利用微生物 MerR 家族與二元調節系統設計銅離子生物感測器
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本研究使用微生物抵抗銅離子的調控系統,利用基因重組技術設計量測銅離子的全細胞生物感測器。本研究分別使用青枯桿菌 (Ralstonia eutropha) 中屬於 MerR 家族的 cue 基因調控組,以及耐金屬貪銅菌 (Cupriavidus metallidurans) 中屬於二元調節系統的 cop 基因調控組,以紅色螢光蛋白作為訊號輸出的報導基因來建構質體,設計出不同的銅離子生物感測器。其中,cueR 生物感測器除了能夠量測銅離子之外,在適當的前處理下還能分別量測銀離子與金離子。根據世界衛生組織所公布的飲用水水質準則,飲用水中銅離子的含量不得超過 2 mg/L (31 μM),本研究所設計的 cueR 生物感測器以耐金屬貪銅菌作為質體之宿主時,量測銅離子的最低偵測極限為 25.54 μM,能夠量測飲用水中銅離子是否超標。而在 copSR 生物感測器的實驗中,嘗試使用不同的 cop 啟動子,建構出多種 copSR 生物感測器。也嘗試表現紫茉莉的 4,5-多巴雙加氧酶 (DOPA 4,5-Dioxygenase of Mirabilis jalapa, MjDOD),透過添加 L-多巴 (L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine, L-DOPA) 催化產生出甜菜黃色素 (betaxanthin),以色素的生成作為輸出訊號,進而縮短檢測時間。此外,我們嘗試在不同來源的水樣品中額外添加銅離子進行量測,證明本研究設計的 copSR 生物感測器不會受到水中其他雜質干擾而影響銅離子量測。本研究設計出多種銅離子生物感測器,隨著每種生物感測器偵測範圍不同,可望運用在不同的需求上。
In this study, we used recombinant DNA technology to develop whole-cell biosensors for the detection of copper ions. The bacterial copper resistance regulons of MerR-family and two-component system (Ralstonia eutropha cue regulon and Cupriavidus merallidurans cop regulon, respectively) were used to regulate the expression of rfp (red fluorescence protein) reporter gene for the construction of whole-cell biosensors. Our results demonstrated that cueR-based biosensor could detect copper, silver, and gold ions under appropriate pretreatments. When using C. metallidurans as a host cell, the limit of detection for copper was 25.54 μM. According to World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines, the recommended value of copper in drinking water is below 2 mg/L (31 μM). The cueR-based copper biosensor designed in this study can successfully detect whether drinking water contains excessive copper ions. In the case of copSR-based biosensors, different copSR-based biosensors were constructed by screening various cop promoters. In order to reduce the detection times, we expressed DOPA 4,5-Dioxygenase of Mirabilis jalapa (MjDOD) which used L-DOPA (L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine) as a substrate to produce yellow fluorescent pigments, betaxanthins. Furthermore, we added known concentrations of copper ions to real water samples, such as tap water and pond water. Our copSR whole-cell biosensor showed no significant sample matrix effect. With various detection ranges and different detection limits, copper biosensors in this study can provide applications with different windows of detection.
In this study, we used recombinant DNA technology to develop whole-cell biosensors for the detection of copper ions. The bacterial copper resistance regulons of MerR-family and two-component system (Ralstonia eutropha cue regulon and Cupriavidus merallidurans cop regulon, respectively) were used to regulate the expression of rfp (red fluorescence protein) reporter gene for the construction of whole-cell biosensors. Our results demonstrated that cueR-based biosensor could detect copper, silver, and gold ions under appropriate pretreatments. When using C. metallidurans as a host cell, the limit of detection for copper was 25.54 μM. According to World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines, the recommended value of copper in drinking water is below 2 mg/L (31 μM). The cueR-based copper biosensor designed in this study can successfully detect whether drinking water contains excessive copper ions. In the case of copSR-based biosensors, different copSR-based biosensors were constructed by screening various cop promoters. In order to reduce the detection times, we expressed DOPA 4,5-Dioxygenase of Mirabilis jalapa (MjDOD) which used L-DOPA (L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine) as a substrate to produce yellow fluorescent pigments, betaxanthins. Furthermore, we added known concentrations of copper ions to real water samples, such as tap water and pond water. Our copSR whole-cell biosensor showed no significant sample matrix effect. With various detection ranges and different detection limits, copper biosensors in this study can provide applications with different windows of detection.
全細胞生物感測器, 銅離子, 青枯桿菌, 耐金屬貪銅菌, CueR, CopSR, 紅色螢光蛋白, 4, 5-多巴雙加氧酶, 甜菜黃色素, whole-cell biosensor, copper, Ralstonia eutropha, Cupriavidus metallidurans, CueR, CopSR, red fluorescence protein, DOPA 4, 5-Dioxygenase, betaxanthin