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問題導向學習輔以網路合作模式應用於石門水庫集水區地理環境教育成效評量之研究 摘 要 本研究以問題導向學習輔以網路合作模式來進行「石門水庫泥沙淤積來源」探究教學,對象為國中八年級的學生。本研究在課程設計上,組成研究團隊與桃園縣國中地理科教師,及其他縣市地球科學與地理科教師進行課程設計與修正,並使用google map及blog作為教學媒介。研究方法上,採質量並重的方式,在量化資料取得上,以「集水區環境議題學習態度」為主要工具;在質化資料分析上,則以學生部落格討論、學生訪談、課堂觀察、教師訪談、教學省思等資料,加以編碼撰寫,深入了解學生在課程進行中的反應及變化。 本研究主要目的在探究學生經由此實驗課程來進行集水區環境議題的教學後,對集水區環境議題學習態度的轉變,並了解學生對此一教學方式來進行集水區環境議題探究的看法。所得結果為:在量化資料分析上,經獨立樣本t檢定分析後,發現教學組學生在經過實驗教學後,在集水區環境議題的學習動機、學習集水區環境議題的態度及集水區環境議題學習技能的後測平均數表現上,均高於非教學組,且達顯著差異。而教學組在前後測的表現上,經相依樣本t檢定分析後,三構面的平均數亦明顯提升,且達顯著差異。 在質化資料的分析上,可看出經實驗教學過後,學生在探究集水區生態保育及水土保持問題時,能從生產、生活、生態的觀點出發,做出更完整及深入的思考。學生在取得集水區環境議題資訊技巧的提升及對網路合作學習的熟悉,也提高了學生在集水區議題探究的興趣與議題探究上的多元性。 最後,研究者根據教學過程與結果,提出對環境教育推廣者未來從事集水區地理環境教學與研究上的建議,並作為日後教學及後續研究之參考。
The study on the impact of problem-based learning by integrating web-based cooperative learning in Shihmen Reservoir Watershed geography environmental education Abstract The purpose of this research is to discuss the influence of junior school students learning watershed geography environmental issues by means of problem-based learning by integrating web-based cooperative learning and google map. This curriculum was designed by the researcher group composed of earth sciences teachers and geography teachers. The method of data collection is based on the quantitative materials and the qualitative materials . The collections of the quantitative materials are on way of “Scale of Watershed Environmental Issues Attitudes ”. The data was collected by the method of average, independent samples t-test and paired samples t-test. And the collections of the qualitative materials are on way of blog, learning lists and the interviews to few learners who has taken the exam. Two classes of eighth-grade students were participants, who were divided into the teaching group (n=36) and the non-teaching group (n=34). The experimental curriculum was used to be instruction for the teaching group while the non-teaching group received regular lecture instruction. The teaching lasted 5 weeks and 6 class sessions were included. According to the analysis of quantitative and qualitative data, the results were showed as follows: (1) The teaching group had obvious effects higher than the non-teaching group in Watershed Environmental Issues Attitudes. (2) Between pro-teaching and post-teaching, the teaching group had the obviously promoting change of watershed environmental issue attitude. (3) After teaching, most students already learned how to find useful and correct date to explain the phenomenon and could accept other opinions in the process of discussion. (4) Students also expressed their keen sense of self-direction in learning watershed environmental issue and used to explore watershed geography environmental issues on the viewpoints of production, living and ecology.



問題導向學習, 網路合作學習, 地理環境教育, 集水區環境議題學習態度, Problem-Based Learning, Web-Based Cooperative Learning, Geography Environmental Education, Scale of Watershed Environmental Issues Attitudes

