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西元2004年起,台灣與澳洲簽署工作假期簽證協定,至今已超過十四萬人次赴澳壯遊,居各目的國首位,其中已有上萬名台灣人透過WWOOF (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms)等平台參與生態打工換宿,可視為環境危機四伏下,透過另類生活進行環境教育的機會。 本研究以轉化學習(Transformative Learning)的觀點 ,匯集質性資料和訪談結果,依據轉化學習理論調查架構編制問卷,立意取樣400位澳洲工作假期的台灣參與者為研究對象,探討影響續行動、觀點層面的轉化學習因素和成果。 研究結果顯示澳洲工作假期經驗確實有助台灣年輕人建構更整全的永續觀點:啟動社會批判、實踐綠色飲食行動。澳洲的生活理念、農牧工作體驗和自然景觀帶給受訪者最多震撼。整體經驗對受訪者永續觀點社會面上的影響仍甚於環境面。國際生態打工換宿參與者在動手做、實踐永續生活的能力則普遍較台灣參與者為高。 觸發事件的震撼程度直接影響轉化學習過程但並未直接影響轉化學習成果,顯示經驗的品質取決於學習過程的消化,有賴個別轉化學習能力。先前的轉化學習成果有助於後續進階的轉化學習,即轉化學習的能力是可以累積的。研究建議欲透過海外工作假期拓展視野者,透過關注社會環境議題、參與社會行動或志願服務,培養批判性反思等轉化學習所需的能力。
The Working Holiday agreement had been signed between Taiwan and Australia in 2004. Since then more than 140,000 Taiwanese went to Australia as the most visited destination among the countries which implemented the akin program with Taiwan. Over 10,000 Taiwanese have been volunteer helpers in exchange for free board as eco working holidays via WWOOF or other programs, which offer environmental education opportunities to experience alternative lifestyle upon facing global environmental crisis. Under the perspective of Transformative Learning, the study collected pertinent qualitative data and interview results in order to elaborate the questionnaire as the research tool based on transformative learning theoretical principles. The research purposively sampled 400 qualified interviewees who have joined working holidays in Australia, and explored the possible factors’ effect on promoting transformative learning toward sustainability. The research results demonstrate that working holidays in Australia do facilitate Taiwanese youth to build up of sustainability perspective: (1) The onset of social critics, (2) putting sustainable diet into practice. Australian living philosophy, farming experiences and natural view have bought the most influence for the interviewees. The overall experience’s influence on perspectives toward social sustainability is more than that on environmental one. In comparison to Taiwanese participants in eco working holidays, international volunteers have more competence in the practices of DIY(do-it-yourself) for sustainable living. The impacts of trigger events influencing transformative learning process but not effects implies that the experience quality depends rather on learning digestion, individual transformative learning ability than the events themselves. Previous transformative learning effects favoring advanced ones may conclude that the transformative learning ability can be accumulated. The research suggests future participants who hope to broaden horizons via overseas working holidays cultivate the capability in need such as critical reflection through caring about social, environmental issues, joining social actions or volunteer service.



澳洲工作假期, 轉化學習, 世界有機農場機會組織, working holiday, transformative learning, WWOOF





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