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本研究以各類地圖為主要教學媒介,進行石門水庫集水區地理環境議題教學,研究對象為國中七年級學生。本研究目的在探討地圖運用於石門水庫集水區地理環境教育課程對學生對於石門水庫集水區環境議題認知與技能意向、地圖知能之影響。 本研究資料採用質、量並行的方式取得,依據石門水庫集水區地理環境議題自行編製教學課程模組。以問卷做為前、後測的研究工具,取得量的統計分析資料,佐以教學活動所收集的課堂觀察、學生作業、學生訪談等資料,作為描述性資料分析的依據。研究結果歸納如下: 一、 教學組與非教學組學生在集水區地理環境教育課程介入前,在石門水庫集水區環境議題學習認知、技能意向與地圖知能量表的得分上並無顯著差異,顯示兩組學生為同質性的團體。課程介入後,三個構面得分上,教學組學生均高於非教學組學生,且達顯著差異。 二、 教學組學生在課程介入後,在石門水庫集水區環境議題學習認知、技能意向與地圖知能量表的三個構面上,後測得分皆高於前測,且達顯著差異。顯示地圖運用於石門水庫集水區地理環境議題教學的介入,有助於提升學生學習成效。 三、 在質化資料分析上,可看出地圖運用於石門水庫集水區地理環境議題教學課程,提升了學生在集水區議題探究的興趣、收集資料的能力及地圖使用的能力。 本研究根據教學過程與結果,提出對環境教育推廣者及未來研究者從事集水區地理環境教學與研究上的建議,作為後續教學及研究的參考。
The purpose of this research is to discuss how it would influence the seventh-grade students on their knowledge, intention of skill and map concept& skill toward the Shihmen reservoir watershed geography environment issues by applying different types of maps to teach the Shihmen reservoir watershed geography environment issues. The method of data collection is based on quantitative and qualitative materials. The researcher designed the curriculum module of Shihmen reservoir watershed geography environmental issue for seventh graders. The quantitative data were collected from “The Knowledge, Intention of skill and Map concepts & skill of Watershed Geography Environmental Education Questionnaire” used as the pretest and the posttest. The descriptive data were collected by classroom observation, students’ homework, and interviewing students. The results are summarized as follows: 1.Before teaching, there were no significant differences in the scores of Shihmen reservoir watershed geography environmental education knowledge, intention of skill and map concepts& skill in the pretest between students from teaching group and non-teaching group. After teaching, there was a significant difference 2.Significant differences in knowledge, intention of skill and map concepts & skill of Shihmen reservoir watershed geography environmental education were found for the teaching group. The score of the posttest were higher than the one of the pretest. This suggests that applying maps to the Shihmen reservoir watershed geography environmental education was effective. 3.After teaching, it proves students on the interests in investigating watershed environmental issues and the capacities for data collecting and map using. Based on the results, the researcher made suggestions for environmental education advocators and future research.



地理環境教育, 集水區環境議題, 地圖知能, geography environmental education, watershed geography environmental issues, map concepts & skill





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