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2030年永續發展議程中指出,在2020年以前,必須保育及永續利用海洋與海洋資源,以永續的方式管理及保護海洋與海岸生態,實現健康又具有生產力的海洋。 被熱帶海洋圍繞的馬來西亞,長久以來以珊瑚礁、紅樹林及海龜為主要的海洋保育對象,沿岸的海草床則較不被重視。然而,全世界的海草正在急速減少中,上個世紀,全球海草的覆蓋率已下降了約30%。近年來,馬來西亞出現了一些關懷在地海草床保育的非政府環保組織及環境教育私人公司,分別透過海草及海馬的監測、親子海洋教育等活動,以一系列的海草床保育行動及教育活動,帶領民眾及社區居民一同進行海草床保育。 在環保組織成員的帶領下,馬來西亞的海草床及相關環境議題已逐漸受到關注。本研究目的旨在探討海草床保育團體的發展歷程、行動策略,通過了解團體成員的反思歷程,完整呈現組織成員在組織發展過程中建立起的個人行動能力,以作為組織未來發展建議的參考依據。研究者提出的研究問題為: 一、馬來西亞海草床保育團體的發展脈絡及運作方式為何? 二、馬來西亞推展海草床保育的行動與策略為何? 三、海草床保育團體成員之環境行動能力在保育團體中扮演著什麼角色? 本研究以Jensen& Schnack(1997)提出的行動能力觀點作為質化資料的分析準則。本研究以深度訪談為主要的資料收集,研究結果將以民主素養與批判性思考為基礎,歸納出推動馬來西亞海草床保育團體成員所具備的知識與洞察力、承諾、願景及行動經驗四大行動能力要素。研究發現組織成員在推動海洋保育行動時融入了強烈的民主觀點及批判性思考,且各項行動能力要素間存在著相互影響的關係。
Abstract According to the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, it states that by 2020, conservation and sustainable use of marine and marine resources will be managed in a sustainable way to protect marine and coastal ecology. Having a healthy and productive sea is one of the target in the agenda. Malaysia is surrounded by tropical oceans, where has been paying a lot of attention on the conservation of coral reefs, mangroves and turtles. However, seagrass bed near the coastal area has been neglected for a long time. In the last century, 30% of global seagrass had disappeared and still decreasing rapidly. There is a number of environmental NGO and organization which concern with the seagrass issue were established recently. They spread the awareness about protecting the seagrass ecology through volunteer seahorse tagging programs and parents and kids marine education programs. Their target is to reach out to the public and local community to involve themselves in the environment around them. The purpose of this study is to analyze the action strategies and key factors of the individual’s action competence of the NGO. The research questions are as following: 1. What is the development and operation model of the NGO? 2. What kind of actions and strategies took by the NGO to protect the seagrass bed in Malaysia? 3. What is the individual’s action competence and the role they played in the marine conservation NGO? Action competence proposed by Jensen& Schnack (1997) will be the analytical approach to the qualitative data in this research. This study is based on in-depth interviews as the main data collection. The result of the research is using the democratic literacy and critical thinking to summarize the knowledge and insights, commitment, vision and action experience of the members from Malaysia’s marine conservation NGO. The study found that members of the seagrass protecting NGO promoted the marine conservation action with a strong democratic point of view and critical thinking and there is a close relationship between the elements of the action competence and it will affect each other.



行動能力, 非政府組織, 海草床保育, action competence, NGO, seagrass bed conservation





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