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關於植物氣味與人體呼氣中揮發性有機化合物(VOCs)的探討在近年來發展蓬勃,透過層析與質譜儀技術分析其中成分,可辨別植物當中形成特殊氣味來源的化合物,或研究人體代謝途徑及反應,在食品科學或醫學方面應用範圍都十分廣泛。本研究將上述兩者結合,除了研究大蒜氣味成分,也對人體食用大蒜後的呼氣成分變化進行分析。過往的研究在採集大蒜氣味常採用頂空法(headspace)、固相微萃取(SPME)及超臨界流體萃取(SFE)等方法;人體呼氣也有使用以多孔洞樹酯及碳吸附劑所填充的吸附管(sorbent Tubes)採樣。本實驗室採用自製的多階式前縮管(multi-stage preconcentrator)結合六向閥進行採樣及進樣,其優勢在於不需移動裝置,即可採集樣品、進樣至層析儀,以及自行吹拂清掃,操作便利,經耐性測試可反覆加熱超過千次。使用前濃縮系統結合氣相層析-質譜儀(GC-MS)可測得約20種大蒜氣味中的硫化物,食用大蒜後呼氣中亦測得15種來自大蒜的硫化物。此外以微型氣相層析儀(Micro-GC)建立其中兩種氣味主要成分硫化物之校正曲線,以觀察人體食用大蒜後呼氣成分中硫化物衰減趨勢及濃度變化。
Discussions about plant odors and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in human breath have developed vigorously in recent years. Through the analysis of components in chromatography and mass spectrometry, it is possible to identify compounds that form special odor sources in plants, or to study human metabolic pathways and reactions, in food science or medicine are widely used.This study combines the above two. Not only studying the odor components of garlic, but also analyzing the changes in breath components after eating garlic. Previous studies used headspace method, solid-phase microextraction (SPME) and supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) to collect garlic odor; human exhalation was used to fill with porous resin and carbon adsorbent for sampling. The laboratory uses a self-made multi-stage preconcentrator combined with a six-port valve for sampling and injection. Its advantage is that collecting, injecting, and cleaning by itself without moving the device. The operation is convenient. After the endurance test, it can be heated repeatedly for more than a thousand times.About 20 kinds of sulfides in garlic odor can be detected by the preconcentration system combined with GC-MS, and 15 kinds of sulfides from garlic can also be detected in the breath after eating garlic. In addition, Micro-GC was used to establish the calibration curves of two main odor sulfides to observe the concentration changes in the exhaled components of humans after eating garlic.



大蒜氣味, 硫化物, 人體呼氣 VOCs, 微型氣相層析儀, garlic odor, sulfide, human breath VOCs, Micro-GC





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