
dc.contributorWang Shun-Meien_US
dc.contributor.authorLin Wen-Meien_US
dc.description.abstract本研究以問卷調查為主、質性訪談為輔的方式,探究國小高年級學童對能源學習動機、能源認知以及能源態度與是否受宣導活動、校外教學、校園能源主題課程與校園再生能源設施等4項背景變項而有所差別。 本研究進行描述性統計、推論性統計,茲將研究結果歸納如下: 一、在校園中進行能源宣導活動,對基隆市高年級學童的能源認知、「對能源一般概念的了解」層面有顯著影響,在態度部分僅「日常生活節能態度」層面達到顯著差異。 二、學校實施以能源為主題的校外教學對基隆市高年級學童的能源學習動機、「對風力發電的了解」以及能源態度產生負面影響,且達顯著水準。在「對太陽能發電的了解」認知層面有正面影響且達到顯著水準。 三、在校園內實施以能源為主的主題課程,基隆市高年級學童的能源認知、「對能源一般概念的了解」認知層面達到顯著水準。 四、在校園中設置再生能源設施及相關能源設施,對基隆市高年級學童的學習動機、能源認知及能源態度的影響,結果分述如下: (一)校園中設置風力發電機 在校園中設置風力發電機對基隆市高年級學童的「對能源一般概念的了解」認知層面及能源認知達到顯著差異、但在學習動機「注意力」層面、「學習節能與新能源資訊」層面,是負面影響,且達顯著水準。 (二)校園中設置太陽能電板 在校園中設置太陽能電板,對基隆市高年級學童的「對能源一般概念的了解」、「對太陽能發電的了解」、整體能源認知及「學習節能與新能源資訊」達到顯著差異。 (三)校園中設置能源教室 在校園中設置能源教室且利用教學,對基隆市高年級學童的「對太陽能發電的了解」、「對風力發電的了解」達到顯著差異,但在「學習節能與新能源資訊」層面,則是校園內無能源教室平均分數高於有能源教室,且達顯著水準。 (四)教師本身的專業素養 教師在教學時著重教導學生所謂一般性的能源概念,對於太陽能發電及風力發電了解較少,或是學生主動學習能力不足,導致學生對此二部份的了解較少;在有設置能源設備學校進行能源宣導次數及上主題課程的時間較多,宣導內容重複性太高,導致學生對能源的學習動機及學習節能與節能新資訊的態度較低。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study is to investigate influences of advocacy activities, extracurricular teaching, school-based curriculum, renewable energy sources equipment on motivation for energy education,energy knowledge and attitude of fifth-grade and sixth-grade students in Keelung city. This research adopted method with self-designed questionnaire . The researcher did interview school teachers who assisted the survey and came out with qualitative result. The study analyzed the data by basic descriptive statistics and inferential statistics and the conclusions from this study are listed: 1. Advocacy activity of energy significantly influences the high graders on energy knowledge, general concept of energy, and attitude of daily life energy conservation. 2. Extracurricular teaching based on the theme of energy had significant negative influences on motivation of learning energy and on the understanding of wind power and the attitude toward energy, while as it has significant influences on the understanding of solar energy generation. 3. Implementation of school-based curriculum about energy significantly influences on motivation of learning energy and general concept of energy. 4. Establishing renewable energy sources facility and related energy facility influences on high graders, the conclusions are as follows: 4.1 Sets up the wind generator Setting up the wind generator significantly influences on concept of energy, energy knowledge, but it has significantly negative influences on their attention, attitudes of studying energy conservation and new energy information. 4.2 Sets up the solar energy electroplates Setting up the solar energy electroplates significantly influences on concept of energy, energy knowledge, understanding of Solar electrical energy generation and attitudes of studying energy conservation and new energy information. 4.3 Sets up the energy classroom Setting up the energy classroom and using it on teaching significantly influences on understanding of Solar electrical energy generation and wind power generation. But on the aspect of studying energy conservation and new energy information isn’t significantly influenced for the average grades of schools without energy classroom are higher than schools with energy classroom. 4.4 Students do not have enough understanding of solar electrical energy generation and wind power generation, and this might due to student’s active learning ability is insufficient or teacher’s focuses on concept of energy while teaching. Schools with energy equipment have more times of carrying on the advocacy activity of energy and implementing school-based curriculum on energy, this causes students’ motivation to learn energy and attitudes toward studying energy conservation and new energy information to be down.en_US
dc.subjectmotivation to learn energyen_US
dc.subjectenergy knowledgeen_US
dc.subjectenergy attitudeen_US
dc.subjectwind poweren_US
dc.subjectsolar energyen_US
dc.titleInfluences Of Promoting Energy Education In Elementary School In Keelung On the Motivation To Learn Energy, Energy Knowledge and Attitudes Of The Energyen_US

