前營養師參與食農教育的比例僅 約三分之一,因其面臨農業知識不足、經費有限等困難。中央主管機關可藉由提 供營養師學習農業相關知識的管道,以降低營養師參與食農教育的困難度,同時 提供經費與行政資源,以提昇營養師參與食農教育團隊的比例。
Food safety is a critical issue today because it not only affects people’s health but also has negative influences on social stability. In Taiwan, people place more emphasis on the quality of their daily diet and this results in the significant development of Food and Agriculture Education (FAE). As FAE is an interdisciplinary issue possessing the characteristics of sustainable development that includes multiple professions such as Agricultural Science, Nutritional Science, Social Culture and Economics, etc., it focuses more on Agricultural and Gourmet Experiences Activities in Taiwan. In this study, selective experts were interviewed and the results were analyzed using the Contextual Interaction Theory (CIT) to understand: 1) the current situations of Food and Agriculture Education in Taiwan; 2) the viewpoints of dietitians on the necessity of incorporating Nutritional Education into FAE in Taiwan; 3) the difficulties faced and the resources needed by the dietitians when conducting FAE. After this, questionnaires were distributed to dietitians to investigate feasibility and applicable strategies of integrating Nutritional Education into the existing FAE. Also, an action research was carried out, with the researcher’s identity as a professional dietitian, to confirm necessity and feasibility of integrating Nutrition Education into the existing FAE. The results indicated that lacking the Nutritional context, the FAE is not completed, which means it is necessary to integrate Nutritional Education into the current FAE systems. However, only 1/3 of the dietitians conducted FAE because of lack of training in Agriculture Education and funding for operating related activities. To improve this situation, providing quality Agriculture Education and more financial resources is suggested to empower the dietitians in Taiwan to operate FAE.



營養教育, 食農教育, 永續發展教育, 脈絡互動理論, Nutrition Education, Food and Agriculture Education System, Sustainable Development Education, Contextual Interaction Theory

