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有健康的環境,才會有健康的人類。隨著科技的日新月異,以及都市化程度 日益增加,人與自然之間的關係漸漸疏離,這樣的情形可能影響人類的健康;在 臺灣,罹患「文明病」如憂鬱症、焦慮症的人有增加的趨勢。然而,越來越多的 研究發現,接觸自然對身心健康皆有益處。 本研究基於對環境與人類健康的關懷,探討經常接觸自然的關渡自然公園志 工,他們和自然連結的情形,與心理幸福感的狀況;並探索自然連結感與心理幸 福感之間,是否存在著可以描繪的正向關係;以及志工們不同個人背景,對於自 然連結感的影響;最後,瞭解自然連結感可能的預測因子。 研究結果發現,關渡自然公園志工們自然連結感與心理幸福感的狀況,皆在 中等偏上的程度;自然連結感與心理幸福感之間,具有顯著的正向關係;志工們 不同的教育程度與職業,對於其自然連結感有顯著差異;志工們從事服務業與自 由業,自然連結感有較低的情況,整體模型可以解釋自然連結感的變異量為 10.9%。 人類有喜愛親近自然的天性,本研究結果驗證了當人們經常接觸自然,與自 然建立連結,會促進其心理幸福感。透過修復與自然之間的關係,讓人們獲得身 心的健康,當人們體會到擁有美好的自然環境,才有健康幸福的生活,人們也許 就願意愛護他所屬的環境,與自然和諧共處,最終創造人與自然之間良性的互動 與循環。
The health and well-being of human are linked to the state of our environment. With the rapid development of technology and increasing urbanization, human gradually became alienated from nature. This alienation might have negative effect on human health. In Taiwan, the number of people suffering from mental disease such as depression and anxiety has increased. However, contact with nature may improve human health. More and more studies have found that nature environment is beneficial to physical and mental health. Based on the concern for environment and human health, the present study investigate Guandu Nature Park’s volunteers – a group of people who usually contact with nature, their Nature Relatedness(NR), and the current state of Psychological Well- Being(PWB). Moreover, we explore associations between NR and PWB, and the influence of volunteers with different personal backgrounds on the sense of NR. Additionally, we use stepwise multiple regression analyses to explore the potential predictors of NR. The participants of this study is the volunteers of Guandu Nature Park. We conducted a questionnaire survey to investigate the relationship between NR and PWB. Participants were directed to complete online questionnaire. All statistical analyses were performed using the SPSS 22 .0 software. We use descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, correlation analysis and multiple regression to address the goal of this study. The results indicates as following: vi 1. The mean of NR scale shows Guandu Nature Park’s volunteers have moderate to high degree of agreement on their nature relatedness. 2. The mean of PWB scale shows Guandu Nature Park’s volunteers have moderate to high degree of agreement on their psychological well-being. 3. There was significant positive associations between NR and PWB. 4. NR-Self is a significant predictor of PWB. NR-Self can predict 36.8% of the variance in PWB independently. 5. Guandu Nature Park’s volunteers’ different education level and occupation has significant different on their NR. 6. Guandu Nature Park’s volunteers who work in the service industry and freelance may predict lower NR. The regression model can explain 10.9% of the variance in NR. Human has innate love for nature. Our results support the notion that connect with nature can contribute to psychological well-being. Through connect with nature, people improve both physical and mental health. By realizing how their well-being link with healthy environment, people may be willing to care for the environment which they belong, and finally build a harmonious relationship between nature and human.



自然連結感, 心理幸福感, 自然公園, 志工, nature relatedness, nature connectedness, psychological well-being, volunteer





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