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海洋是地球生命維續與永續發展的重要系統,因此透過海洋教育培養正確的人海互動關係,提昇海洋素養、拓展關心全球與在地海洋的視野,一直是全球研究與政策重點。基隆作為臺灣重要海洋及海港城市,擁有豐富海洋及港口資源,具有海洋環境教育發展潛力,且隨著十二年國教之特色學校與課程實行,基隆市高中職應有發展海洋特色專長及海洋環境教育之必要性。 本研究探討具有基隆地方特色的高中職海洋環境教育應包含的架構內涵及未來合作發展建議,研究目的為:1. 探討基隆市高中職海洋環境教育的發展現況與資源;2. 探討兼具「全球觀」與「適地性」的海洋城市高中職海洋環境教育目標與架構內涵;3. 探討基隆市高中職海洋環境教育的區域資源網絡。研究方法包括面訪問卷、半結構訪談11位基隆市高中職教師、機構與學者代表。 本研究結論如下:1. 在海洋教育發展現況上,學校與機構的課程發展已有基礎,未來可結合十二年國教的彈性課程,持續發展更完整的海洋環境教育方案;設施參訪目前集中在特定幾個學習點位,但市內豐富但分散的其他點位,應加以串聯與發展;人力運用上,學校與機構均希望拓展更多元的合作人力,對於目前增能活動的型態,學校也希望能更有整體性架構。 2. 在海洋環境教育架構內涵部分,在地專家評選出的重要內涵與學習議題,與理論文獻強調的重要理念相符,也具有考量實施可行性、結合在地議題與資源之特性,但在海洋探勘技術、從流域到海洋、實驗與數據分析的關注則較弱;本研究建立的基隆市高中職海洋環境教育架構內涵,包含:「從在地到國際」實行原則,「環境生態」、「海洋經濟」、「海洋文史」三大議題,「海洋生態保育」、「海洋資源永續使用」、「海洋體認與觀察」、「海洋的系統交互作用」四大內涵。 3. 在未來合作發展的建議,依據學校和機構的供給與需求,可優先嘗試:成立跨校與機構的共同研發與人力合作社群、發展整合地區資源的海洋體驗中心與交流平台,期望能提供基隆市海洋教育者發展海洋及海港特色教育之參考,並強化學校與夥伴團體的連結,共同促進具有基隆在地特色的海洋環境教育。
Ocean is an important system of our planet in support of life and sustainable development. There are increasing recognitions in promoting ocean education to develop knowledge about human-ocean interactions ocean literacy and broaden the world views and concerns from global to local marine environment. Keelung, as an important port city in Taiwan, embraces rich natural and cultural ocean resources to develop marine environmental education. As the implementation of featured school and curriculum in twelve-year compulsory education, the high schools in Keelung should emphasize the ocean and harbor characteristics and develop marine environmental education. The aims of this research include, (a) investigating the status and resources of marine environmental education in high schools in Keelung; (b) developing a framework for marine environmental education of an ocean city based on global and local perspectives; (c) linking regional learning resources to schools. The research methods include: questionnaire and semi-structured interviews with 11 representatives of teacher and scholar in Keelung. The conclusions are as follows: (a) in the current situation of marine education: schools and institutionals have basic curriculums, but can develop more complete programs; facilities’ visiting is concentrated in some educational points, other points should be connected; schools and institutionals want to develop more cooperation and holistic workshops. (b) In the framework for marine environmental education: the important learning content and issues are consistent with the theoretical concepts and combined with local issues and resources, but about “marine survey technology”, “from river to ocean”, “experiment and data analysis” are weaker; the framework including: a principle of “from local to global”, three issues of “environmental ecology”, “marine economy”, “history and culture”, and four content of “marine ecology conservation”, “sustainable use of marine resources”, “ocean experience and observation”, “ocean and other systems interaction”. (c) The suggestions for future cooperation and development can try to: establish the inter-institution, co-design and cooperation community; and develop a marine experience center to integrate regional resources and be communicative platform. To strengthen the linkage between schools and non-formal education partnership, and promote the local featured marine environmental education in Keelung.



基隆市, 高中職, 海洋環境教育, 海洋教育, Keelung, Senior high school and vocational high school, Marine environmental education, Marine education

