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近年來政府機關或其他非營利組織單位主要以績效評估作為衡量機關組織成效的工具。其中利用平衡計分卡的績效評估模式導入各類型機關組織,已獲得不錯成效。我國環境教育法開始施行至今已進入第六個年度,自環境教育機構認證施行以來,目前尚未有一套構面較為完整且使用平衡計分卡的績效衡量系統來建立指標。若能將其引入環境教育機構實施成效檢視當中,不僅有助於瞭解我國環境教育之推廣落實現況,更可以幫助現行策略的執行及續後的檢討。 本研究利用平衡計分卡法來建立大專院校型環境教育機構的績效指標。透過文獻內容分析及實務工作者之訪談意見來建構出我國大專院校型環境教育機構績效指標初稿再利用德菲法小組專家審查對指標的回饋及意見修正,共建立(一)財務構面;(二)顧客構面;(三)內部流程構面;(四)創新與學習構面,四大構面,並包含了十一個向度及三十三條我國大專院校型環境教育機構績效指標。研究者亦發現專家學者普遍高度關切機構首要功能為給予學員完善的師資及充實、符合其所需之課程並且願將其納入環境教育機構績效指標中,而環境教育機構營運收入問題、組織工作類型、職場環境、人員管理,相對之下其重要性評等稍低。 本研究最後彙整出的大專院校型環境教育機構績效指標績效指標,能夠作為評估我國大專院校型環境教育機構的現況、找出問題的癥結點並提供未來相關機構績效衡量之參考。
In recent years, government agencies or other Non-profit organizations mainly use performance indicators as a tool to measure the effectiveness of the organization. Among evaluation tools, the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) has been successfully introduced into many types of public sectors. While the Environmental Education Act has been placed for six years but now it still doesn’t has a program which construct completely to use BSC to build the evaluation indicators since the environmental education institutions certification be implemented. Therefore, if we could introduce BSC into environmental education institutions certification it will help to realize the status for environmental eduation implemention in Taiwan but also to help us review and have a discuss into the implementation of the current strategy. In this study the author used the BSC to build performance indicators for assessing domestic Colleges environmental education institutions. Through content analysis of past literature and interviews with practitioners in the field the author drafted preliminary performance indicators and modified based on the feedbacks provided by experts review panel as per the Delphi technique comes out 4 prime dimensions, 11 sub-dimension, and 33 performance indicators. The 4 prime dimensions include “Financial”, “Customer”, “Internal Processes”, “Innovation&Learning”. During the research process, it was also found that most experts put a great concern in Environmental Education Institutions subjects such as providing students a complete instructor to enrich the curriculum. However, regarding to the profit shortage, the group combination surroundings of the work space and the management of the employees in Environmental Education Institutions the importance is lower than others. In this study, Performance Indicators of the College-based Environmental Education Institutions can have the potential to evaluate the current conditions of these institutions and thereby aid in their improvement.



環境教育機構, 績效指標, 平衡計分卡, Environmental education institution, performance indicators, balanced scorecard

