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工業革命後的資本主義興起與擴張,經濟發展伴隨著大規模工廠生產、環境開發、資源利用與消耗,因而衍生各種發展所產生的環境污染,尤其空氣污染更是最直接影響健康。每日的每口呼吸中幾乎都含有PM2.5,這些有害物質會隨著呼吸道進入了身體,逐漸形成傷害。當空氣污染問題已嚴重危害環境公共衛生、人類生活與生存權利,研究者身為具有行動能力的公民並且同時身為博物館教育工作者,試圖嘗試藉由調查研究為博物館找到透過展覽作為環境教育推展的可行性。 因此本研究透過「島嶼浮塵:PM2.5視界特展」進行量化研究問卷調查,有效問卷410份,回收率87.9%,以SPSS 23.0統計分析。平均以20歲至30歲的女性為主,學歷則是大學居多。研究結果發現,受試者在參觀展覽後的知識有高度成長,而環境知識與態度、知識與主觀規範、態度與行為,亦呈現顯著相關。其中最能產生行為影響的是參觀者的環境態度(標準迴歸係數為0.521)。另外透過訪談紀錄發現,參觀者在日常生活中會有的改變是態度與行為上的變化,空氣污染攸關自身健康,因此觀眾在接收展覽知識後,皆持正向反應並表達願意產生實際行動。
Although the Industrial Revolution has made great progress in technology and economy, the environmental problems following with overexploitation are getting worse under capitalization. The changes trigger irreversible consequences for not only the environment but also human health, such as PM2.5. Those fine particulate matters (PM2.5) penetrate via the respiratory tracts into the lung directly and cause health issues. As a citizen of the Earth and a museum educator, this study tries to find out the possibility of practices on environmental education through an exhibition of air pollution. The study approached visitors who participated in the exhibition, The Island of Floating Smog:PM2.5 Visual World, at NTSEC and conducted a quantitative research questionnaire. By using a statistical tool called SPSS 23.0, there were 410 valid questionnaires from an overall response rate of 87.9%, and the majorities were aged 20 to 30 females with bachelor degree. The result illustrates that the related knowledge of this topic has grown significantly after visiting the exhibition. Also, the environmental knowledge, subjective norms, environmental attitudes and behaviors have positive correlations with the willingness to put into practice. Among them, the environmental attitudes of visitors are the most likely factors to make behavioral impacts (The Standardized Regression Coefficient is 0.521). In addition, according to the case interviews, the reason for the behavioral changes in daily life is the relevance between the topic and visitors’ own health. Therefore, the visitors are willing to take actions on solving air pollution after participating in the learning process of the exhibition.



PM2.5, 展覽, 環境知識, 態度, 環境行為, PM2.5, exhibition, environmental attitudes, environmental behaviors

