探討影響國二學生數學學習成就的因素-以TIMSS 2003為例


本研究旨在建構「影響國二學生數學成就之相關因素模式」。依據Pintrict(1996)的動機理論、Cheng(1995)的教師效能多元理論、Coleman(1988)的人力資本與財務資本論為架構,提出影響數學學習成就的理論模式。並利用TIMSS 2003的5379名國二學生為樣本,以結構方程模式的統計分析方法,進行適配度考驗與因果關係的模式驗證。結果證實所提出的理論模式具有良好的適配度,主要的發現如下: 1.學生的成就動機、自我效能與數學評價是學生數學態度的良好指標; 2.學生的數學態度越佳,其數學學習成就越高; 3.教學策略、教學氣氛與評量層是教師效能的良好指標; 4.教師效能越強,學生的數學學習成就越高; 5.父母學歷、家中藏書與家中資源是學生家中教育資源的良好指標; 6.學生的家中教育資源,會影響學生的數學態度與教師效能,進而影響數學學習成就; 7.數學態度對數學成就的影響力最大,家中教育資源次之,教師效能的影響力最小。 最後,本研究也針對研究結果和方法論提出建議,以作為未來進一步研究的參考。
The purpose of this research is to construct and validate ' the relevant factors' model that influences mathematics achievement of eight grades '. The theoretical model that influences mathematics achievement is based on the motivation theory of Pintrict (1996), the teacher effectiveness theory of Cheng (1995), and the human capital and financial capital theory of Coleman (1988). The sample includes 5379 students of eight grades in TIMSS 2003 study, and the data is analyzed by structural equation modeling to test the goodness of fit and the causal-effect of the theoretical model. The results of this study showed that the model had the suitable goodness of fit. The major findings are: 1.Student's achievement motivation, self-efficiency and mathematics value are good indicators of student's mathematics attitude; 2.The better student's mathematics attitude is, the higher student's mathematics achievement is; 3.Teaching tactics, teaching atmosphere and levels of assessment are good indicators of teacher's effectiveness. 4.The more effective the teacher's effectiveness is, the better student's mathematics achievement is; 5.Parents' educational level, books in the family and home resources of students are good indicators of home educational resources. 6.Home educational resources will influence student's mathematics attitude and teacher's efficiency, and then indirectly influence mathematics achievement; 7.Mathematics attitude is the best indicator, home educational resources is the second, and teacher's effectiveness is the last. At last, there are some suggestion about the results of study and methodology for the future study.



TIMSS 2003, 數學成就, 結構方程模式, 數學態度, 教師效能, 家中教育資源, TIMSS 2003, mathematics achievement, structural equation modeling (SEM), mathematics attitude, teacher's effectiveness, home educational resources





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