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  許多環境教育與環境心理學相關研究的成果中,皆顯示人與自然接觸、與自然產生心理的連結,無論是生理或心理層面皆有正面的影響,並且這樣的經驗與情感能促使人們積極從事友善環境的行動。身處於環境教育活動第一線的林務局國家森林解說志工們,他們長期沐浴在臺灣的自然山林中,並擔任「引渡人」的角色,進行解說活動引領人們重新回到大自然的懷抱中。這樣的一群為環境無償付出、盡心盡力的人們,他們與自然的連結以及採取友善環境相關行動的狀況究竟是如何,亟待探索。   研究者根據前述的關懷,提出本研究目標:一、瞭解林務局解說志工的自然連結之狀況。二、瞭解林務局解說志工的環境行動之狀況。三、探討林務局解說志工自然連結與環境行動之關係。四、探索林務局解說志工各背景變項之於自然連結之可能預測因子。五、探索林務局解說志工各背景變項之於環境行動之可能預測因子。研究採用問卷調查法來深入瞭解,針對解說志工蒐集研究所需資料,並藉由分析資料所得結果回答本研究的核心關懷。   研究結果發現,解說志工們的自然連結狀況良好。解說員與自然在心理上合而為一的認同感高;解說志工們身體力行環境行動的頻率隨著行動的難易度與複雜度有所變化。在自然連結與環境行動相關性分析的結果顯示,自然連結與環境行動具有中度相關,而自然連結各個構面與環境行動的各個類別之間有著不同的相關性程度,主要以「自然連結我」構面與環境行動各種類別的相關性較高。最後,個人背景變項在居住縣市、學歷、年齡等對自然連結具有預測力;職業與參與保育相關志願服務工作年資對環境行動具有預測力。   研究者建議未來可針對林務局國家森林解說志工的自然連結進行更深入的研究,並且依據相關研究的成果,創造符合臺灣社會情況的測量自然連結之工具。也建議未來可更深入地探討自然連結與環境行動之間存在影響的關鍵因素,使環境教育在實務層面能夠更有效地達成環境教育的精神與目標。
The main purpose of this research is to explore the relationships among nature connection and environmental action of national forest volunteer interpreter of Forestry Bureau in Taiwan. Studies have suggested that the connection between people and nature has a positive impact on human’s health and life. The experience and affection of nature connection could be used to promote people to engage in friendly environmental action. The voluntary interpreters of Taiwan forestry bureau, for long time, expose to nature and guide people to get close to nature. This research discussed that the interpreters’ level of nature connection and what kind of environmental action they presented by understanding the relationship between nature connection and environmental action, and what interpreter’s personal background could be the predicted factor for nature connection and environmental action. This study questionnaire survey (n=349) was employed “Nature Relatedness Scale”. The results of correlation and regression for this research indicated as following: 1. Interpreters considered they have high connection with nature, and see themselves as the part of nature. 2. Interpreters’ environmental actions were changed by difficulty and complexity of action. 3. Dimensions of nature connection and different types of environmental action have significant result of correlation analysis. The dimension of “NR-Self” has high correlation with every types of environmental action. 4. The result shows that resident area, education level, age, length of conservation service, and length of voluntary service as the interpreter of Taiwan forestry bureau are predicted factors for nature connection. 5. Occupation, gender and length of conservation service are predicted factors for environmental action.



解說志工, 自然連結, 環境行動, Volunteer Interpreter, Nature Connection, Environmental Action





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